What Are the Orbital Periods and Star Mass for These Hypothetical Planets?

In summary, the three planets have varying masses, radii, temperatures, and semi-major axes. Given the orbital period of planet A, the periods of planets B and C can be calculated using Kepler's third law. The mass of the star around which these planets orbit can also be determined using this law. All three planets are likely capable of retaining an atmosphere of oxygen molecules.
  • #1
Planet A: Mass - 8 × 10^24 kg, Radius 8,200 km, Temperature - 500 K, Semi-major axis - 0.52 AU
Planet B: Mass - 3 × 10^27 kg, Radius - 57000 km, Temperature - 150 K, Semi-major axis - 6.4 AU
Planet C: Mass - 6 × 10^23 kg, Radius - 3500 km, Temperature - 105 K, Semi-major axis -37.8 AU

1. If the orbital period of planet A is 190 days, what are the periods of the other two planets? What is the mass of the star around which these planets orbit?
2. Which of these planets could retain an atmosphere of oxygen molecules?

Based on the 190 days orbital period, p^2 = k a^3, which plugging in the semimajor axis, I get k for 1.93 and used it to find the orbital periods of hte other planets.
Then I don't know how to do the other part of question 1 and question 2. There is a similar question on this forum, but it didn't help me with answering this question.

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Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's an expression for k that involves the star's mass. Do you know what it is, or can you derive it if you don't?
  • #3
ltung said:
Planet A: Mass - 8 × 10^24 kg, Radius 8,200 km, Temperature - 500 K, Semi-major axis - 0.52 AU
Planet B: Mass - 3 × 10^27 kg, Radius - 57000 km, Temperature - 150 K, Semi-major axis - 6.4 AU
Planet C: Mass - 6 × 10^23 kg, Radius - 3500 km, Temperature - 105 K, Semi-major axis -37.8 AU

1. If the orbital period of planet A is 190 days, what are the periods of the other two planets? What is the mass of the star around which these planets orbit?
2. Which of these planets could retain an atmosphere of oxygen molecules?

Based on the 190 days orbital period, p^2 = k a^3, which plugging in the semimajor axis, I get k for 1.93 and used it to find the orbital periods of hte other planets.
Then I don't know how to do the other part of question 1 and question 2. There is a similar question on this forum, but it didn't help me with answering this question.


The mass of the star can be worked out relative to our Sun's mass by the fact that the orbital period is proportional to the inverse square root of the mass of the primary. In this case the planet takes 190 days to orbit at a distance of 0.52 AU. Earth takes 365.25636 days to orbit our Sun at 1 AU. Thus the mass of the other star relative to the Sun can be worked out via the relation I mentioned. The full equation is: p2 = 4.π2.a3/[G.(Ms+Mp)] ...where Mp & Ms are the masses of the Primary and Secondary respectively, in this case the star and planet. In most cases the planetary mass is so small that the mass of the star is a near enough approximation.

As for retaining oxygen molecules what do your notes tell you about atmospheric loss times? The short answer is all those planets will retain oxygen, but I'll let you work out why yourself. You do have notes on the equations? Or are you asking because you don't?
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FAQ: What Are the Orbital Periods and Star Mass for These Hypothetical Planets?

1. What is a hypothetical planet?

A hypothetical planet is a theoretical planet that has not been confirmed or discovered yet. It is often used in scientific research and discussions to analyze potential planetary systems and their characteristics.

2. How do scientists study and gather information about hypothetical planets?

Scientists study hypothetical planets by using telescopes and other space exploration tools to observe and collect data on distant objects in our universe. They also use mathematical models and simulations to predict the characteristics and behavior of these planets.

3. Can hypothetical planets actually exist?

It is possible for hypothetical planets to exist, but their existence has not been confirmed. Scientists are constantly searching for new planets and studying the behavior of our universe to determine the likelihood of these planets existing.

4. What is the significance of studying hypothetical planets?

Studying hypothetical planets is important for understanding the formation and evolution of our universe. It can also provide insights into potential habitable planets and the conditions necessary for life to exist on other planets.

5. Are there any known hypothetical planets that have been confirmed?

As of now, there are no confirmed hypothetical planets. However, there have been several potential planets that have been identified through research and observations, but further study is needed to confirm their existence.

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