How are formulas with inductive proofs discovered?

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of coming up with mathematical formulas and the role of inductive proofs in proving them. The speakers mention using empirical observation and making conjectures before fully understanding a problem. The conversation also suggests looking at the delta between successive values as a useful step in an inductive proof.
  • #1
There are certain formulas for which only inductive proofs are known. But since we need to know the formula first to prove it using mathematical induction, how do they get the formula in the first place?
Here is an example: - Euler's formula in graph theory states that v-e+f=2 for all planar graphs. I think only an inductive proof is currently known. So how did he come up with this formula without proving it first?...guessing?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Here is some interesting information (courtesy of micromass):-

I believe the topic of generatingfunctionology answers yours question, though I'm no expert.
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  • #3
There are different ways.
1. Try to find a formula empirically. For example, if you want to know a formula for the nth triangular number 1+2+3+...+n, you could compute the first 20 and try to find a relationship with n by examining the numbers. You can notice a lot of patterns just be examining data closely.

2. Sometimes you can know a lot about a problem without completely understanding it. In those cases you might have reason to believe something but not be able to prove it. For example, you might suspect that ln(n) - 1 -1/2 -1/3 - ... - 1/n approaches a limit without being able to prove it. Basically, even if you don't understand something very well, you can try to apply induction. You can "get lucky" with induction by proving something that you don't understand that well. The drawback is that such proofs don't always add much to your understanding or suggest new avenues to pursue.

I suspect that empirical observation is the main way that people conjecture formulas before they understand them.
  • #4
Hey Avichal.

One should note the important step in an inductive proof which is the delta between successive values of n.

It obviously depends on the nature of the constraint (summation, multiplication, inequality, etc) but looking at the delta between steps is a good way to proving something or at least getting an idea of whether it potentially could be true (in the context of statements in induction proofs).
  • #5

There are several ways in which formulas with inductive proofs can be discovered. One way is through experimentation and observation. Mathematicians may notice a pattern or relationship between certain numbers or objects and then use mathematical induction to prove it for all cases. This is often seen in combinatorics and number theory.

Another way is through deductive reasoning. Mathematicians may start with a known formula or theorem and use deductive reasoning to derive a new formula, which can then be proven using mathematical induction. This is a common approach in algebra and geometry.

It is also possible that a formula is discovered through a combination of experimentation and deductive reasoning. For example, a mathematician may notice a pattern in a series of numbers and use deductive reasoning to come up with a general formula, which can then be proven using mathematical induction.

In the case of Euler's formula in graph theory, it is likely that Euler observed a pattern in different planar graphs and used deductive reasoning to come up with the formula v-e+f=2. This formula was then later proven using mathematical induction.

In short, formulas with inductive proofs can be discovered through a combination of experimentation, deductive reasoning, and observation. It is a process that requires creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.

FAQ: How are formulas with inductive proofs discovered?

1. How do scientists come up with formulas for inductive proofs?

Scientists use a combination of logical reasoning, experimentation, and observation to come up with formulas for inductive proofs. They first identify patterns and observations in the data and then use logic and reasoning to develop a formula that can explain these patterns.

2. What is the process of discovering formulas for inductive proofs?

The process of discovering formulas for inductive proofs typically involves identifying patterns in data, making hypotheses, testing those hypotheses through experimentation, and then refining the formula based on the results of the experiments. This process may be repeated several times until a satisfactory formula is found.

3. Can formulas for inductive proofs be discovered through trial and error?

While trial and error may be a part of the process, it is not the only method for discovering formulas for inductive proofs. Scientists also use logic, reasoning, and experimentation to develop and refine their formulas.

4. How long does it take to discover a formula for an inductive proof?

The time it takes to discover a formula for an inductive proof can vary greatly. It depends on the complexity of the problem, the availability of data, and the skills and resources of the scientist. Some formulas may be discovered quickly, while others may take years of research and experimentation.

5. Can formulas for inductive proofs be proven to be correct?

Formulas for inductive proofs can never be proven to be absolutely correct, but they can be supported by strong evidence and used to make accurate predictions. It is important for scientists to continually test and refine their formulas to ensure their accuracy and applicability to different situations.

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