What does this eye contact signal mean?

In summary: As long as is required...Galileo, do you briefly lock eyes and then glance away or do you continue to stare into her eyes.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
I'm usually not too consciously aware of other people's body language.
I don't want to read, then interpret, then act on the interpretation of someone's
body language consciously. However, I've noticed something and I'm extremely curious as to what it means.

Whenever I really want to create an emotional connection with a person (usually girls I like) and open myself up, I find myself looking at her eyes intently and she looks into mine and we get a 'lock-on', if you know what I mean. And I noticed something I don't see when I'm talking casually to people and give eye-contact: Her eyes rapidly move from side to side. It's a very small motion, her eyes are still fixed at mine the whole time, but it's almost like they are vibrating.
It's an unconscious motion, no doubt of that.

I couldn't find what it means anywhere and I've seen happen this quite consistently.
Is it heightened interest, discomfort (ouch), or something else?

Anyone else noticed this?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyeballs.

The involuntary eye movements of nystagmus are caused by abnormal function in the areas of the brain that control eye movements.


You wanted the scientific explanation, right? :rolleyes:
  • #3
In my experience it means they're a robot and about to explode. I couldn't make eye contact with real people though so I'd go with Evo if you're sure she's real.
  • #4
Make sure she catches you checking her out from top to bottom.
  • #5
Evo said:
Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyeballs.


You wanted the scientific explanation, right? :rolleyes:

Hmmm, apparently I can give people disorders in the brain by staring at them.
I wonder how I should utilize my newfound powers. :biggrin::devil:
  • #6
Don't look at me
  • #7
Well, if she had nystagmus, she'd probably also be telling you that you were making her feel dizzy. :rolleyes:

More likely, she's not quite comfortable with the idea of staring into someone's eyes...she probably meets your gaze because she is attracted, but then isn't sure whether to keep staring or not. That, or it means you have a booger dangling out of your nose and she is trying not to look. :biggrin:
  • #8
Galileo said:
I'm usually not too consciously aware of other people's body language.
I don't want to read, then interpret, then act on the interpretation of someone's
body language consciously. However, I've noticed something and I'm extremely curious as to what it means.

Whenever I really want to create an emotional connection with a person (usually girls I like) and open myself up, I find myself looking at her eyes intently and she looks into mine and we get a 'lock-on', if you know what I mean. And I noticed something I don't see when I'm talking casually to people and give eye-contact: Her eyes rapidly move from side to side. It's a very small motion, her eyes are still fixed at mine the whole time, but it's almost like they are vibrating.
It's an unconscious motion, no doubt of that.

I couldn't find what it means anywhere and I've seen happen this quite consistently.
Is it heightened interest, discomfort (ouch), or something else?

Anyone else noticed this?

Do this experiment, Galileo: try this your "lock-on" on a wide range of people. Male, female, young, old (oh c'mon, it's all in the name of science). I really don't have an expectation of what will happen, but if you only see this in females who are attracted to you, then maybe it's an unconscious signal of interest.

Btw, I notice when I talk to people, I don't lock on to one spot on their face. My eyes move around between the eyes and mouth.
  • #9
Galileo, do you briefly lock eyes and then glance away or do you continue to stare into her eyes?

The first would be flirtatious and gain my interest, the second would make me uncomfortable and I would probably avoid the person staring at me that way. It would be very uncomfortable.

How long is the eye to eye "connection"?
  • #10
Evo said:
How long is the eye to eye "connection"?
As long as is required...
  • #11
Evo said:
Galileo, do you briefly lock eyes and then glance away or do you continue to stare into her eyes.

And do you blink while doing this? :biggrin:
  • #12
do you have a lazy eye? maybe she is having a hard time choosing which eye to look at.
  • #13
Moonbear said:
And do you blink while doing this? :biggrin:

No, just glance away and generate a subtle smile.

If you do so, the girl will know that you are a guy that is "on top of things"

  • #14
Evo said:
Galileo, do you briefly lock eyes and then glance away or do you continue to stare into her eyes.

The first would be flirtatious and gain my interest, the second would make me uncomfortable and I would probably avoid the person staring at me that way. It would be very uncomfortable.

How long is the eye to eye "connection"?

I 'm not really consciously aware of my own body language since all my attention is on her, but, I think when I do it I lose focus. I don't really focus on a point (her eyes) but get a more peripheral view to include the entire face, but the eyes are still the main attention-point, I always return there. I think it's for a few seconds, two or three, and we don't speak. After these few seconds of silence someone just has to say something and right before that eye contact is broke momentarily. But in those moments of silence, it's like a lot is being said, I just don't have a clue what.

By the way, it's by sitting next to each other, faces about 35-40 cm away. This is not looking from a distance.
  • #15
I'll never forget this creepy guy that came up to me once and said "I noticed you looking at me and undressing me with your eyes".

I replied "I don't have my glasses on, were you standing in here somewhere?" He just stuttered and walked away.

  • #16
Galileo said:
I 'm not really consciously aware of my own body language since all my attention is on her, but, I think when I do it I lose focus. I don't really focus on a point (her eyes) but get a more peripheral view to include the entire face, but the eyes are still the main attention-point, I always return there. I think it's for a few seconds, two or three, and we don't speak. After these few seconds of silence someone just has to say something and right before that eye contact is broke momentarily. But in those moments of silence, it's like a lot is being said, I just don't have a clue what.

By the way, it's by sitting next to each other, faces about 35-40 cm away. This is not looking from a distance.
Sounds like she's interested to me. Go for it! If you keep staring at her, you might give the poor girl brain damage, and you wouldn't want that on your conscience. :-p
  • #17
Evo said:
I'll never forget this creepy guy that came up to me once and said "I noticed you looking at me and undressing me with your eyes".

I replied "I don't have my glasses on, were you standing in here somewhere?" He just stuttered and walked away.

That guy is a loser, a guy should never talk to a girl first.
The girl has to initiate the conversation. Otherwise the guy comes over as being desperate, which in 99 % of the cases is in fact true.

Strong men don't talk, they are being talked to.

  • #18
Evo said:
I'll never forget this creepy guy that came up to me once and said "I noticed you looking at me and undressing me with your eyes".

I replied "I don't have my glasses on, were you standing in here somewhere?" He just stuttered and walked away.

That's classic. At least he had the balls to to come up to a total stranger and test his new line. Gotta give him some credit.
  • #19
marlon said:
That guy is a loser, a guy should never talk to a girl first.
The girl has to initiate the conversation. Otherwise the guy comes over as being desperate, which in 99 % of the cases is in fact true.

Strong men don't talk, they are being talked to.

Well, wait a minute. Isn't this a double standard? If the guy initiates the conversation he's desperate, so if the woman initiates the conversation isn't she desperate also?
  • #20
Galileo said:
I don't really focus on a point (her eyes) but get a more peripheral view to include the entire face, but the eyes are still the main attention-point, I always return there. I think it's for a few seconds, two or three, and we don't speak.
Then your eyes are probably appearing to move a little from side-to-side too as you adjust your focus a bit. Sounds like you're both doing the same thing.

After these few seconds of silence someone just has to say something and right before that eye contact is broke momentarily. But in those moments of silence, it's like a lot is being said, I just don't have a clue what.
Awwww...I think you have a clue. :wink:

Evo said:
I'll never forget this creepy guy that came up to me once and said "I noticed you looking at me and undressing me with your eyes".

I replied "I don't have my glasses on, were you standing in here somewhere?" He just stuttered and walked away.

:smile: I'd have been rolling on the floor laughing if I witnessed that! :biggrin:
  • #21
Evo said:
Well, wait a minute. Isn't this a double standard? If the guy initiates the conversation he's desperate, so if the woman initiates the conversation isn't she desperate also?

he's being facetious.
  • #22
Evo said:
Well, wait a minute. Isn't this a double standard? If the guy initiates the conversation he's desperate, so if the woman initiates the conversation isn't she desperate also?

No because the woman is the leading figure when it comes to the "invitation to the act of love". So therefore, she must be given the necesary means to "open the games". that's why she is not desperate. She is just playing her natural part in the complicated jungle of human interactions.

  • #23
Proton Soup said:
he's being facetious.

what's facetious ?

and don't tell me it means bantering
  • #24
Evo said:
Sounds like she's interested to me. Go for it! If you keep staring at her, you might give the poor girl brain damage, and you wouldn't want that on your conscience. :-p

Lol! Well, here's the thing. I do think there's heightened interest, but I`m not sure if it's attraction because they have expressed having no desire to explore a romantic relationship with me. The other objection is that they have a boyfriend (which weren't lies), and that maybe the reason they said having no interest. But they do want to maintain contact (and be friends I guess). Thing is, I don't.
  • #25
Galileo said:
Lol! Well, here's the thing. I do think there's heightened interest, but I`m not sure if it's attraction because they have expressed having no desire to explore a romantic relationship with me. The other objection is that they have a boyfriend (which weren't lies), and that maybe the reason they said having no interest. But they do want to maintain contact (and be friends I guess). Thing is, I don't.

ohhh boy, the "friends zone"...the worst place ever

  • #26
marlon said:
That guy is a loser, a guy should never talk to a girl first.
The girl has to initiate the conversation. Otherwise the guy comes over as being desperate, which in 99 % of the cases is in fact true.

Strong men don't talk, they are being talked to.


LOL, that's totally not me. If I like a girl, I let it be known. Right away and straight up.
You do not come across as desperate and needy if you are not desperate and needy and clearly express who you are. I trust that women will sense what I`m all about.

But I`m not a strong man, I have a big weakness for cute women.
  • #27
Galileo said:
I have a big weakness for cute women.

that's not a weakness, that's a normal property of a strong man

  • #28
marlon said:
No because the woman is the leading figure when it comes to the "invitation to the act of love". So therefore, she must be given the necesary means to "open the games". that's why she is not desperate. She is just playing her natural part in the complicated jungle of human interactions.


Marlon's right. Women absolutely play the lead roll in the dating drama, especially in the openning scenes.
  • #29
lisab said:
Marlon's right. Women absolutely play the lead roll in the dating drama, especially in the openning scenes.

I don't know what mating games you play lisa, but I'd like a video.
  • #30
lisab said:
Marlon's right. Women absolutely play the lead roll in the dating drama, especially in the openning scenes.

finally someone who "gets it"

you MUST be a real woman

  • #31
Kurdt said:
I don't know what mating games you play lisa, but I'd like a video.

Yep, I'm a REAL woman with spelling issues...
  • #32
*Spelling Nazi* :devil:
  • #33
If a man is too wimpy to approach me, I'm not interested. I want a confident man.

The most I will do is smile at him to let him know I'm interested, but he has to come to ME. They always do.
  • #34
Evo said:
If a man is too wimpy to approach me, I'm not interested. I want a confident man.

Its no wonder you never get any of the nerds you fancy. :-p
  • #35
Evo said:
If a man is too wimpy to approach me, I'm not interested. I want a confident man.

A confident man KNOWS that the woman will follow her natural impulses and therefore he doesn't NEED to approach her.

If he does needs to talk first, it means he is UNABLE to "arouse" the woman's natural instincts...
