Xray refraction and UV refraction border?

In summary, there are two types of electromagnetic waves - X-rays with a slightly below one refraction index and ultraviolet with above one refraction index. The threshold where the refraction index becomes impossible is related to the plasma frequency and the maximum frequency at which a material can polarize. The main dielectric mechanism for visible and UV waves is electronic polarization, which loses its response at around 10^15 Hz. This suggests that there is no >1 refraction above this frequency range. X-rays become transparent above their plasma frequency, leading to <1 refraction index. However, the limit of 300nm for X-rays seems too long, as shorter UV waves can still be focused by regular optics. Further research is needed to determine
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Xray in any matter have a slightly below one refraction index.
Ultraviolet still have materials with above 1 refraction index.

Where in the spectrum between them does >1 index cease to be possible, and what is the nature of this threshold?
Science news on Phys.org
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I think I've found some clues.

First thing is about permittivity.
A material can not polarize instantaneously in response to an applied field, which suggest that there should be a maximum frequency at which it would be able to.
This seems to be related to plasma frequency, but i can't find much on the values and cross-reference.

Then, there are several kinds of dielectric mechanism - electronic polarization seems to be centred around visible and UV, with nothing else above it, and it loses its response at around 10^15 Hz, which seems to be close to the right zone.
With no polarization response there would be no slowing phase velocity, and thus no >1 refraction.

Now, since the materials seem to become transparent to x-rays above their plasma frequency, and that waves in electron plasma can have phase velocity higher than c, we would see <1 refraction index.

However, 300nm seems to be a little too long a limit - well in the UV, while much shorter UVs can still be focused by regular optics.

Needless to say, I'm quite out of my depth already.
Does that make any sense, and is it the right direction to look in for the answer?

FAQ: Xray refraction and UV refraction border?

1. What is X-ray refraction?

X-ray refraction refers to the bending of X-rays as they pass through a material, causing changes in their direction and intensity. This phenomenon is similar to the refraction of light through a lens, but occurs at a smaller scale due to the shorter wavelength of X-rays.

2. How does X-ray refraction occur?

X-ray refraction occurs due to the interaction between X-rays and the electrons in a material. As the X-rays pass through the material, they interact with the electrons, causing changes in their direction and energy. This results in the refraction of the X-rays.

3. What is UV refraction border?

The UV refraction border is the boundary between two materials that have different refractive indices for ultraviolet (UV) light. This border is where UV light bends as it passes from one material to another, causing a change in its direction and intensity.

4. Why is the UV refraction border important?

The UV refraction border is important because it allows us to study the properties of materials and their interactions with UV light. By understanding how UV light is refracted at this border, we can gain insights into the composition and structure of different materials.

5. How is the UV refraction border used in scientific research?

The UV refraction border is used in various scientific fields, such as materials science, biology, and chemistry. It is used to study the properties of materials, such as their composition, thickness, and refractive index. In biology, it is used to image and analyze biological samples, as well as to study the interactions between light and living cells. In chemistry, it is used to determine the structure and composition of molecules and crystals.
