Understanding Faraday's Law of Induction

In summary, the problem discusses a bar sliding without friction on parallel rails, with a constant emf and magnetic field applied. The bar starts from rest and at time t, it moves with a speed v = E/Bd(1 - e^{(-B^2)(d^2)t/(mR)}). The force that sets the bar in motion is the magnetic field, which is not caused by the wire but rather exerts a force on it. The induced emf and current in the wire are vBd and vBd/R respectively, and the acceleration of the bar can be found using the differential equation a = IDB/m.
  • #1
I'm having trouble with the following problem:

A bar of mass m, length d, and resistance R slides without friction on parallel rails. A battery that maintains a constant emf E is connected between the rails, and a constant magnetic field B is directed perpendicular to the plane of the page and out of the page. If the bar starts from rest, show that at time t it moves with a speed:

v = E/Bd(1 - e^{(-B^2)(d^2)t/(mR)})

in diagram the bar is on the left and the battery is set up on the right so the current runs counterclockwise through the circuit.

The first thing that I'm confused about is the force that sets this in motion. From the problem statement and the diagram, the magnetic field is caused by the current running through the wire, so unless some force is applied to the bar it's not going to move.

I begin trying to solve the problem by working with the following equation:

Sum of the Forces in the x direction = -IdB + F_applied = ma
F_applied = mass x some initial acceleration?

Is this the correct approach. I've tried many and I'm got getting the correct answer.

Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?

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  • #2
Originally posted by discoverer02
The first thing that I'm confused about is the force that sets this in motion. From the problem statement and the diagram, the magnetic field is caused by the current running through the wire, so unless some force is applied to the bar it's not going to move.
That constant magnetic field coming out of the paper is not caused by the wire. You have a current carrying wire in a magnetic field, which exerts a force on it.
  • #3
Thanks again for your help Doc Al.

I already tried this approach and didn't seem to lead me in the right direction.

The magnetic force on the rod, in this case, is directed to the left because dF = Ids X B = IdB to the left.

So the forces in the x direction are -IdB = ma

The induced E-field in the rod once it starts moving is v x B = vB.

So the induced emf in the rod once it starts moving is

[tex]\int Efield \cdot ds[/tex]

which is vBd.

The induced current is vBd/R in the direction opposite the current from the battery because the magnetic flux is increasing in the loop because the area is increasing, right.

How do I treat the current already in the loop? Do I include it in the equation of my forces and subtract from it the current created by the back emf? If I do, I'm not coming up with the right answer.
  • #4
Think of it this way. The EMF across the wire is:

ΔV = E - EMFinduced

EMFinduced = DBv

Current through the wire is:

I = ΔV /R

Force on the wire is:


Acceleration of the wire is:

a = dv/dt = F/m = IDB/m

Write and solve the differential equation. Make sense?
  • #5
It makes sense.


FAQ: Understanding Faraday's Law of Induction

What is Faraday's Law?

Faraday's Law is a principle in physics that describes the relationship between a changing magnetic field and an induced electric field. It states that when a conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field, an electromotive force (EMF) is induced in the conductor, which results in an electric current.

How does Faraday's Law apply to everyday life?

Faraday's Law has many practical applications in everyday life, such as in generators, transformers, and electric motors. It is also the basis for technologies like wireless charging and electromagnetic induction cooktops.

What is the connection between Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law?

Lenz's Law is a consequence of Faraday's Law. It states that the direction of an induced current will always oppose the change in magnetic flux that caused it. In other words, the induced current will flow in a direction that creates a magnetic field that opposes the changing magnetic field.

What are some challenges or problems associated with Faraday's Law?

One common problem with Faraday's Law is electromagnetic interference (EMI) which can cause disruptions in electronic devices. Another challenge is that it only applies to idealized situations and can be difficult to apply in real-world scenarios.

How is Faraday's Law used in research and technology development?

Faraday's Law is used in many areas of research and technology development, particularly in the fields of electromagnetism and energy. It is also used in many scientific experiments and studies, such as in the development of new materials and technologies for renewable energy sources.
