Advanced Speech Recognition: Technology & Market Value

  • Thread starter Jake
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about advanced speech recognition software and its practicality and market value. The current best software is Dragon Naturally Speaking, but it requires speech training and may not have perfect accuracy. The speakers share their personal experiences and recommend joining a forum for technical support and training.
  • #1
What is your guys take on Advanced speach recognition? I mean the kind that is practical. No personal training required, less than 1 in 1000 words gotten wrong, fast, natural speaking etc. Would people actually use this, would it significantly expand the market value for this software?

Currently the best is Dragon naturally speaking which gets 'supposedly' 99 in 100 words correct but some reviews say less. Also it requires speach training.

Let me know what you think :smile:
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  • #2
Speach recognition is cool the first time, but it really isn't practical for everyday use. Voices get strained after constant use, fingers much less so.
  • #3
Is Anybody using Dragon, I'm looking for something that will let me dictate a book rather than write it.
  • #4
I have used Dragon 7, though I am not using it (or any speech recognition) currently. The faster your computer is, the better it will work. (This is because the accuracy is adjastable via a slider that basically tells the program how much CPU crunching time to spend on deciphering your words. If you have a fast computer, you can of course go ahead and slide that accuracy slider all the way to the right and be able to enjoy maximum accuracy with minimal processing lag. If you have a slow computer, it might take several seconds to figure out each phrase you speak.)

Dragon 7 worked alright for me, but I grew up in America speaking with a West-coast accent. Reportedly, if you do not speak like the human voice models the speech-recognition programmers use, you may have poor results.

I recommend joining the official Dragon discussion forum. It's a great forum and they can help you there with any technical problems or training difficulties you might have.
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FAQ: Advanced Speech Recognition: Technology & Market Value

1. What is advanced speech recognition technology?

Advanced speech recognition technology is a system that uses a combination of algorithms and artificial intelligence to recognize and interpret spoken language. It allows computers and other devices to understand and respond to human speech, enabling hands-free operation and more efficient communication.

2. How does advanced speech recognition work?

Advanced speech recognition technology utilizes complex algorithms to analyze and interpret audio signals, converting them into text or commands. This process involves several steps, including voice input, signal processing, acoustic modeling, language modeling, and speech recognition. The system then compares the recognized speech to a database of known words and phrases to determine the most likely interpretation.

3. What are the advantages of advanced speech recognition technology?

Advanced speech recognition technology offers several benefits, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and hands-free operation. It also allows for more natural and intuitive communication with devices, making it easier to interact with technology. Additionally, it can assist individuals with disabilities or those who have difficulty using traditional input methods, such as a keyboard or mouse.

4. What are some common applications of advanced speech recognition technology?

Advanced speech recognition technology has a wide range of applications, including virtual assistants, smart home devices, voice-controlled devices, and speech-to-text transcription. It is also used in call centers, customer service, and healthcare for voice-based dictation and documentation. In the future, it may also be used for language translation and speech-based security systems.

5. What is the market value of advanced speech recognition technology?

The market value of advanced speech recognition technology is expected to reach USD 31.97 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.2%. The increasing adoption of voice-controlled devices and the growing demand for efficient and natural human-computer interaction are driving the market growth. Additionally, the advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning are also contributing to the market expansion of advanced speech recognition technology.
