Quadratic forms, linear algebra

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving rotating and translating a conic section into standard position. The steps involved in solving the problem are to complete the squares, write down the symmetric coefficient matrix, diagonalize it, and classify the quadratic form. The individual asking for help mentions that the problem is not difficult, but they are short on time to write it all up. They eventually figure out the solution.
  • #1
I have a question that i have to do, the only problem is time. Since i have to finish my stats assignment, would anyone tell me the steps involved in solving this problem(in order),
Rotate and translate the coordinate axes, as necessary to bring the conic section
3x^2 -8xy -12y^2 -30x-64y=0
into standard position. Give its equation in standard form.
Sketch it in relation to original and final axes.

This problem is not difficult for me to do it, but it just takes me time to write it all up, and if anyone could just tell me the steps in order to fully solve this, it would really help me, timewise, thanks.
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  • #2
How I'd do it:

First complete the squares so you can see what translation you should make to bring it into a quadratic form.
Then write down the symmetric coefficient matrix and diagonalize it.
See to what rotation the diagonalizing orthogonal matrix corresponds.
Classify the quadratic form and sketch.
  • #3
What do you mean it "is not difficult" but takes too long to write up? If you can do the problem why do you need us to tell you what to do?

I don't see any reason to complete the square first: Just write the matrix for the
quadratic terms:


(Notice that the "-8" of "-8xy" is divided between the two non-diagonal terms, making the matrix symmetric so it can be diagonalized.)

Find the eigenvalues and eigen vectors. Choosing the eigenvectors as new axes makes the new coefficient matrix diagonal- i.e. removes the xy term.
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  • #4
i understand the problem, but as i said timewise i was short, whether its difficult or not i didn't have time to do this while doing my stats assignment, but anyways i got it now, thnx

FAQ: Quadratic forms, linear algebra

1. What is a quadratic form?

A quadratic form is a mathematical expression that contains one or more variables, each raised to the second power (squared). It can also include a constant term. Quadratic forms are commonly used in linear algebra to represent and analyze systems of equations and geometric shapes in multiple dimensions.

2. How is linear algebra related to quadratic forms?

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with systems of linear equations and their properties. Quadratic forms are closely related to linear equations because they can be expressed as a system of linear equations using matrices. Linear algebra techniques, such as matrix operations and eigenvector analysis, can be used to solve and analyze quadratic forms.

3. What is the difference between a quadratic form and a quadratic equation?

A quadratic form is an expression that contains variables raised to the second power, while a quadratic equation is an equation that sets a quadratic form equal to a constant. In other words, a quadratic form is a mathematical object, while a quadratic equation is a statement that can be solved to find the values of the variables in the quadratic form.

4. How do you determine the signature of a quadratic form?

The signature of a quadratic form is the number of positive, negative, and zero eigenvalues of its associated matrix. To determine the signature, you must first convert the quadratic form into a matrix using a specific formula. Then, you can find the eigenvalues of the matrix and count the number of positive, negative, and zero values to determine the signature.

5. What are some real-world applications of quadratic forms?

Quadratic forms have numerous applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, they can be used to model and analyze physical systems, such as the motion of a projectile, or to optimize financial portfolios. Quadratic forms are also commonly used in machine learning and computer graphics to represent and manipulate data in multiple dimensions.

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