Exploring Quantum Superposition: Nucleon Cluster and Antimatter Deuterons

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a stable superposition between matter helium-3 [PNP] and antimatter anti-deuteron [N^P^]. The initial condition for this superposition would be a separable state, but with the evolution of the system, all possible outcomes would enter into the state vector. The potential for this superposition has implications for the understanding of nuclear physics and has been explored by nuclear physicist Ronald Brightsen in his cluster model. However, the mathematical dynamics behind the superposition have not been fully developed and further research is needed.
  • #1
I need some help with a problem that involves the concept of quantum superposition. Suppose you have a nucleon cluster of matter helium-3 [PNP] and you attempt to combine with antimatter deuterons [N^P^], where ^ represents antimatter. Would it be possible that the two could form wavefunctions that allow for a quantum superposition rather than complete annihilation of the matter and antimatter quarks ? Thanks for any comments you can provide.
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  • #2
Would the lack any of response to my initial post indicate that no current mathematical formalism exists in nuclear physics for possible superposition of a matter fermion cluster [PNP] with an antimatter boson cluster [N^P^] ? :confused:
  • #3
Yeah, of course a superposition is possible. You're asking the Schroedinger's Cat question.

  • #4

Your own words

... and you attempt to combine with antimatter deuterons ...

can be translated as if you were preparing an experimental collision between the two systems. Right? Then, this means that the initial condition you consider is a superposition of the mixed states for the composite system. At the start the superposition is separable. But with evolution of this system all possible outcome will enter into the state vector of the system. However, if the collision is successful, some component -annihilation- may dominate the picture: annihilation is nearly certain. Conversely, if the collision is a little bit too much off-target the system will almost surely escape annihilation. This picture may be complemented by other possible outcomes ...
  • #5
lalbatros said:
...if the collision is successful, some component -annihilation- may dominate the picture: annihilation is nearly certain. Conversely, if the collision is a little bit too much off-target the system will almost surely escape annihilation.
Thank you albatros. It is the second part of your above statement that I now try to understand from both the physics and more importantly the mathematics. Are you aware of any mathematical argument that would allow the collision to be successful, and for matter [PNP] + antimatter [N^P^] to form superposed union, and escape annihilation ? Perhaps some form of one of the Dirac equations ? If not, is there a mathematical argument that proves such collision as stated above impossible ? On first glance, one may think that collision of matter [PNP] + antimatter [N^P^], would just yield a [P], with the rest involved in annihilation and lots of gamma ray energy released. But, this would not happen if the two can form a superposition, this is what I try to understand mathematically, how such a superposition may be possible. Finally, has CERN or other experimental labs that work with antimatter ever tried this experiment ? It is really a very simple system to test, collision between matter helium-3 [PNP] with antimatter deuteron [N^P^], at different collision energies--does anyone know if this experiment has been conducted ?
  • #6
Are you really interested in whether they can form a superposition or whether they can form a bound state? Matter and antimatter can form bound states, for example. See this article which talks about positronium. It's very short lived but can exist. It's not really clear from your question why exactly you are asking and knowing that would help us give you the information you need.
  • #7
David said:
Are you really interested in whether they can form a superposition or whether they can form a bound state? It's not really clear from your question why exactly you are asking and knowing that would help us give you the information you need.
Thank you David. I am really interested if matter helium-3 [PNP] can form a stable superposition with antimatter anti--deuteron [N^P^], where I use ^ =antimatter. The positronium that you mention is very unstable, so only very weakly "bound".

I am interested because there is a cluster model by the late nuclear physicist Ronald Brightsen (MIT, 1950, worked under Dr. Charles Coryell at MIT on isotopes) that predicts that the above matter + antimatter superposition is possible--but he never published on the mathematical dynamics that would explain how the superposition would occur. He only mentioned that the outcome is two superposed states (1) what we call the proton [P], and (2) a hidden state with matter+antimatter {[NP][N^P^]}. I search for someone with the interest and time to take on the task of developing the required mathematics. I have posted the link to the model at many other threads, but here it is again: http://www.brightsenmodel.phoenixrising-web.net
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FAQ: Exploring Quantum Superposition: Nucleon Cluster and Antimatter Deuterons

1. What is quantum superposition?

Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states that a particle can exist in multiple states or positions at the same time until it is observed or measured.

2. What is a nucleon cluster?

A nucleon cluster is a group of nucleons (protons and neutrons) that are bound together by the strong nuclear force and form the nucleus of an atom.

3. What is an antimatter deuteron?

An antimatter deuteron is a composite particle made up of an antiproton and an antineutron, which are the antiparticles of a proton and neutron respectively. It has the same mass as a regular deuteron but with opposite charge.

4. How is quantum superposition related to nucleon clusters and antimatter deuterons?

Quantum superposition is related to nucleon clusters and antimatter deuterons because it allows for the possibility of these particles existing in multiple states at the same time. This is important in understanding their behavior and interactions in quantum systems.

5. How can exploring quantum superposition impact science and technology?

Exploring quantum superposition can lead to advancements in various fields, such as quantum computing, communications, and cryptography. It can also help us better understand the fundamental laws of nature and potentially lead to new technologies and applications in the future.

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