Power output of a simple generator

In summary: Dean had a song called "5252" about a guy who just can't get no satisfaction.In summary, at 5252 RPM torque and horsepower have the same number.
  • #1
How do I convert the RPMs of a simple turbine (e. g. a windmill) into the power it generates? Let's say that I want to know if a single windmill of a certain size can power a refrigerator. Assume that I already know how long the blades have to be to produce the RPMs, and I know the energy requirements of the refrigerator. I am only looking for a basic equation of RPMs to power (watts or joules). Thank you.
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  • #2
I don't know the answer, but I at least know that its not that simple.
RPM alone don't tell the full story. You could get a small baby-toy scale turbine to rotate at the same RPM as a big power turbine.
What you can get is - for a given wind speed, and for a given turbine type of certain size you can find out the mechanical power output. The mechanical to electrical conversion is often >90% efficient.
The theoretical limit to the maximum power that can be harnessed is given by
Power_max = 0.5 x Swept Area x Air Density x Win_Velocity^3
But to get anywhere near the maximum power you need to have a state-of-the art turbine design.
  • #3
Hi, I_am_learning - Thanks for your input. I was afraid it might not be as simple as I had hoped. Apparently I will have to keep digging.
  • #5
Thanks, Russ!
  • #6
russ_watters said:
Power is rpm times torque divided by 5252 (English units). http://www.largiader.com/articles/torque.html

Thanks Russ !

i've been looking for an easy to remember number for that conversion, and 5252 is it .
52 twice makes me think of Tex Ritter's "Deck of Cards"

So at 5252 RPM torque and horsepower have the same number. That's right in operating band of small outboard motors i tinker with.

old jim

FAQ: Power output of a simple generator

What is a simple generator?

A simple generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It typically consists of a rotating coil of wire, called an armature, that is placed in a magnetic field. As the armature spins, it generates an electric current.

How is the power output of a simple generator measured?

The power output of a simple generator is typically measured in watts (W). This measurement takes into account both the voltage and current produced by the generator. The formula for power is P = VI, where P is power in watts, V is voltage in volts, and I is current in amps.

What factors affect the power output of a simple generator?

The power output of a simple generator can be affected by several factors, including the strength of the magnetic field, the speed of rotation of the armature, the number of turns in the coil, and the resistance of the circuit. Generally, a stronger magnetic field and faster rotation will result in a higher power output.

Can the power output of a simple generator be increased?

Yes, the power output of a simple generator can be increased by increasing the strength of the magnetic field, using a larger or more closely wound coil, or increasing the speed of rotation of the armature. However, there are limits to how much the power output can be increased based on the design and materials of the generator.

What are some applications of simple generators?

Simple generators are used in a variety of applications, such as in power plants to generate electricity, in wind turbines to convert wind energy into electricity, and in bicycles to power lights or charge electronic devices. They are also commonly used in small portable generators for camping or emergency situations.
