How long does it take for a black hole to devour a star?

In summary, a recent article on reported the discovery of a black hole that was in the process of destroying a star that came too close. The question was raised whether it is possible to calculate the time it would take for the star to be fully consumed by the black hole, given the mass of the star, the mass of the black hole, and the distance between them. It was suggested that this may be possible if the rate at which the materials are being taken from the star is known. However, it was also noted that the reaction of the star to losing mass could play a significant role in the consumption process.
  • #1
I just read an article on that a black Hole was discovered in the process of destroying an unfortunate star that wandered too close. My question is, If you know the mass of the star, the mass of the black hole, and the distance between them can you calculate how long it will take for the star to be fully devoured by the black hole?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
I would think so as long as those details gave us knowledge of how fast the materials was being stolen from the star. Whether they do or not, I don't know.
  • #3
A lot depends on how the star reacts to losing mass. It is possible that in the process of giving up mass to the BH, the star will shrink to a point where it is within its own Roche lobe, and when that happens, it will stop losing matter to the BH.

FAQ: How long does it take for a black hole to devour a star?

1. What is a black hole eating a star?

A black hole eating a star is a phenomenon in which a star is pulled into a black hole's strong gravitational pull and torn apart, with its matter and energy being absorbed by the black hole.

2. How does a black hole eat a star?

A black hole eats a star by using its strong gravitational force to pull the star towards it. As the star gets closer, it is stretched and torn apart by the black hole's tidal forces, and its matter and energy are drawn into the black hole's event horizon.

3. What happens to the star's matter and energy when it is eaten by a black hole?

The star's matter and energy are absorbed by the black hole and become part of its mass. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy, which can be observed as bright X-ray and gamma-ray emissions from the accretion disk around the black hole.

4. Can a black hole eat all types of stars?

Yes, a black hole can eat any type of star, as long as the star is close enough to be within the black hole's gravitational influence. However, larger and more massive stars are more likely to be eaten by a black hole due to their stronger gravitational pull.

5. Is it dangerous for a black hole to eat a star?

No, it is not dangerous for a black hole to eat a star. This process is a natural occurrence in the universe and happens regularly. However, the energy released during this process can be dangerous to objects in the vicinity, and it is important for scientists to study and understand these events to better understand the universe.
