New Paper: GR implies no dark matter

In summary, the new paper removes the need for exotic dark matter in galaxies and shows that GR is sufficient to model their rotational motions.
  • #1
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The new paper is titled
General Relativity Resolves Galactic Rotation Without Exotic Dark Matter

It is on the arxiv at

From the abstract

A galaxy is modeled as a stationary axially symmetric pressure-free fluid in general relativity. For the weak gravitational fields under consideration, the field equations and the equations of motion ultimately lead to one linear and one nonlinear equation relating the angular velocity to the fluid density. It is shown that the rotation curves for the Milky Way, NGC 3031, NGC 3198 and NGC 7331 are consistent with the mass density distributions of the visible matter concentrated in flattened disks. Thus the need for a massive halo of exotic dark matter is removed. For these galaxies we determine the mass density for the luminous threshold as 10^{-21.75} kg.m$^{-3}.
Physics news on
  • #2
Sounds very interesting.
  • #3
To determine that the entire dark matter/MOND problem was simply a matter of a poor choice of how to simplify GR and that GR is really sufficient when a better model of how a galaxy should be treated under the equations is used, would be a dream come true. It isn't entirely clear to me, however, whether this is really a proper application of the GR equation, and whether this doesn't actually involve too many degrees of freedom. Still, it bears further examination.

A GR with cosmological constant solution is certainly far more attractive than a CDM lambda solution.

A second reason for skepticism is that it is my understanding that current apparent dark matter appears to have been confirmed by lensing data. And, the models used for lensing should not have the same infirmities as those used for galactic rotation modelling.
  • #4
Further, as has been pointed out several times, current good observational results suggest that most of the DM in rich clusters is in the ICM, not in galaxy halos.

Too, as ohwilleke has pointed out, the observational basis for DM galaxy halos isn't just rotation curves, there is a pretty strong signal from weak lensing too (e.g. the SDSS work) ... for avoidance of doubt though, this signal is seen only when data from thousands of galaxies is pooled.
  • #5
I'm no gravitation expert, but it seems to me that there was just a bit of a circular argument. It's like what was to be shown was that the stars move at a constant angular velocity (i.e. as an irrotational fluid) around the center of the galaxy, but the coordinates chosen made this assumption.

I think that they showed that under GR, if the stars did move as an irrotational fluid, then this would be consistent. What I would like to see added is some sort of analysis that assumed that the stars were moving with a slight deviation from irrotational, and then to derive that this deviation was stable or better, that it decayed away.

  • #6

1. Each galaxy is the dominant member of a sparse galaxy group.

2. Each galaxy is suspected of harboring a SMBH—M81 has two.

Consider the coincidences in the light of Karachentsev’s conclusions:

It is tempting, when debunking the CDM hypothesis, to limit it by including in your assumption set the additional restraint that there can be only one particle type—Dr. K adds only one ‘epicycle’ to the hypothesis, a second DM particle type, to obtain consistent results for the virial masses and velocity dispersions of galaxies in sparse groups. While he did not explicitly consider galaxy rotation in this paper, the only area in which the CDM hypothesis is in deep trouble in this regard is WRT LSB galaxies. His coinvestigator, W.J.G. de Blok, has this to say:

He does not suggest how to repair the halo models.

Over in the Universe Today forum, there’s a bloke who says all the answers lie in the ‘proper’ application of Newtonian gravity to obtain the mass distribution. His published works are on arxiv, also, but as a matter of interest, he has posted a $100000 reward for a disproof of his hypothesis.

Any takers? Best regards-- Steve
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FAQ: New Paper: GR implies no dark matter

1. What is "GR" and how does it relate to dark matter?

GR stands for General Relativity, which is a theory of gravity proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. This theory explains how gravity works on a large scale, such as in the universe. In the context of dark matter, GR provides an alternative explanation for the observed effects of dark matter, without the need for an additional unknown type of matter.

2. How does this new paper challenge the existence of dark matter?

The new paper proposes a new theory of gravity that is based on GR, but also includes additional terms that can account for the observed effects of dark matter. This theory, called Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), suggests that the effects attributed to dark matter can actually be explained by modifying our understanding of gravity, rather than introducing a new type of matter.

3. What evidence supports the idea that dark matter does not exist?

The evidence for dark matter comes from observations of the rotation curves of galaxies, the bending of light in gravitational lensing, and the large-scale structure of the universe. However, the new paper argues that these phenomena can also be explained by MOND, without the need for dark matter. This is still a topic of debate among scientists and further research is needed to fully understand the nature of dark matter.

4. Does this mean that all previous research on dark matter is invalid?

No, the existence of dark matter is still a widely accepted concept in the scientific community. This new paper is just one proposed alternative theory and more research is needed to fully understand the implications of this new idea. It is important for scientists to continue exploring different theories and ideas in order to advance our understanding of the universe.

5. What are the implications of this new theory on our understanding of the universe?

If the idea presented in this new paper is proven to be true, it would fundamentally change our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe. It would also have implications for the search for dark matter particles, as well as our understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, more research and evidence is needed before we can fully assess the impact of this new theory on our understanding of the universe.
