Is Your Closet a Jumbled Mess? Time to Declutter!

  • Thread starter lisab
  • Start date
In summary: No idea what a closet is. All my clothes are on my bed and floor.Mine are all on the floor, too. I have a few good shirts, one of which which I dig out and iron when I have to go to a job interview, a wedding, or a funeral.Mine face left, and I'm right handed.

How are the hanging shirts in your closet arranged?

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  • #1
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In your closet, do all your hanging shirts face the same way? Or are they every which-way?
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  • #2
No idea what a closet is. All my clothes are on my bed and floor.
  • #3
I believe my shirts face mostly left, probably since I'm right handed.
  • #4
When my wife puts things together for me there is order in my one fraction of one closet. Otherwise delicious chaos ensues. The floor of my fraction is always a well ordered snarl of last winter's shirts and denims in various stages of decay. There is a heavy wire metal dairy crate there to restrain the snarl.

All of the other closets are hers and arranged right-faced, with shirts buttoned.

This also explains why I am cornered into one-quarter of one closet.
  • #5
lisab said:
In your closet, do all your hanging shirts face the same way? Or are they every which-way?
GASP! Surely you aren't suggesting that clothes can be hung facing different directions! Everything hangs facing to my left, shirts, coats, jackets, nightgowns and pajamas, sweaters, robes. All shoes have their toes pointed toward the wall. They are not allowed to peer out into the closet.
  • #6
Evo said:
GASP! Surely you aren't suggesting that clothes can be hung facing different directions! Everything hangs facing to my left, shirts, coats, jackets, nightgowns and pajamas, sweaters, robes. All shoes have their toes pointed toward the wall. They are not allowed to peer out into the closet.


All my shirts look to the left, too. Funny thing is, I never noticed it before meeting my husband! All his shirts look right! So our shirts get to flirt with each other all the time, haha.

Shoes, I'm embarrassed, go every which-way. But my sock drawers are well-organized, by function (work socks here, gym socks there).
  • #7
My shirts have a tendency to face left. On the extreme left side of the closet, however, they start facing right.
  • #8
Evo said:
GASP! Surely you aren't suggesting that clothes can be hung facing different directions! Everything hangs facing to my left, shirts, coats, jackets, nightgowns and pajamas, sweaters, robes. All shoes have their toes pointed toward the wall. They are not allowed to peer out into the closet.

haha, I'm the same. I once was hanging up my coat in someone else's house and somehow it was reversed on the hanger, so I twisted the metal top so that it would face to the left again when hanged. The host didn't like it and twisted it back before hanging my coat :rolleyes:

It was an automatism, I didn't mean to be rude and twist his hanger :)
  • #9
Astronuc said:
I believe my shirts face mostly left, probably since I'm right handed.

Faced left and I'm a left handed. :biggrin:

I think it depends, I have a big closet where the easiest way for me to look up any clothing is the left side of it since I have my desk close to the right side of the closet. currently I have all my clothes in my bags [lazy to hang them, besides I'm going to pack up again in a month or so] :p
  • #10
Facing my closet, shirts on the left side face right, and shirts on the right side face left. In the middle are ties. :)
  • #11
Everything faces the right, color coordinated and sectioned out by season.

I also don't have many clothes. I have a 3' wide closet and most of it's contents are books. So it makes it very easy to organize.
  • #12
zoobyshoe said:
My shirts have a tendency to face left. On the extreme left side of the closet, however, they start facing right.
I'll have to check, but that might be the case in my closet too.
  • #13
Fermionic shirts should alternate between left and right and bosonic shirts (tshirts?) don't care.
  • #14
It doesn't matter if the clothes face left, right, east or west, your cat will always find a way to shed cat hair all over the them.
  • #15
I just looked in my wife's closet, it's color coordinated based on crayons. -_-.
  • #16
Astronuc said:
I believe my shirts face mostly left, probably since I'm right handed.

I believe my shirts face mostly right, probably since I'm right handed.
  • #17
In my defense, it's easy to color coordinate black.

By crayons? How does that work?

Mine face the right since I'm left/right mixed dominance. I like to do strong, large motor skill functions with my left. (Throw, carry, etc). I grab the hanger with my left hand.
  • #18
Borek said:
I believe my shirts face mostly right, probably since I'm right handed.

Mine face left, and I'm right handed..:redface:
  • #19
Whey is being a shirt a hanging offence? I have a few good shirts, one of which which I dig out and iron when I have to go to a job interview, a wedding, or a funeral.

I wear jeans or shorts and golf/tennis shirts or t-shirts when I am at work, and when I am not at work. I fold these, and put them in drawers.

In our front closet, my jackets and coats all face right.
  • #20
I only own like 8 shirts, 4 pants, 2 skirts. So If I didn't hang them, that'd be pretty lazy.

I bet if I had a lot more clothes I'd just fold them. It's way easier.
  • #21
HayleySarg said:
In my defense, it's easy to color coordinate black.

By crayons? How does that work?

Mine face the right since I'm left/right mixed dominance. I like to do strong, large motor skill functions with my left. (Throw, carry, etc). I grab the hanger with my left hand.

Think of the rainbow, they go in that order. Apparently her 100 shoes are organized by height and year.
  • #22
How... ?

I'm always amazed at the amount of clothing someone can collect. 100 pairs or 100 shoes?

Regardless. That's impressive.
  • #23
HayleySarg said:
How... ?

I'm always amazed at the amount of clothing someone can collect. 100 pairs or 100 shoes?

Regardless. That's impressive.

Well, I think it's 100 shoes so that's 50 pairs, still a lot. It sounds like a lot, but over 10 years it's only buying 5 per year... Although I'm 100% sure she donates a good deal of them yearly so in reality it's probably of the order of 12 per year.
  • #24
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. A good friend of mine has nearly that much as well. I have 150 video games ... so maybe I can learn to appreciate. They are not arranged like crayons however. LOL
  • #25
Am I the only one to read the thread title as "Question About Your Coset"?

Not that I know what a coset is.
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  • #26
I chose random because they do not all face one way, but they aren't random either.
  • #27
Borek said:
Am I the only one to read the thread title as "Question About Your Coset"?

Not that I know what a coset is.

Equivalence classes for left and right cosets.
  • #28
I just thought of something, I hang my shirts facing left so I can see the front of them while I'm "browsing" through them trying to pick one out for the day. However, my closet is in the right corner of my room, meaning that I approach it from the left side. I started thinking, what if the closet were in the left side of the room where I had to approach it from the right? Having my shirts facing left would then thwart my capacity to see the front of the shirt I would be wearing as I browsed through them. I think if this were the case, I probably would hang them to the right.

The conclusion being that whether you hang your shirts facing left or right is not a character or handedness trait, it a context-dependent action. Anybody? Please state how you hang you shirts along with a description of your room and in what direction you approach your closet from.
  • #29
DiracPool said:
I just thought of something, I hang my shirts facing left so I can see the front of them while I'm "browsing" through them trying to pick one out for the day. However, my closet is in the right corner of my room, meaning that I approach it from the left side. I started thinking, what if the closet were in the left side of the room where I had to approach it from the right? Having my shirts facing left would then thwart my capacity to see the front of the shirt I would be wearing as I browsed through them. I think if this were the case, I probably would hang them to the right.

The conclusion being that whether you hang your shirts facing left or right is not a character or handedness trait, it a context-dependent action. Anybody? Please state how you hang you shirts along with a description of your room and in what direction you approach your closet from.

I face my closet straight-on. My side of the closet is on the right, and my husband is on the left. All my shirts face left. So yes, when I browse in the morning, all my shirts face me. At least, if they had faces, they would face me.
  • #30
This thread reminded me that I had a closet.Not sure if I opened it in the last 2 years frankly.If a piece of clothe reaches the closet , he's probably never going to see the light again until I put him in the garbage years later.
  • #31
I hang my shirts with right hand, buttons facing left.
Bills in my wallet are all oriented with president facing right and ordered by denomination

but the rest of my life is abject chaos. They got fire brigade after my desk...


old jim
  • #32
The majority of my clothing is T-shirts and jeans and socks, and they all fit in an armoire in the bedroom. I do not use other clothing that might have to be hung up, and should in fact clean out my part of the closet and take a big bag down to the Goodwill drop-off box. They have already gotten the sport coats and a 3-piece wool suit, so they might as well have the dress shirts, too.

FAQ: Is Your Closet a Jumbled Mess? Time to Declutter!

1. Why is decluttering my closet important?

Decluttering your closet is important for several reasons. First, it can help reduce stress and anxiety by creating a more organized and visually appealing space. It can also save you time and energy in the long run by making it easier to find and access your belongings. Additionally, decluttering can help you identify items that you no longer need or use, allowing you to donate or sell them, and potentially even make some extra money.

2. How often should I declutter my closet?

The frequency of decluttering your closet will depend on your personal preferences and habits, as well as the size and contents of your closet. Some people may choose to declutter on a monthly or quarterly basis, while others may only do it once or twice a year. It's important to pay attention to the state of your closet and declutter as needed to maintain an organized space.

3. What is the best way to declutter my closet?

There is no one "right" way to declutter your closet, as it will depend on your personal style and needs. However, a common approach is to start by taking everything out of your closet and sorting items into categories (e.g. keep, donate, sell, trash). Then, go through each category and make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. As you put items back into your closet, consider organizing them by type or frequency of use.

4. How do I decide what to keep and what to get rid of?

This can be a difficult decision, but a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if the item is still useful or brings you joy. If it's something you haven't used or worn in a long time, it may be time to let it go. You can also consider the condition of the item and if it's worth the space it takes up in your closet. It may also be helpful to set a limit for certain categories (e.g. 10 t-shirts, 5 pairs of jeans) to prevent yourself from holding onto too many similar items.

5. What should I do with items I no longer want or need?

There are several options for getting rid of items from your closet. You can donate them to a local charity or secondhand store, sell them online or at a yard sale, or recycle or dispose of them if they are no longer usable. It's important to properly dispose of any items that may be harmful to the environment, such as electronics or chemicals. Remember, one person's trash may be another person's treasure, so consider giving away items to friends or family who may find them useful.
