Quantum from classical behavior in higher dimensions?

In summary, the conversation discusses a model where electrical nodes are placed on a sphere and connected by copper wires. The nodes can turn each other on and off, creating different states over time. The model can be interpreted in a classical way and can potentially be applied to quantum mechanics. The role of probabilities is also discussed, with a possible geometrical interpretation using Buffon's needle principle. The theory also suggests that the specification can evolve or vary continuously on the sphere. The conversation also briefly mentions the De Broglie-Bohm theory and private messages.
  • #1
Consider the following model.

Put a lattice of N electrical nodes on a sphere. The lattice doesn't have to be perfectly regular. Each node is connected to others by copper wires that run through the interior of the sphere. The wires do not interfere with each other.

In some initial state I, some of the nodes are turned on, and the rest of the nodes are turned off. Each node turns on the other nodes it is connected to, to various degrees, in the next time-step. (So at each successive time-step a node's value is the sum of the contributions from connected nodes that were on in the previous time-step). The set of wires that connects a given node to other nodes is given by a specification that is invariant with respect to where on the sphere the given node is, i. e. the specification is the same for all nodes.

An evolution is the set of states over time, given some initial state I. An evolution is local if the nodes connected to the given node are immediate neighbors (or a subset of them). (“Immediate neighbors” are algorithmically selected using the metric on the sphere.) An evolution is non-local otherwise.

The motivation for this is the following. For lawful evolutions that are non-local, and for many that appear local but are otherwise mysterious, one can give an initial state and a “non-local” specification of wires that gives rise to that evolution. So what? The ontological status of the wires is the same as the ontological status of the electrical nodes. If this sort of model applies to quantum mechanics, one could ontologically interpret some kinds of quantum phenomena using a classical ontology. Further, the physics inside the sphere contains only local correlations. If Bell's theorem does not apply, it would be because the locality takes place in a dimension other than where the non-locality lives.

What is the role played by probabilities? Granting that behavior can be interpreted geometrically, is there a cause for the fact that an electron was observed to have x-spin up, instead of x-spin down? Okay, here is a possible geometrical interpretation. Suppose you have 2 manifolds in space (R^3), one “over” the other as given by a gravitational gradient. You drop Buffon's needle from the top one. The (classical) probability it intersects parallel lines on the bottom manifold is 2l/pw. If the needle landing on a line represents an observation of x-spin up, and landing on a space between lines represents an observation of x-spin down, then the size of the spacing between the lines is a geometrical interpretation of the probabilities for observing x-spin up or else x-spin down. Note the electron does not take on a spin (eigen)value until it lands on the bottom manifold. If the two manifolds are really just a concave part of a larger one, the larger one can represent the laboratory space continuously.

It might be necessary for the specification to evolve in time or to vary continuously over the surface, but these still preserve the ontology.

It goes without saying that to get any of the details of quantum mechanics one would use complex, and complicated, manifolds.
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  • #2
please check your PM , my theory also uses Buffon's needle principle.
  • #3
  • #5
SupremeFunky said:

PM stand for private messages that are send from one user to another. You can see a notification for new ones in the upper right hand of your browser. you can reply by clicking the reply button.
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FAQ: Quantum from classical behavior in higher dimensions?

1. What is the concept of "higher dimensions" in quantum mechanics?

"Higher dimensions" in quantum mechanics refer to the idea that there may be additional spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we experience in our everyday lives. These additional dimensions are theorized to exist at a much smaller scale and can potentially influence the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

2. How does quantum behavior differ from classical behavior in higher dimensions?

In classical mechanics, the behavior of particles is determined by their position, velocity, and mass, which can be precisely measured. However, in quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles is described by wave functions that represent the probability of finding a particle at a certain location. In higher dimensions, the wave functions can become more complex, leading to different behaviors and interactions between particles.

3. What evidence supports the existence of higher dimensions in quantum mechanics?

At the moment, there is no direct experimental evidence for the existence of higher dimensions in quantum mechanics. However, many theories, such as string theory and supersymmetry, incorporate higher dimensions to explain some of the fundamental mysteries of the universe, such as the unification of the four fundamental forces.

4. How do scientists study the effects of higher dimensions in quantum mechanics?

Scientists use mathematical models and simulations to study the behavior of particles in higher dimensions in quantum systems. They also conduct experiments at extremely small scales, such as in particle accelerators, to test the predictions of these models.

5. Can we experience or observe higher dimensions in our everyday lives?

No, we cannot experience or observe higher dimensions in our everyday lives. These dimensions are theorized to exist at scales smaller than we can perceive, and their effects are only observed in the behavior of particles at the quantum level.
