Completeness of ℝ (when ℝ is defined abstractly)

  • Thread starter Fredrik
  • Start date
In summary, the question of whether ℝ, defined as a Dedekind-complete ordered field, is a complete metric space is not well-defined because the definition of "metric space" refers to ℝ. However, it can be said that ℝ is completely metrizable and can be given a metric that makes it complete. Additionally, ℝ carries a natural topology and can be shown to have a norm that induces its topology. Therefore, the norm on ℝ is not as unnatural as one might think.
  • #1
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Suppose that we define ℝ abstractly instead of by explicit construction, i.e. we just say that ℝ is any Dedekind-complete* ordered field. Can we now prove that ℝ is a complete metric space? Does the question even make sense? I mean, the definition of "metric space" refers to ℝ. What ℝ is that anyway, the abstract one or one defined by explicit construction (Dedekind cuts)?

*) By that I mean that every set that's bounded from above has a least upper bound.
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  • #2
If you define [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] simply as a Dedekind-complete ordered field, then it carries no natural structure of a metric space yet. You must first define the metric before you can talk about completeness.

It does carry a natural topology though: every linearly ordered set can be topologized with the order topology:

So, we can say that [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] is completely metrizable: that is, we can say that it has a metric that makes it complete. But there are many such metrics.

Then again: [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] with the order topology is a topological vector space, even a locally convex topological vector space. And it can be shown that it's topology can be induced by a norm. So the norm on [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] is not so unnatural as one might think.

Does that answer your question or am I way off??
  • #3
That's a good answer. I see now that I had a bit of a brain malfunction when I asked the question. I was worried about a few things that it doesn't make sense to worry about. You helped clear that up, and i appreciate that. Thank you.

FAQ: Completeness of ℝ (when ℝ is defined abstractly)

What is the definition of completeness in ℝ?

Completeness in ℝ refers to the idea that every non-empty subset of ℝ that is bounded above must have a least upper bound in ℝ. In simpler terms, this means that there are no "gaps" or "holes" in the real number line.

How is completeness related to the concept of the continuum?

Completeness is closely related to the concept of the continuum, which refers to the idea that the real numbers form a continuous, unbroken line. This is because completeness ensures that there are no missing or "jumping" points in the real number line, making it a true continuum.

Why is completeness important in mathematics?

Completeness is an important concept in mathematics because it guarantees the existence of certain mathematical objects, such as limits and solutions to equations. It also allows for the use of mathematical tools such as the Intermediate Value Theorem, which is based on the idea of completeness.

How does completeness in ℝ compare to completeness in other number systems?

Completeness in ℝ is unique compared to other number systems, such as the rational numbers or the complex numbers. This is because ℝ is the only number system that is both ordered and complete, meaning that it follows the same rules of arithmetic as the familiar number line, while also having no gaps or holes.

Are there any limitations or exceptions to the completeness of ℝ?

While completeness holds true for most applications in mathematics, there are certain mathematical constructs, such as non-standard analysis, that do not rely on the concept of completeness in ℝ. Additionally, completeness may not hold in certain non-standard models of ℝ, such as the surreal numbers. However, for most practical purposes, completeness in ℝ is a fundamental and reliable concept.
