Determining the value of acceleration due to gravity

In summary: So you could do it the honest way and saya = f*sin(theta) - frictiona = Vinitial*sin(theta) - frictionand then you can use Vinitial to solve the problemORyou could do the dishonest way and just saya = Vinitial*sin(theta)and just use the slope to determine the accelerationIn summary, the relation between the distance S of a trolley moving on an air track and the time t is given by S = V*t + (1/2)*a*t^2, where V is the initial velocity of the trolley. The data for distance S and time t were taken for a trolley on an air track apparatus with an angle of inclination of
  • #1

Homework Statement

"The relation between the distanse S of the trolley as it moves on air track and the time t is given by S = Vt+(1/2)at^2, where V is the initial velocity of the trolley. The following set of data were taken for the distance S of a trolley on an air track apparatus, whose angle of inclination is 5 degrees, as a function of time t."

Given data:
S: 0 - 0.15 -0.388 - 0.600 - 0.930 - 1.37 - 2.45
t: 0 - 0.975 - 1.48 - 2.04 - 2.46 - 3.03 - 3.95

The questions:

a-) Calculate t^2 for each case.
b-) Plot a graph of S (y-axis) against t^2 (x-axis)
c-) From the graph determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the trolley.
d-) From the graph, determine the initial velocity of the trolley.

From the above results, determine the experimental value of the acceleration due to gravity.

Homework Equations

s = vi*t + 0.5at^2, where s is the distance, vi is the initial velocity, t is the time, and a is the acceleration.

The Attempt at a Solution

Parts a and b are easy, as you just square t and plot the graph. As for part c, as I recall the slope of a distance against a time squared graph is equal to half the acceleration, and as such the acceleration is equal to 2 times the slope.
As for d, the initial velocity can be determined by the formula given. According to my prof, any value of vi is OK (given the given data is used, obviously).

What I can't get right is the last part, determining the experimental value of acceleration due to gravity. I tried a couple of times, but I keep getting a = 0.30 from the graph, which, when divided by sin of the angle (5 degrees), gives the value 3.44 (a = g*sin (theta)).

What am I doing wrong? Is the acceleration determined in a different way? Does the experimental value really have that big of an error percentage?

Physics news on
  • #2
Something to consider.. Does the problem state that this is on Earth? :biggrin:

From your data alone, a=2*S/t^2

a=2*0.15/0.975^2 ~ 0.315
a=2*0.388/1.48^2 ~ 0.354
a=2*0.6/2.04^2 ~ 0.288
and so on..

even if I take the average of these 3, a~0.319

and a=g*sin(theta) yields g~3.66

So maybe its not on Earth?
  • #3
This is a question on my physics lab report. We did a whole experiment on how to calculate Earth's gravitational acceleration using air tracks, light sensors, etc. As such, it is pretty obvious that the question is asking for Earth's gravitational acceleration. And sadly, this is all the data we have.

  • #4
Malfunction said:
This is a question on my physics lab report. We did a whole experiment on how to calculate Earth's gravitational acceleration using air tracks, light sensors, etc. As such, it is pretty obvious that the question is asking for Earth's gravitational acceleration. And sadly, this is all the data we have.


Well then you have friction to account for, and maybe its not 5 degrees? If it was 2-3 degrees.. then it would make sense
  • #5
Since the trolley is moving on an air track, friction is almost negligible. The angle of inclination is is specifically stated as 5 degrees.

Is the slope of a distance against time squared graph really equal to half of the acceleration?

  • #6
[tex]S = \int v dt[/tex] [tex]= \int (v_{initial}+at) dt =[/tex]
[tex]S_{initial} +[/tex] [tex]v_{initial}t +[/tex] [tex]\frac{at^{2}}{2}[/tex]

  • #7
Well come to think of it, the problem does ask for Vinitial, so it can't be 0

In that case, S= V*t + 0.5*a*t^2

Which will give you a bunch of linear equations
0 = V*0 + 0.5*a*0
0.15 = V*0.975 + 0.5*a*(0.975)^2
0.388 = V*1.48 + 0.5*a*(1.48)^2
0.600 = V*2.04 + 0.5*a*(2.04)^2
0.930 = V*2.46 + 0.5*a*(2.46)^2
1.37 = V*3.03 + 0.5*a*(3.03)^2
2.45 = V*3.95 + 0.5*a*(3.95)^2

7.80125 a+3.95 V = 2.45
4.59045 a+3.03 V = 1.37
3.0258 a+2.46 V = 0.93
2.0808 a+2.04 V = 0.6
1.0952 a+1.48 V = 0.388
0.475312 a+0.975 V = 0.15

Which then reduces to nonlinear least squares problem

[7.80125,3.95;4.59045,3.03;3.0258,2.46;2.0808,2.04;1.0952,1.48;0.475312,0.975]*[a;V] = [2.45; 1.37; 0.93; 0.6;0.388;0.15]

b=[2.45; 1.37; 0.93; 0.6;0.388;0.15]

x=[a;V]= inverse(transpose(A)*A)*transpose(A)*b

[a;V] = [.3172542164;-0.01304253740]

Vinitial = -0.013

Either that or the more likely problem is that the incline is less than 5 degrees, and there is friction

FAQ: Determining the value of acceleration due to gravity

1. What is acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration that an object experiences due to the gravitational force exerted by the Earth. It is commonly denoted as "g" and is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s^2) near the Earth's surface.

2. How is acceleration due to gravity determined?

Acceleration due to gravity can be determined through various experiments, such as dropping objects from a height and measuring the time it takes for them to fall. It can also be calculated using the formula g = G * M / r^2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the Earth, and r is the distance between the object and the center of the Earth.

3. Does acceleration due to gravity vary on different planets?

Yes, acceleration due to gravity varies on different planets depending on their mass and radius. It is directly proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the object and the center of the planet.

4. What factors can affect the value of acceleration due to gravity?

The value of acceleration due to gravity can be affected by factors such as altitude, mass and distance of the object from the center of the Earth, and the rotation of the Earth. It can also be influenced by the presence of other massive objects, such as the Moon and other planets.

5. Why is it important to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity?

The value of acceleration due to gravity is important in many fields of science, such as physics and engineering. It is used to calculate the motion and forces of objects, and it also plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of celestial bodies. Additionally, it is essential for practical applications, such as designing structures and vehicles that are affected by gravity.
