Epsilon and delta definition of limit

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of epsilon-delta definition of a limit to show that a given limit is equal to zero. The participants suggest using polar coordinates to simplify the expression and then show that the remaining factor is bounded. They also mention that the usage of epsilon and delta is necessary to formally define limits and that any alternative definition must be equivalent. Finally, they demonstrate how the use of open sets and intervals is essentially the same as using epsilon and delta.
  • #1
Can anyone help me on this question,Using [tex]\epsilon[/tex]-[tex]\delta[/tex] definition of a limit to show that

[tex]\lim[/tex] [tex]\frac {2x^3-y^3}{x^2+y^2}[/tex] = 0
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Like with most of these, I recommend changing to polar coordinates.
[itex]x= r cos(\theta)[/itex] and [itex]y= r sin(\theta)[/itex]
[tex]\frac{2x^3-y^3}{x^2+y^2}= \frac{r^3(cos^3(\theta)- sin^3(\theta))}{r^2}= r(cos^3(\theta)- sin^3(\theta))[/tex]. Now the distance from (0,0) is entirely encapsulated in r.
  • #3
or just factor out cubrt(2)x-y from the top, which certainly goes to zero as x and y do.

then it suffices to show the other factor remains bounded. but it obviously does, since the top has three terms, none as much as twice as large as the bottom, i.e. the other factor is bounded by 6.
  • #4
anybody can explain what is the usage of epsilon delta definition of limit?what will happen without them?
  • #5
What is your definition of a limit without using epsilons and deltas?

Their usage is to formally define limits. If you don't use them you have to give another way of defining limits. What is it? Whatever you come up with it must be equivalent to the epsilon and delta definition (or it will be convergence in some other sense: it is possible to define limits for any topology (which we won't define here), but in the reals we are using the metric topology, that is we are using balls of radii epsilon and delta to define the open sets. Thus whilst it is prefectly possible to not mention espilon or delta in a definition of limit, you are merely glossing over the fact that they are there. For instance, we may say a_n tends to a if every open set containing a contains all but finitely many of the a_n, for sequences, or we can say that f is continuous if for every open set in the range of f the inverse image is open. Both of these avoid mentioning epsilon and delta, but the open sets are defined in terms of open balls or intervals, which is just the epsilon delta thing in disguise. Suppose we wanted to verify that f(x)=x^2 from R to R is continuous, then pick some open interval in the image (a,b), and assume a>0, then the inverse image is (-sqrt(b),-sqrt(a)) union (sqrt(a),sqrt(b), if a<=0 and b>0 then the inverse image is (-sqrt(b),sqrt(b)), if b<0 then the inverse image is the empty set, thus x^2 is continuous. Easier, I think we all agree. Of course if f(x) is something that is not so easily 'inverted' then you're not necessarily going to be any better off than using epsilons and deltas, for instance, try doing f(x)=x^6-x^3+x^2+1)
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FAQ: Epsilon and delta definition of limit

What is the epsilon and delta definition of limit?

The epsilon and delta definition of limit is a mathematical concept used to formally define the idea of a limit in calculus. It states that for a function f(x), as x approaches a certain value c, the limit of f(x) is L if for any positive number ε (epsilon), there exists a positive number δ (delta) such that if the distance between x and c is less than δ, then the distance between f(x) and L is less than ε.

Why is the epsilon and delta definition of limit important?

The epsilon and delta definition of limit is important because it provides a rigorous and precise definition for the concept of a limit. It allows mathematicians to prove the existence of limits and to accurately calculate them, which is essential in many areas of mathematics and physics.

How is the epsilon and delta definition of limit used in calculus?

The epsilon and delta definition of limit is a fundamental concept in calculus and is used in many theorems and proofs. It is used to determine the convergence or divergence of sequences and series, to prove the continuity of functions, and to evaluate limits of functions that cannot be easily evaluated using other methods.

What are some common misconceptions about the epsilon and delta definition of limit?

One common misconception about the epsilon and delta definition of limit is that it is only applicable in the context of real numbers. However, it can also be used for complex numbers and in other mathematical structures. Another misconception is that the values of epsilon and delta must be small, but in reality, they can be any positive number as long as the definition holds true.

Are there alternative definitions of limit?

Yes, there are alternative definitions of limit, such as the sequential definition and the topological definition. These definitions are equivalent to the epsilon and delta definition and are often used in different mathematical contexts. However, the epsilon and delta definition is the most commonly used and well-known definition of limit in calculus.

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