Find power of antenna from emf on coil

In summary, the speaker is trying to measure the power and intensity of electromagnetic waves generated from a welding cable using a homemade coil antenna and a digital oscilloscope. However, due to the short length of the antenna compared to the wavelength and incorrect placement, the measurements are not accurate. The speaker is advised to try using a higher frequency and seeking help from a local ham radio club for proper experimentation.
  • #1
I want to find power of the electromagnetic waves generated from a welding cable. I built my own coil antenna that is 6.5 inches in diameter (circular) with 50 turns and hooked up the ends to a digital oscilloscope to measure the voltage (the internal resistance is 1MΩ if it matters). I measured 11Vpp with T=2.75μS on the coil when it was placed directly on top of the welding cable. The coil is placed directly on top of the cable, so it receives approximately 180 degrees of the signal.

I know that Emf = N*dPhi/dt (where N=# of turns) and that Phi = Area*B*cos(θ).

I've found what I thought was the right math to find the Poynting vector, but I am getting vastly insane numbers such as 139W/m^2 which cannot be right.

How do I calculate 1) The power of the welding cable as an antenna, and 2) The intensity of the wave?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

It's not easy to measure EM waves at low frequencies (I assume your welder is AC, right?). For one thing, you need to be in the far field to properly measure a propagating wave. No antenna that is shorter than one-half wavelength radiates well, however, and in your case the antenna (welding cable) is negligibly long compared to one-half wavelength, which is 2500 km at 60 Hz. All electrically small antennas are poor radiators, but yours is really not an EM antenna at all.

Your coil could couple inductively (that is, magnetically) to the current in the wire, but by placing the coil directly and symmetrically on top of the wire, you ensure that inductive coupling is zero. Reposition it so that it lies in the same plane as the wire, and you'll measure an induced electromotive force, that is, you'll have a transformer. At present, you are probably getting capacitive coupling from the wire voltage to the high impedance scope input.

You might want to try an experiment at high frequency with a proper antenna. Members of your local ham radio club could help you set up an experiment to, e.g., verify that the Poynting power flux density falls off as 1/R^2 in the far field of a UHF antenna.
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FAQ: Find power of antenna from emf on coil

1. What is the relationship between EMF on a coil and the power of an antenna?

The EMF (electromotive force) induced on a coil by an antenna is directly proportional to the power of the antenna. This means that as the EMF increases, so does the power of the antenna.

2. How can I calculate the power of an antenna from the EMF on a coil?

The power of an antenna can be calculated using the formula P = (EMF)^2 / R, where P is the power in watts, EMF is the electromotive force in volts, and R is the resistance of the coil in ohms.

3. Is the power of an antenna affected by the number of turns in the coil?

Yes, the power of an antenna is affected by the number of turns in the coil. Increasing the number of turns in the coil can increase the EMF induced, and therefore, the power of the antenna.

4. Can the power of an antenna be increased by changing the material of the coil?

Yes, the power of an antenna can be affected by the material of the coil. Different materials have different resistances, which can impact the amount of EMF induced on the coil and therefore, the power of the antenna.

5. How does the distance between the antenna and the coil affect the power of the antenna?

The distance between the antenna and the coil can affect the power of the antenna. As the distance increases, the EMF induced on the coil decreases, resulting in a lower power output. This is why it is important to have the antenna and coil as close together as possible for optimal power transmission.
