Why don't photons experience time?

In summary, Einstein tried to imagine what an electromagnetic wave would look like from the point of view of a motorcyclist riding alongside it, but found that it didn't make sense. There are two ways that the velocity of the system's center of mass could be: it could be moving at the speed of light, or it couldn't. If V=c, then all the particles are moving along parallel lines, and therefore they can't interact, can't perform computations, and can't be conscious. If V is less than c, then the observer's frame of reference isn't moving at the speed of light.
  • #71
Post #57 by DaleSpam in this thread and post #59 by me might be helpful at this point.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
PeterDonis said:
But how one prefers to say it has a huge effect on what inferences lay people draw from it. Say that massless particles are fundamentally different physically from massive ones, so the concept of "passage of time" doesn't even apply to massless particles, and you get questions about why that is, which leads to a fruitful discussion about the behavior of timelike vs. null vectors or worldlines and the way that Lorentz transformations separately take each of those subspaces of Minkowski spacetime into itself.

But say that massless particles do not sense the passage of time, and you get interminable threads about how this means photons don't move in time at all, only in space, how a photon can see the entire Universe all at once, etc., etc., leading to all sorts of further inferences that are just false. Then you have to patiently go back and explain how, when you said massless particles do not sense the passage of time, you didn't really mean that, but something else.

Just because something leads to confusion doesn't necessarily mean it is fundamentally incorrect. A more technical and exact discussion can alleviate the chances of that and be more fruitful, but that doesn't mean the same kind of confusion can't happen there too.

PeterDonis said:
But that doesn't cover the case v = c, only v < c but getting closer and closer.

Exactly, that's the point of a limit. Plot that up and tell me the trend you see.

PeterDonis said:
Also, the statement as you gave it is frame-dependent: an object can be moving at v = .9999999999999999c in one frame but be at rest in another, and its "deltaT" changes in concert with that. But an object that is moving at v = c in one frame is moving at v = c in every frame. The two kinds of objects (timelike vs. lightlike) are fundamentally different.

Exactly, combine that with the trend above and what does that suggest.

Combine that with the fact that neutrinos would not able to undergo neutrino oscillations if they had zero mass and what does that suggest.

It all suggests that "massless particles do not sense the passage of time"

In short, I think that saying the phrase in quotes is dead wrong would be as misleading as saying it is technically exact.
  • #73
It seems like the term "passage of time" is being thrown around so loosely I can't even ascertain how it is being defined in this context. If you want to ascribe a quantity / notion of time that is frame independent then you could talk about [itex]\int_{\gamma } d\tau [/itex] (where [itex]\gamma [/itex] is the time - like curve the massive particle is traveling on). What would "passage of time" even mean for light when you can't use proper time as an affine parameter along a null - like path? Are you wanting to use coordinate time? Coordinate time isn't frame independent so what kind of physical significance of "passage of time" can you even define for that?
  • #74
dm4b said:
Just because something leads to confusion doesn't necessarily mean it is fundamentally incorrect.

Yes, and I wasn't necessarily saying that "photons don't experience the passage of time" is incorrect. Pedagogy always involves judgment calls, which different people can make in different ways; no argument there.

dm4b said:
A more technical and exact discussion can alleviate the chances of that and be more fruitful, but that doesn't mean the same kind of confusion can't happen there too.

No argument here either.

dm4b said:
Exactly, that's the point of a limit. Plot that up and tell me the trend you see.

Exactly, combine that with the trend above and what does that suggest.

That a null interval is exactly zero. Which we already knew since you can plug a null interval directly into the Minkowski interval formula [itex]ds^2 = dt^2 - dx^2 - dy^2 - dz^2[/itex] and get zero.

dm4b said:
Combine that with the fact that neutrinos would not able to undergo neutrino oscillations if they had zero mass and what does that suggest.

It all suggests that "massless particles do not sense the passage of time"

The general fact that lightlike intervals are zero suggests to me that timelike and lightlike objects are fundamentally different. However, since you mention neutrino oscillations specifically, we can go into more detail for that specific case.

Neutrinos come in three "flavors", electron, muon, and tau, corresponding to the three kinds of "electron-like" leptons. Neutrino oscillation means that a neutrino that starts out as one flavor can change to a different flavor--more precisely, the quantum mechanical mixture of flavors of neutrinos changes over time: the amplitudes for the different flavor eigenstates oscillate.

Oscillating amplitudes in themselves don't require timelike objects: photon amplitudes can oscillate and photons are massless. The point is that the flavor eigenstates of neutrinos--the states in which only one flavor amplitude is nonzero--are *different* than the mass eigenstates--the states in which a neutrino has a definite invariant mass. But for this to lead to neutrino oscillations as defined above, there must be more than one mass eigenstate, so that the amplitudes for different mass eigenstates can oscillate with different frequencies, which in turn means that the amplitudes for each flavor eigenstate (which are just different linear combinations of the mass eigenstates) also oscillate. That means at least one neutrino mass eigenstate must have a nonzero mass. It does *not* require that *all* of the neutrino mass eigenstates have nonzero mass; there could still be one such state with zero mass. AFAIK the current belief is that all of the mass eigenstates have nonzero mass, but that's based on experimental data, not theoretical requirements.

So I would say that the statement "neutrino oscillation requires neutrinos to have non-zero invariant mass" is, while technically correct, a little misleading since it invites the false implication that *any* kind of "oscillation" requires a non-zero invariant mass.
  • #75
PeterDonis said:
So I would say that the statement "neutrino oscillation requires neutrinos to have non-zero invariant mass" is, while technically correct, a little misleading since it invites the false implication that *any* kind of "oscillation" requires a non-zero invariant mass.

After reading your post, I think we're in agreement on pretty much everything and I enjoyed your summary of neutrino oscillations. I guess I'm just known to not be very picky about some of the laymen's descriptions - but, then again, I'm not in a position where I have to explain away the confusions they create. ;-)

There is one exception - virtual particles. I really wish they invented a different way to talk about those guys! Even graduate level QFT physics texts could do a better job here.
  • #76
dm4b said:
virtual particles. I really wish they invented a different way to talk about those guys! Even graduate level QFT physics texts could do a better job here.

I'm not familiar with enough QFT texts to comment on them, but I remember having to make a large mental adjustment when I found out about non-perturbative phenomena in QFT. A. Zee's book, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell, has a good treatment--at least it made the basics clear to me--and he comments at one point that it took a long time for many QFT theorists to admit that there was more to QFT than Feynman diagrams and perturbation theory, which is where the concept of virtual particles comes from.
  • #77
WannabeNewton said:
I was talking about light as a wave traveling through the medium. If you want to talk about the individual photons then it is much more subtle than that. This is not related to the thread so for now take a look at: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/1909/how-does-a-photon-travel-through-glass
there is no subtlety of individual photon speed.It is always c.The refractive index concept applies to phase speed of light which has nothing to do with photon's speed.refractive index was used when one has no picture of electrons etc.Also in more modern treatment classical theory of refractive index does agree with quantum explanations.Also the retarding of light in a medium of refractive index n is overall written with a factor c/n.But still it is wrong to say that light in a medium light is retarded at speed c/n.
  • #78
Naty1 said:
We haven't any experimental evidence I can think of at either [the 'infinities', nor at v= c] yet, so a discussion seems moot,maybe that's your point, and that's ok by me...

I don't understand what you mean by saying that we don't have experimental evidence at v=c. SR says massless particles always move at c and massive ones never do. We observe that massless particles always move at c, and we never observe a massive one to.

This is like saying that biology has no empirical evidence about whether humans can reproduce by fission. Biology says that bacteria can reproduce by fission and humans can't. We observe that bacteria reproduce by fission, and we never observe a human to do so.

What experiment would satisfy you, even in principle, that massive particles *can't* move at c? If the only experiment you'll accept is one in which we accelerate a massive particle to c and see what happens, then there is no experiment, even in principle, that would convince you that motion at v=c doesn't exist. This would be like saying that you want to see a human to reproduce by fission so that you can test whether humans can reproduce by fission.
  • #79
I don't understand what you mean by saying that we don't have experimental evidence at v=c.

ben..thanks for the interest. [Look, this could be worse, much worse: just imagine if I were a student of yours with all these crazy perspectives! ]

I seem to be making things worse rather than better...[That's what my wife always claims!]

yeah, we seem to have good evidence massive particles can't get to v =c...
I have never considered that an issue.

This below seems to be one example which I had not seen before...I just stumbled across it...but it conveys the concept I am attempting to describe already:

The description of event horizons given by general relativity is thought to be incomplete. When the conditions under which event horizons occur are modeled using a more comprehensive picture of the way the universe works, that includes both relativity and quantum mechanics, event horizons are expected to have properties that are different from those predicted using general relativity alone.
I'll start a new thread...that may enable you guys to help me understand "what happens when a null like path [a photon] intersects a null like surface [an event horizon]. [just a first thought as a problem statement]

let's do that separately after [if] I collect my feeble thoughts!
  • #80
In a universe full of particles that can only move at lightspeed (i.e. gauge boson) there should be no possibility of interaction from the particles' point of view because time has stopped for them, according to SR

Is it true according current physics knowledge?

If two photon travel parallel in empty universe, what will happen?

Gosh, don't give me warning because of this.
  • #81
SysAdmin said:
Is it true according current physics knowledge?

No. Photons don't interact with each other, but that isn't because they're massless; see below for further comment on that. There are massless particles that do interact with each other: gluons, for example.

SysAdmin said:
If two photon travel parallel in empty universe, what will happen?

Nothing. But that's not because they "don't experience time". It's because (a) photons don't interact with each other period; photons only interact with particles carrying electric charge, and photons don't carry any electric charge; and (b) the two photons are moving in the same direction at the same speed, so their worldlines will never intersect, so even if they could interact in principle, they wouldn't.
  • #82
Naty1 said:
This below seems to be one example which I had not seen before...I just stumbled across it...but it conveys the concept I am attempting to describe already:

This doesn't have anything to do with photons specifically; it has to do with quantum gravity vs. classical gravity. If quantum effects change the properties of event horizons from what classical GR models them as, that affects *everything* that comes into that region of spacetime, not just photons.
  • #83
PeterDonis said:
No. Photons don't interact with each other, but that isn't because they're massless; see below for further comment on that. There are massless particles that do interact with each other: gluons, for example.
Nothing. But that's not because they "don't experience time". It's because (a) photons don't interact with each other period; photons only interact with particles carrying electric charge, and photons don't carry any electric charge; and (b) the two photons are moving in the same direction at the same speed, so their worldlines will never intersect, so even if they could interact in principle, they wouldn't.

Photon live in a instant, it's emitted than re-absorb instantly (according to itself), it doesn't decay, not even at the Schwartzschild Horizon and not interact each other in gravitational force. Does all gauge boson behave like this? Does gluon emitted and re-absorb instantly?

Now I understand time dilation is 0 for v=c under SR. Will it be also 0 under GR?
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  • #84
SysAdmin said:
Photon live in a instant, it's emitted than re-absorb instantly (according to itself),

No, this is not correct. You are saying that a photon's worldline contains only a single event; that's not correct, photon worldlines contain multiple events. You can't use proper time to label the events, but you can use other affine parameters; and the fact that you can't use proper time to label the events does *not* mean that "they all happen at the same time".

SysAdmin said:
it doesn't decay, not even at the Schwartzschild Horizon

Photons don't "decay", exactly, but they can be absorbed, and this can happen anywhere, including at or inside a black hole's horizon.

SysAdmin said:
and not interact each other in gravitational force.

Huh? Photons do interact with gravity, like anything that has energy. That means that beams of photons *can* interact with each other gravitationally. (When you do the math, it turns out that antiparallel beams attract each other, but parallel beams don't; that's due to the way the photons' spin affects the interaction.)

SysAdmin said:
Does all boson behave like this?

No. None of them do, including photons.

SysAdmin said:
Now I understand time dilation is 0 for v=c under SR. Will it be also 0 under GR?

It's true that null worldlines have a zero spacetime "length" in GR just as they do in SR. But it's not IMO a good description to say that that means "time dilation is 0". The reason it's not a good description is that it leads to invalid inferences like the ones you made in the quotes above.
  • #85
PeterDonis said:
You are saying that a photon's worldline contains only a single event; that's not correct, photon worldlines contain multiple events.

What are the multiple events on a photon's worldline?
  • #86
nitsuj said:
What are the multiple events on a photon's worldline?

Draw one on a spacetime diagram, and it will be obvious; a photon's worldline is a *line* on the diagram, containing multiple points, just like other lines. The photon's worldline happens to have a Minkowski length of zero, but that's not the right measurement to use for "number of events on the line"; "what it looks like when you draw it on a spacetime diagram" is a much better measurement (there are still some technicalities, but they're minor for this case).

Another way of looking at it is to ask: a photon gets emitted, and it gets absorbed. Are those two events the same event? Obviously not; they might be light-years apart. So the photon's worldline, which contains both of those events, can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).
  • #87
PeterDonis said:
No, this is not correct. You are saying that a photon's worldline contains only a single event; that's not correct, photon worldlines contain multiple events. You can't use proper time to label the events, but you can use other affine parameters; and the fact that you can't use proper time to label the events does *not* mean that "they all happen at the same time".

My writing is not exactly what I understand, since I'm just ordinary people, using English instead of math to talk Physics.

The question about interaction is just because you said
(a) photons don't interact with each other period; photons only interact with particles carrying electric charge, and photons don't carry any electric charge

Lot of people interpreted τ as the "rate of time flow" for a photon, but in the popular media, they always refer to SR as for explanation. That is why i wonder, have they consider GR before saying that "photon don't experienced time"?
  • #88
SysAdmin said:
in the popular media, they always refer to SR as for explanation. That is why i wonder, have they consider GR before saying that "photon don't experienced time"?
Yes, these things are essentially the same in GR. (The main difference is that the coordinate systems we're talking about are defined on proper subsets of spacetime instead of on spacetime). Note that the correct conclusion (in both SR and GR) isn't that photons experience zero time. It's that there's no natural way to assign a meaning to statements about what a massless particle "experiences".
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  • #89
SysAdmin said:
The question about interaction is just because you said

Yes, I realized that on reading back; when I said photons don't interact with anything that doesn't have an electric charge, I should have clarified that I was talking about scenarios where there is no gravity (or at least where gravity can be ignored, or handled without having to treat it as an interaction alongside the others). Such scenarios include almost all scenarios where photons are actually studied in practice; experiments which actually study the effects of gravity on photons (as in bending of light by the Sun) are rare.

When gravity is included in the interactions, then yes, photons interact gravitationally. Sorry for the mixup on my part. :redface:
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  • #90
Fredrik said:
It's that there's no natural way to assign a meaning to statements about what a massless particle "experiences".

And if I'm not mistakenly, there is two particle that has massless, photon and gluon. At least two of the neutrino is suspected has mass. Since gluons are never observed as free particles, it left us using photon to define time "experiences" for massless particle. In other word, it doesn't have comparison for other particle. Is it?

Also to clarifying, since this is phenomena for massless particle (that is v=c), it's analyzed using SR and GR. What other theory that can be used to analyzed a massless particle?
  • #91
PeterDonis said:
No. Photons don't interact with each other, but that isn't because they're massless; see below for further comment on that. There are massless particles that do interact with each other: gluons, for example.

Nothing. But that's not because they "don't experience time". It's because (a) photons don't interact with each other period; photons only interact with particles carrying electric charge, and photons don't carry any electric charge; and (b) the two photons are moving in the same direction at the same speed, so their worldlines will never intersect, so even if they could interact in principle, they wouldn't.
If only it were true, things would be so much tidier. However, see:

  • #92
ghwellsjr said:
If only it were true, things would be so much tidier. However, see:


So, tell me, even in this setup experiment, the saying "photon don't experienced time" is a true statement?
  • #93
PeterDonis said:
Another way of looking at it is to ask: a photon gets emitted, and it gets absorbed. Are those two events the same event? Obviously not; they might be light-years apart. So the photon's worldline, which contains both of those events, can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).

Reading it again it make me conclude that, translating this math
[tex] \Delta \tau = \Delta t \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}} [/tex]
in which
[tex]\Delta \tau = 0[/tex]
for "massless" particle (v=c) as "don't experienced time" is incorrect.

Instead, τ=0 in here has meaning that there is no delta time between event that endure by the particle (from relativistic point of view). The sequence of event it self can be view as "time" in English language.
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  • #94
SysAdmin said:
ghwellsjr said:
If only it were true, things would be so much tidier. However, see:

So, tell me, even in this setup experiment, the saying "photon don't experienced time" is a true statement?
No. Time does not apply to a photon. What applies to a photon is its speed which is defined to be c. This is Einstein's second postulate. You can't measure a photon's speed. We use the defined speed of a photon to define what remote time means and is fundamental to the concept of an Inertial Reference Frame in Special Relativity.

Did you read the link I referenced in post #71?
  • #95
SysAdmin said:
And if I'm not mistakenly, there is two particle that has massless, photon and gluon. At least two of the neutrino is suspected has mass. Since gluons are never observed as free particles, it left us using photon to define time "experiences" for massless particle. In other word, it doesn't have comparison for other particle. Is it?
What you're talking about here is what massless particles exist in the real world, or to be more precise, what quantum field theories that involve masssless particles have been found to make excellent predictions about results of experiments. I don't think that's relevant in this discussion. What's relevant is what SR says about classical point particles that move at the speed of light.

SysAdmin said:
Also to clarifying, since this is phenomena for massless particle (that is v=c), it's analyzed using SR and GR. What other theory that can be used to analyzed a massless particle?
There's no other theory. However, SR at least, and maybe GR too, can be viewed as a mathematical framework in which both classical and quantum theories of matter can be defined. And we could consider a quantum field theory instead of a classical theory of point particles, but I think that would only make things much more complicated. I don't see how it could change any of the conclusions.

SysAdmin said:
Reading it again it make me conclude that, translating this math
[tex] \Delta \tau = \Delta t \sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}} [/tex]
in which
[tex]\Delta \tau = 0[/tex]
for "massless" particle (v=c) as "don't experienced time" is incorrect.
Right, because "experience" is undefined.

SysAdmin said:
The sequence of event it self can be view as "time" in English language.
I don't see a reason to view it as anything other than a set of events.
  • #96
ghwellsjr said:
No. Time does not apply to a photon. What applies to a photon is its speed which is defined to be c. This is Einstein's second postulate. You can't measure a photon's speed. We use the defined speed of a photon to define what remote time means and is fundamental to the concept of an Inertial Reference Frame in Special Relativity.

Did you read the link I referenced in post #71?

There is two thing in here
1. The statement it self "Why don't photons experience time?". Is the statement is true? In your reply, you give the correct statement (according to you) instead, that is "Time does not apply to photon".

2. In the link that you give, it simply saying, the event endure by "light" (or mass-less particle, i presume) is
It is in a class all by itself, the class that only applies to light
. So this event, can not be consider as equivalent of word "event" in English language. But as, PeterDonis said, emitted and re-absorb of photon
can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).

So how to make a conclusion from that kind of information? How should we view multiple event of photon, that is not just emitted and re-absorb, but something else?
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  • #97
Fredrik said:
I don't see a reason to view it as anything other than a set of events.

So, a good Ph.D in physics, if jokingly saying "Photon don't experience time" in National Geographic channel, he or she should immediately explain set of event of photon? Same thing also, it should be said that "Time don't apply to photon, but set of event does."
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  • #98
SysAdmin said:
ghwellsjr said:
No. Time does not apply to a photon. What applies to a photon is its speed which is defined to be c. This is Einstein's second postulate. You can't measure a photon's speed. We use the defined speed of a photon to define what remote time means and is fundamental to the concept of an Inertial Reference Frame in Special Relativity.

Did you read the link I referenced in post #71?
There is two thing in here
1. The statement it self "Why don't photons experience time?". Is the statement is true? In your reply, you give the correct statement (according to you) instead, that is "Time does not apply to photon".
Are you upset because I wouldn't answer these questions with a simple "yes" or "no"?
SysAdmin said:
2. In the link that you give, it simply saying, the event endure by "light" (or mass-less particle, i presume) is
It is in a class all by itself, the class that only applies to light
. So this event, can not be consider as equivalent of word "event" in English language.
"This event"? What are you talking about? In my link, I was talking about the spacetime interval between two arbitrary events. How did you get from there to a single event?
SysAdmin said:
But as, PeterDonis said, emitted and re-absorb of photon
can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).
So how to make a conclusion from that kind of information? How should we view multiple event of photon, that is not just emitted and re-absorb, but something else?
Do you understand that the word "event" in the context of Special Relativity refers to a point in space at an instant of time? It has no duration.

Do you understand what an Inertial Reference Frame (IRF) is in Special Relativity?

Do you understand how an event has a set of coordinates in an IRF?

Do you understand that that same event can have a different set of coordinates in another IRF moving with respect to the first one?

Do you understand how to use the Lorentz Transformation process to convert the coordinates of an event from one IRF to another IRF?

Do you understand that if two events in one IRF have a null spacetime interval, then they will have a null interval in all other IRF's?

What is your level of understanding of Special Relativity? Are you interested in increasing that level of understanding or is your only interest in increasing confusion? If it's the former, then I and others would like to help. If it's the latter, then I'm afraid you're going to get yourself banned.
  • #99
ghwellsjr said:
Are you upset because I wouldn't answer these questions with a simple "yes" or "no"?

Why must be so emotional? It's been several years since first time I see someone in documentary saying something about "photon has no time" and after that he explain no more explanation. So I came here, perhaps there an expert that have better saying in one or two paragraph.

ghwellsjr said:
What is your level of understanding of Special Relativity? Are you interested in increasing that level of understanding or is your only interest in increasing confusion? If it's the former, then I and others would like to help. If it's the latter, then I'm afraid you're going to get yourself banned.

After reading some reply, I think, simply saying "time doesn't apply to photon" must be follow by next explanation what we know about photon, for example
PeterDonis said:
Another way of looking at it is to ask: a photon gets emitted, and it gets absorbed. Are those two events the same event? Obviously not; they might be light-years apart. So the photon's worldline, which contains both of those events, can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).

Just ask your self, how often simply saying "Photons doesn't experience time?" is followed by that kind of explanation.

Now I'm trying to understand what PeterDonis said. Just don't judge people easily ok. If you said explanation above is not exactly correct, than just say so. If time doesn't apply to photon, than how do I should understand photon? After common people understanding about photon is refute, shouldn't be scientist explain what is the better understanding?

If you want to test my understanding about SR, then I hope you genuinely want to help me, because I can recall that subject from my college time.
  • #100
PeterDonis said:
Draw one on a spacetime diagram, and it will be obvious; a photon's worldline is a *line* on the diagram, containing multiple points, just like other lines. The photon's worldline happens to have a Minkowski length of zero, but that's not the right measurement to use for "number of events on the line"; "what it looks like when you draw it on a spacetime diagram" is a much better measurement (there are still some technicalities, but they're minor for this case).

Another way of looking at it is to ask: a photon gets emitted, and it gets absorbed. Are those two events the same event? Obviously not; they might be light-years apart. So the photon's worldline, which contains both of those events, can't be just a single event; it must contain multiple events (the two endpoints, plus all the ones in between).

Yea was kinda my thinking as to what you meant. You seem to be saying that points in spacetime are the same as events in spacetime. All events are points but not all points are events.

Perhaps there is a definition for event as being an arbitrary point along a world line, but I think of an event as being something physical, a "happening" in a specific spacetime location. Not merely an arbitrary point in spacetime.
  • #101
nitsuj said:
All events are points but not all points are events.
They are the same thing in a way although I see what you mean by "physically". You could think of a neighborhood of a point in space - time as being a set of events, possibly by situating an observer there.
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  • #102
SysAdmin said:
Why must be so emotional? It's been several years since first time I see someone in documentary saying something about "photon has no time" and after that he explain no more explanation. So I came here, perhaps there an expert that have better saying in one or two paragraph.
OK, so you have gotten more explanation in this thread over and over again. Why do you continue to ask the same questions over and over again?
SysAdmin said:
After reading some reply, I think, simply saying "time doesn't apply to photon" must be follow by next explanation what we know about photon, for example
The only thing that matters about a photon on the relativity forum in the context of an Inertial Reference Frame in Special Relativity is that it travels in a straight line at a speed of c from wherever it starts until it hits something.
SysAdmin said:
Just ask your self, how often simply saying "Photons doesn't experience time?" is followed by that kind of explanation.
That's why I didn't just say "yes" or "no". I gave more explanation.
SysAdmin said:
Now I'm trying to understand what PeterDonis said. Just don't judge people easily ok. If you said explanation above is not exactly correct, than just say so. If time doesn't apply to photon, than how do I should understand photon? After common people understanding about photon is refute, shouldn't be scientist explain what is the better understanding?
I thought in my previous post I agreed with what PeterDonis said. There are an infinite number of events describing the path of a photon in any IRF, any two of which specify the same spacetime interval, a null interval that has nothing to do with time or distance. And when you transform the coordinates of any two of those events from one IRF to another, you continue to get null intervals. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
SysAdmin said:
If you want to test my understanding about SR, then I hope you genuinely want to help me, because I can recall that subject from my college time.
It's not that I want to test your understanding to pass or fail you, I just don't know if when I talk about an IRF or an event or doing a Lorentz Transformation or any of a number of other aspects of SR, it is making sense to you.

If your interest is not really in Special Relativity but in learning about the quantum effects of photons, then you should be asking on the Quantum Physics forum because here we are not concerned with the quantum effects of photons, only their speed. We could just as easily be talking about billions of photons all traveling together as a burst of bright light. In fact, that is almost always what anyone actually means when they say "photon".
  • #103
nitsuj said:
Yea was kinda my thinking as to what you meant. You seem to be saying that points in spacetime are the same as events in spacetime. All events are points but not all points are events.

Perhaps there is a definition for event as being an arbitrary point along a world line, but I think of an event as being something physical, a "happening" in a specific spacetime location. Not merely an arbitrary point in spacetime.
In any given scenario in Special Relativity, there is something "happening" at every arbitrary point, not just along a world line but every where else and at all times. We just focus our attention on certain ones in order not to be overwhelmed with all the data that would actually be happening in the real world.
  • #104
ghwellsjr said:
In any given scenario in Special Relativity, there is something "happening" at every arbitrary point, not just along a world line but every where else and at all times. We just focus our attention on certain ones in order not to be overwhelmed with all the data that would actually be happening in the real world.

Never mind use of the word "happening", the definition of event encompasses that idea, along with the specific point in spacetime. Classically, what event is happening in empty space?

We are talking about events for a photon. which don't include all other events in the universe.

Can a photon be observed without interacting with it?
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  • #105
SysAdmin said:
I see someone in documentary saying something about "photon has no time" and after that he explain no more explanation.

The lesson to be learned from this is that "documentaries" like this are not intended to actually teach you physics, even when physics professors appear on them.

SysAdmin said:
So I came here, perhaps there an expert that have better saying in one or two paragraph.

This is a good place to come to get better information, but part of the better information you get is going to be learning better questions to ask, not just learning answers to the questions that you thought of when you were watching the documentary.

SysAdmin said:
Just ask your self, how often simply saying "Photons doesn't experience time?" is followed by that kind of explanation.

Part of the problem, as ghwellsjr pointed out, is that we don't know what knowledge you already have, or why you are asking these questions. That's why we don't always know how much additional explanation to give.

SysAdmin said:
If time doesn't apply to photon, than how do I should understand photon?

By looking at the equations that apply to massless particles. For example, the equation that says [itex]\tau = 0[/itex]. There is nothing wrong with that equation; the only problem is trying to interpret [itex]\tau[/itex] as "time experienced by a photon". That doesn't work because the case [itex]\tau = 0[/itex] is fundamentally different from the case [itex]\tau > 0[/itex].

In general, if you really want to understand photons, or anything else in physics, you have to learn the math. Any explanation in ordinary language is going to be limited, and is eventually going to lead you down the wrong path. But if you learn the math, you can use it to get answers without having to worry about how to "interpret" it in ordinary language. You can use the equation [itex]\tau = 0[/itex] without having to worry about whether [itex]\tau[/itex] is or is not "the time experienced by a photon". It doesn't matter; the math is the same either way.

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