How to tell if your head is about to explode ?

  • Thread starter Another God
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In summary, a person's head can explode, and it is usually caused by something like a gunpowder residue or carbon stippling. It is not always clear if there is an entry wound, and the death is usually a result of the explosion.
  • #1
Another God
Staff Emeritus
Gold Member
How to tell if your head is about to explode...?


Can someone just validate this for me from a second news source. Just so I know this isn't a big joke.
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Biology news on
  • #2
Want to buy a bridge? Ocean front property? I've got some great used cars for you --- owned by little old ladies who drove them only on Sundays.
  • #3
I think this guy just must be a big fan of the film Scanners.
  • #4
The X-files once had an episode on head-explosions :P it was caused by a secret government facilitity. The remedy was to drive and not stop driving, the doppler effect would safe you :)
  • #5
As a real X-phily should know, the episode is Drive:

Scully: "There's no gunpowder residue... No carbon stippling. There seems to be no evidence of an entry wound whatsoever."
Coroner: "There is none. It's all exit, but how that could be...?"
Scully: "I'm finding what look like fragments of petrous bone embedded in the remaining portion of the auditory canal. In fact, I seem to be looking straight through to the osseous labyrinth or what's left of it."
Coroner: "It's almost like a little bomb went off in her ear."
Scully: "May I?"
Coroner: "Please."
Scully: "There seems to be some kind of tumefaction within the lateral sinus." [Scully examines the body and notices blood welling up from the ear, without warning an explosion of blood bursts onto Scully's scrubs]
  • #6 don't think it's real huh?

  • #7
Originally posted by Another God don't think it's real huh?

Where have you been living, in a cave? People's heads explode all the time. I never go out in public without a spare towel to wipe off the mess. Between exploding heads and spontaneous human combustion, it's not safe to walk the streets.
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  • #8
Kids snorting pop rocks and soda explode all the time. Seriously, cerebral hemorrhages can be spectacular, but exploding skulls? Nerp.
  • #9
I wouldn't say spectacular, rather devastating..
  • #10

Originally posted by Another God


Can someone just validate this for me from a second news source. Just so I know this isn't a big joke.
Apparently you are also supposed to be very sceptical about .edu references AG :) Never trust someone from MIT, they are trying to mess with your sanity :P
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FAQ: How to tell if your head is about to explode ?

1. How can I tell if my head is about to explode?

The most common signs that your head may be about to explode include intense pressure or pain in your head, dizziness, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating.

2. What causes a head to feel like it's about to explode?

A head that feels like it's about to explode is typically caused by a sudden increase in pressure within the skull, which can be due to a number of factors such as stress, migraines, or a brain injury.

3. Can a head actually explode?

No, it is not physically possible for a person's head to actually explode. The skull is a strong and resilient structure that can withstand a significant amount of pressure. However, a severe increase in pressure within the skull can cause serious health complications.

4. What should I do if I feel like my head is about to explode?

If you are experiencing intense pressure or pain in your head, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. This could be a sign of a serious medical condition, and a doctor can properly diagnose and treat the underlying cause.

5. Can stress cause my head to feel like it's about to explode?

Yes, stress can be a major contributing factor to a feeling of pressure or pain in the head. When we are stressed, our bodies release hormones that can cause our blood vessels to constrict, leading to increased pressure within the skull. Finding ways to manage and reduce stress can help alleviate this symptom.

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