Should I stay with my job or go for an Internship?

In summary, an engineer should stay with their current company if they love it and are learning a lot. If the company offers a great future with many opportunities, an engineer should consider specializing in their field.
  • #1
I am currently going to school to become an engineer and I have just recently started working for a start up company ran by a mechanical engineer from MIT. I am learning a lot and love working there. My question is should I stay there and learn as much as I can or should I intern somewhere to gain a variety of skills? I haven't picked a major yet but I will most likely be electrical engineer or chemical material engineer. I love the job but a classmate said I should intern at many places to gain as much experience as I can. Anyone have any thoughts? Thank You very much for your time.
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  • #2
I think you should stay there if you love it as you said.
I guess the decision is breadth vs depth.
Does you current job not offer breadth?
Ultimately, I think if you gain the trust of the employer you will end up doing more cool things than you would if you were an untrusted member of many teams.

Just my two cents. Good luck!
  • #3
If you're learning a lot where you are, you'd be a fool to switch off to an internship unless you know it will offer you training or experience you can't get where you currently are. It sounds like your current job will give you all sorts of opportunities already. If your current job settles down, to the point that you're just working and not learning, then consider heading for an internship - but until then, enjoy what you have, and learn from it.
  • #4
If you see your current job offering you a great future and a huge area to specialise in and get experience from then I wouldn't advice you to leave it. Since you haven't picked a major yet and you enjoying what your currently doing I think you should consider specialising in that field.
By the way, working for a start up company will give you great skills and experience that you will never get if you work in a large company
  • #5
Thank You all very much for your time and help. I appreciate everything and will take it all into great consideration. If anyone else has something to add please do so.

FAQ: Should I stay with my job or go for an Internship?

1. Should I prioritize gaining experience through an internship over staying with my current job?

It ultimately depends on your career goals and current situation. If you are looking to gain more hands-on experience in a specific field or industry, an internship may provide valuable opportunities for growth. However, if you are satisfied with your current job and it aligns with your long-term career goals, staying may be the best option.

2. Will an internship hurt my chances of advancing in my current job?

Not necessarily. While pursuing an internship may require you to take a temporary leave of absence from your current job, it can also demonstrate to your employer your dedication to continuous learning and professional development. Additionally, the skills and experience gained from an internship may be transferable and beneficial in your current job.

3. How will an internship benefit my career?

An internship can provide hands-on experience, exposure to new industries and job roles, networking opportunities, and the chance to develop new skills. It can also serve as a resume booster and make you more competitive in the job market.

4. Is it possible to balance an internship with my current job?

It may be challenging, but it is possible to balance an internship with your current job. It will require effective time management and communication with both your internship supervisor and your employer. It may also be helpful to discuss your situation with your employer to see if any adjustments can be made to accommodate your internship.

5. How can I determine if an internship is the right choice for me?

Consider your career goals, current job satisfaction, and the potential benefits of an internship. You can also speak with others who have pursued internships or reach out to mentors or career counselors for guidance. Ultimately, trust your instincts and make a decision that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations.

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