How Does Angular Momentum Affect Ice Skating Techniques?

In summary, the conversation discusses the conservation of angular momentum and its relation to body mass, moment of inertia, and angular velocity. The question is raised if the equation L=mr^2(2πf) is correct and if so, how would varying the "moment" during rotation affect the rotation rate. It is mentioned that the moment of inertia for a point mass is mr^2, but for a body, it needs to be integrated over the entire volume. It is suggested to put someone on a turntable to measure angular momentum for different positions. The conversation also touches on the concept of a perfectly homogenous sphere and its moment of inertia. It is stated that a point-like mass not located on the defined axis of rotation has
  • #1
Hello, I'm trying to bone up on my conservation of angular momentum skills as well as my ice skating skills so I can be like my hero, Michio Kaku.

Unfortunately my ice skating skills are better than my physics skills, so I thought y'all might be able to help. Here's the question, if angular momentum, L, equals the moment of inertia of a body, I, multiplied by its angular velocity, ω, then does [itex]L=mr^2(2πf)[/itex]?

Now, if that's true, then does [itex]r=\sqrt{L/m2πf}[/itex]?

And, accordingly, [itex]f=L/m2πr^2[/itex]?

I just attempted to derive these myself so I don't know if I'm missing something here.

Plugging in some values, then, if I weighed 100 kg and started spinning at 1 cycle per second with my arms extended at a 1 meter radius, then would my angular momentum be 628.32 joule-seconds?

Now say we were to conserve this figure as I varied my "moment" during my spin by moving my arms inward and outward of my torso. Say I brought my arms in so that my radius was .5 meters instead of 1 meter. Would my rotation rate then be 4 cycles per second?

Finally, if I decided I wanted to rotate at a comfortable 2 cycles per second, would I need to move my arms to a position whereby my radius was 0.7 meters?

Am I calculating these figures correctly? Thanks for your help. Also, I do have one follow up question once I get all of this checked out.


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  • #2
The moment of inertia is [itex] mr^2 [/itex] for a point mass, but in general you have to integrate over the entire volume of the body. (divide body in small parts, sum mr^2 for these parts)
It would be easier to put someone on a turntable and try to measure the angular momentum for different positions.
  • #3
willem2 said:
The moment of inertia is [itex] mr^2 [/itex] for a point mass, but in general you have to integrate over the entire volume of the body. (divide body in small parts, sum mr^2 for these parts)
It would be easier to put someone on a turntable and try to measure the angular momentum for different positions.

Would a perfectly homogenous sphere, mass distribution-wise, like a perfectly homogenous bowling ball, qualify as such a point mass?
  • #4
The point being made is that a point-like mass not located at the defined axis of rotation has a moment of inertia given by mr2 where r is its distance from the axis of rotation.

If you like, think of it as a point-like mass mounted on a massless rod that is attached to a freely spinning massless axle.

If you inflate that point-like mass to a bowling ball you have to consider not only the moment of inertia due to the distance of the center of mass from the axle but also the moment of inertia due to the distance of the distributed mass from its own center line. The total angular momentum would be mr2 + 2/5mR2 where R is the radius of the bowling ball and r is the distance of the center of the bowling ball from the axle.
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  • #5

Hello! It's great to see someone interested in both physics and ice skating. The mechanics of ice skating involve concepts of both Newtonian mechanics and fluid mechanics.

To answer your first question, yes, the equation L=mr^2(2πf) is correct. This equation shows the relationship between angular momentum (L), moment of inertia (I), and angular velocity (ω). Moment of inertia is a measure of how difficult it is to change the rotational motion of an object. It depends on the mass of the object (m) and the distance of its mass from the axis of rotation (r). So, as you correctly derived, if you decrease the radius (r), the moment of inertia (I) decreases and the angular velocity (ω) increases to keep the angular momentum (L) constant.

Your calculations for angular momentum seem to be correct. When you decrease the radius from 1 meter to 0.5 meters, your angular velocity would increase to 4 cycles per second to maintain the same angular momentum. And to rotate at 2 cycles per second, your radius would need to be 0.7 meters.

One thing to keep in mind is that these calculations are based on ideal conditions and do not take into account friction or air resistance. In reality, these factors would affect your spin and may not perfectly follow the equations.

I hope this helps with your understanding of the mechanics of ice skating and conservation of angular momentum. I look forward to your follow-up question. Keep skating and learning!

FAQ: How Does Angular Momentum Affect Ice Skating Techniques?

What is the science behind ice skating?

The mechanics of ice skating involve the principles of Newton's laws of motion, friction, and balance. When a skater pushes off the ice, they create a force that propels them forward. The blades of the skates reduce friction with the ice, allowing the skater to glide. Balance is essential in ice skating as it helps the skater maintain control and perform various maneuvers.

How do ice skates work?

Ice skates have a sharp, narrow blade that allows the skater to cut into the ice and push off with force. The blade also reduces friction between the skater and the ice. The boots of the skates provide support and stability for the skater's feet while performing different movements.

What is the role of centrifugal force in ice skating?

Centrifugal force is the outward force that acts on an object moving in a circular path. In ice skating, centrifugal force helps the skater maintain their balance and speed while turning. When a skater turns, their body leans towards the center of the curve, creating centrifugal force that keeps them from falling.

Why do ice skaters spin faster when they pull their arms closer to their body?

This is due to the law of conservation of angular momentum, which states that a rotating object's speed will increase when its mass is moved closer to its axis of rotation. When an ice skater pulls their arms closer to their body during a spin, their mass decreases, causing them to spin faster.

How do different ice conditions affect ice skating?

The smoothness and hardness of the ice can significantly impact ice skating. A smooth surface reduces friction, allowing for faster gliding, while a rough surface can slow down the skater. Harder ice provides better support and allows for more significant jumps and turns, while softer ice may make it more challenging to perform certain movements.

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