What Does a Strong Eigenvalue Signify in a System of Equations?

  • Thread starter LouArnold
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In summary, the conversation discusses the significance of strong and weak eigenvalues in a system of equations. A strong eigenvalue corresponds to a dominant eigenvector that the system follows as time tends to infinity. In a system of coupled ODEs, the largest eigenvalue will dominate as time goes to infinity. This concept can also be applied to least square problems, as it is generally easier to numerically find a large eigenvalue than a smaller one.
  • #1
In a system of equations with several eigenvalues, what does it mean (signify) when one is strong (high in value) and the others are weak (low in value)?

Can a general statement be made without referencing an application? If so, is there a math book that explains the idea?
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  • #2
If you are referring to a system of coupled ODE's then 'strong' eigenvalues correspond to the dominate eigenvectors. When I say dominate I mean ones that when time tends to infinity that the system follows a straight line given by the eigenvector.

Suppose you have two coupled 1st order ODE's which yield the general solution
[tex] {y_{1} \choose y_{2}} = \alpha {1 \choose 2} e^{4t} + \beta {3 \choose 5} e^{5t}[/tex]
So 4 is an eigenvalue associated with the eigenvector [itex] {1 \choose 2} [/itex] and 5 is the eigenvalue associated with the eigenvector [itex] {3 \choose 5} [/itex].

As time goes to infinity [itex] e^{5t} [/itex] becomes much larger than [itex] e^{4t} [/itex]. Thus we consider
[tex] {y_{1} \choose y_{2}} \approx \beta {3 \choose 5} e^{5t}, [/tex]
which leads to
[tex] \frac{y_{1}}{y_{2}} \approx \frac{3}{5} \Rightarrow y_{2} \approx \frac{5}{3}y_{2}. [/tex]

In any system the largest eigenvalue will lead to its associated eigenvector dominating as time tends to infinity.
  • #3
ThirstyDog said:
In any system the largest eigenvalue will lead to its associated eigenvector dominating as time tends to infinity.

I understand the explanation in the way that it applied to ODE. The solution to the system is clear. But I was thinking of a least square problem. Whether SVD or the standard eigenvalue calculation is used, what is the significance of larger versus smaller eigenvalues?
  • #4
The only thing I can think of is that, generally, it is easier to numerically find a large (in absolute value) eigenvalue than a smaller. Numerical methods typically find the largest eigenvalue, then remove that eigenvalue and apply the same method to find the next largest eigenvalue.

FAQ: What Does a Strong Eigenvalue Signify in a System of Equations?

1. What is the definition of strong eigenvalues?

Strong eigenvalues are a type of eigenvalue used in linear algebra to describe the strength of a transformation or matrix. They represent the maximum amount by which a vector can be stretched or compressed by the transformation, and are determined by finding the roots of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix.

2. How are strong eigenvalues different from regular eigenvalues?

Strong eigenvalues differ from regular eigenvalues in that they consider the magnitude of the transformation, rather than just the direction. They take into account both the stretching and compressing effects of the transformation, whereas regular eigenvalues only describe the direction of the transformation.

3. What is the significance of strong eigenvalues?

Strong eigenvalues are important because they provide valuable information about the behavior of a matrix or transformation. They can tell us the maximum amount of stretching or compression that can occur, which is useful in applications such as signal processing and image compression.

4. How are strong eigenvalues calculated?

To calculate strong eigenvalues, we first find the eigenvalues of the matrix using the characteristic polynomial. Then, we use the definition of strong eigenvalues to determine the maximum and minimum eigenvalues, which represent the strongest and weakest stretching or compressing effects of the transformation.

5. Can there be more than one strong eigenvalue for a matrix?

Yes, a matrix can have multiple strong eigenvalues. This means that there can be multiple directions in which a vector can be stretched or compressed to its maximum or minimum extent. However, a matrix can only have one strongest and one weakest eigenvalue.

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