Understanding Binomial Coefficients: Exploring the Formula and Its Applications

In summary, the binomial coefficient is the result of multiplying two numbers together and dividing the result by the first number. It is used in situations where the numbers being multiplied are small and the numbers being divided are large.
  • #1
k, maybe wrong forum... whatever...

Anyway, so i was hoping someone could maybe derive or at least explain binomial coefficients. Like, i know that binomial(n,r)= n!/(n-r)!r! but why? in class the guy was explaining something like, if you're counting, and you're trying to arrange 3 balls into 2 groups then its like...

|1 2 3
1|2 3
1 2|3
1 2 3|

and that because of that, it was like, the formula we'd use for this problem would be binomial(n+r-1, r-1), and then we plug that into the factorial problem... and voila... but, i dunno. this didn't make sense to me at all. we introduce a divider, and we derive some formula for it... and... eh...

so, i see how the method was convienient, but i think there must be some more formal way of going about it. soo...
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  • #2
Okay, first we need to know that the set of all n-permutations of n objects (arrangements of all n objects) contains n! elements. It is easy enough to see this from the multiplication principle of counting. You can then derive the expression for all k-permutations of n objects where k is between n and 0 as n!/(n-k)!. This can be derived in an in situ fashion. Suppose x is the number of k-permutations. Then by the multiplication principle x*(n-k)! = n!, so we have x = n!/(n-k)!. (LHS explanation: x counts permutations of k things. Next, we permute n-k things for each permutation x counts. This is the same as the amount of permutations of n things.) This is the method we shall use to get the form for combinations.
Suppose you have a set of n objects. Let x be the number of k-combinations of n objects, where k is between n and 0. If we were to then count the k-permutations of these k objects, we should then have a number equivalent to k-permutations of the original n objects. Now each object in the set of combinations has k! permutations, so we have the equation k!*x = n!/(n-k)!, which we solve to get the familiar x = n!/[k!(n-k)!].
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  • #4
You can look at it as a heads and tails situation. (H+T)(H+T) = HH+HT+TH+TT = H^2+2HT+T^2; which give us all of the four outcomes from flipping a series of heads and tails. This can all be repeated for the nth power, (H+T)^n. These are known, by the way, as Bernoulli trials.
  • #5
Uh, I am sorry, I am posting a question in this thread, but it's realted to binomial coeffecients. The question is that there exists an important result that (rootA + B)to the power n = I + f ( I - integral value, f - fractional part ). From this we get the value of (A + Bsquare)to the power n = K to the power n. Then, it is explained for n as odd and even integer separately.
I have not got this one clearly. Can someone please explain this to me.

FAQ: Understanding Binomial Coefficients: Exploring the Formula and Its Applications

What are binomial coefficients?

Binomial coefficients are mathematical tools used to calculate the number of possible combinations of a given set of items or events. They are often represented as (n choose k), where n represents the total number of items or events and k represents the number of items or events being selected.

How are binomial coefficients calculated?

Binomial coefficients are calculated using the formula (n choose k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!), where n! represents the factorial of n. This formula is commonly known as the "choose" formula.

What is the significance of binomial coefficients in statistics?

Binomial coefficients are commonly used in statistics to calculate the probability of a specific combination of events occurring. They are also used in statistical tests, such as the binomial distribution and the binomial test.

What is the relationship between binomial coefficients and Pascal's triangle?

Pascal's triangle is a triangular arrangement of numbers where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in Pascal's triangle represent the binomial coefficients for the corresponding row and column. Therefore, Pascal's triangle is a useful tool for quickly calculating binomial coefficients.

How are binomial coefficients used in real-world applications?

Binomial coefficients have many real-world applications, such as in genetics, where they are used to calculate the probability of a certain genotype or phenotype. They are also used in engineering, finance, and computer science for various calculations and analyses.
