FEM for Gearbox Design: Key Input Data for Finite Element Method Analysis

  • Thread starter hellovn
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In summary, the gearbox will have to be designed for the loads imposed by the electric motor, the cutting tool, and the weight of the machine itself.
  • #1
hello alll
I am designing a gearbox for milling machine. For Finite element Method purpose, what are the input data (such as cutting force, spindle speed or load torsion moment) most influencing to structure of the gearbox? I am using FEM software for calculating the structure of this gearbox
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
yes what your assumption is correct boundry conditions for FEM
In gearbox,based on the torque transmission, forces will create to the gear support bearings.Further it has transfdered to the housing.If you send the layout of gearbox with load details myself tried to suggest the boundry conditions.

  • #3
FEA software is not a magic wand that can analyze an entire gearbox to tell you whether it will survive or not. I suspect that most of your calculations to do with gear stresses and the like will be analytical (or at least done in a gear-specific software package).

You will be able to model something like the gearbox housing in an FEA package, but it's inputs will be forces and supports, not spindle speeds or load torsion moments. You will have to use statics and dynamics to determine reaction forces and torques at specific mounting locations, and put those forces into the FEA model. Depending on the number of gears in the gearbox, you will probably have to split the problem into separate interactions to keep the model manageable.
  • #4
Here are gearbox in the assembled and simplified. Please give me more advice


  • gearbox.pdf
    340.8 KB · Views: 439
  • gearbox-empty.pdf
    305.3 KB · Views: 385
  • #5
As I suspected, its a very complex model with lots of small features and components. You're going to need to have a much stonger understanding of exactly what you're looking for before we can give you useful feedback. "Analyzing it" is way too general, what are you trying to analyze?
  • #6
Dear new friend,
I am trying to analysis the structure of this box (in the figure 2-simplified). It means this box could (or couldn’t) stand loading capacity during drilling operations. If this box couldn’t stand, where it will break
  • #7
Well, for a static structural analysis your inputs can be forces, torques, accelerations, and supports. Each place there is a gear mounted (or a pair of gears) you will need to determine what the reaction forces at these gears are, and apply them to the case. There will be a lot of up-front analysis to get the FEA model set up properly.
  • #8
Dear all
Sorry i cannot get in touch with in time.
It seems to be quite complex gear layout,from the attached housing cannot understand how many stages of gears,torque transmission details(also type of gears and details not available)
Its a bit length project.if u want me the guidance send the all details to my mail id so that i can look further...gear layout,gear details,load details like power,speed etc

Thanks prakash
  • #9
Hi hellovn,
The advice you're getting here is good. You should realize that we can't tell you what the loads are on your machine without a tremendous amount of detail, and I doubt you'll find this forum adequate to discuss all those details - there's just too much detail. Instead, I'd suggest the following overview, and if you have more specific questions you can try asking them as they come up.

In any analysis of a machine like this, perhaps the most simple way of determining loads and stresses on the machine are to break down the various loads individually. For loads imposed by the rotating shafts and gears, start at the electric motor. That motor puts out a torque which is resisted primarily by the cutting tool. So between the motor and tool, the torque creates forces on the bearings inside this box. Assume these are in static equilibrium and then do a static analysis on the loads to determine these forces. For example, the torque produced by the electric motor produces a force on the belt (and subsequent torque) that drives the shaft. That force has to be reacted by the bearings on that shaft and in turn, that shaft has forces on it that are produced by the reaction of gears or pullys on the shaft. Do a static analysis of those forces to determine the loads and direction of loads on the case. You don't need to concern yourself with shaft RPM to determine loads on the case. You need to reduce the entire system that is imposing loads on this gearbox to a set of static loads that are imposed on the various bearing pads and mounting locations of parts on this case.

And don't forget weight. You will need to determine loads imposed by both weight and motor torque on the mounting locations for the case. All of those loads need to be examined. There should be a variety of cases depending on gearing inside the case, so you should be looking at a variety of different load cases.

After you've done the stress analysis, someone needs to evaluate it. It has to be evaluated with various considerations in mind, such as fatigue, material strength, resulting deflections, etc...

If your job is only to do the FEA on the case, then perhaps someone else can provide those forces for you. Normally, a single 'project' engineer is responsible for an overall project, and they may or may not be responsible for providing the load cases to someone that does an FEA analysis of those loads. It would help considerably to explain what your responsibility is and how you're working with others in your company. In fact, I wonder why someone else at your company isn't helping to explain all these things to you. Have you talked to your supervisor? Why are you looking for help on a message board?

Finally, note that as previously mentioned, the reaction loads on the case aren't the only things that need analysis. The shafts need to be looked at, bearings, gears, etc... All of the loads on the various parts should fall out of the static analysis. In addition, the bearings need to be looked at for clearances, thermal movement of shafts, proper alignment, etc... All your fasteners need to be looked at for proper preload, shear stress in threads, forces on them, etc... Lubrication... fatigue of parts ... economics ... casting manufacturability... There's a whole host of things that need analysis. Where does your responsibility start/end and what are you really trying to get out of this discussion here?
  • #10
A wonderful reply to ur thread Hope forum poster has clear.

A special applause for u such patience and good reply.

  • #11
Dear all
Thanks for all your advice
I am trying to get strong understand about FEM as some people asked me. But more wonderful there are more difficult theory about FEM.
In this model, Can I use FEM software to analysis the structure? Using the software is easy than using formula calculate method?
Again, thanks very much for all of your advice.
Happy Christmas and Happy new year

FAQ: FEM for Gearbox Design: Key Input Data for Finite Element Method Analysis

1. What is FEM and how is it used in gearbox design?

FEM stands for Finite Element Method, which is a numerical technique used to solve complex engineering problems by dividing the problem into smaller, simpler parts. In gearbox design, FEM is used to analyze the stress and deformation of gear components, such as shafts, gears, and bearings, under various loading conditions.

2. What are the key input data required for FEM analysis in gearbox design?

The key input data for FEM analysis in gearbox design include the geometry of the gearbox components, material properties, and the loading conditions. This includes the dimensions and shape of the gears, shafts, bearings, and other components, as well as the material properties such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and yield strength. The loading conditions can include forces and torques applied to the gears, as well as the speed and direction of rotation.

3. How do you determine the material properties for FEM analysis in gearbox design?

Material properties can be determined through various methods, such as material testing or using published data. Material testing involves conducting experiments to measure the mechanical properties of the material, while published data can be obtained from material handbooks or online databases. It is important to use accurate and representative material properties for FEM analysis to ensure accurate results.

4. Can FEM be used to optimize gearbox design?

Yes, FEM can be used to optimize gearbox design by analyzing different design configurations and identifying areas of high stress or deformation. This allows for the modification of design parameters, such as gear size or material selection, to improve the performance and durability of the gearbox. FEM analysis can also help identify potential failure points and allow for design improvements before manufacturing.

5. What are the advantages of using FEM for gearbox design?

FEM offers several advantages for gearbox design, including the ability to accurately predict the behavior and performance of gear components, identify potential failure points, and optimize design parameters. It also allows for virtual testing, reducing the need for physical prototypes and saving time and costs in the design process. Additionally, FEM can provide valuable insights into the structural health of the gearbox, allowing for preventative maintenance and extending the lifespan of the gearbox.

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