Who Can Resist the Adorable Kittens on The Daily Kitten?

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary: Her name is Puffy.In summary, this site is so precious! MIH, Ivan & Tsu, I know you'll appreciate this. Go to "kitten war", although the entire site is adorable.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
This site is so precious! MIH, Ivan & Tsu, I know you'll appreciate this. Go to "kitten war", although the entire site is adorable.

Cat haters that post here will be banned. :devil:



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  • #2
awww how cute

I thought there was a yawn button on this smiley list
  • #3
I love cats and little kitties !
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
awww how cute

I thought there was a yawn button on this smiley list
  • #5
Curious, wouldn't you say cats are purrfect?
  • #6
Curious3141 said:
I love cats and little kitties !
You're a GOOD person Curious3141. :approve:
  • #7
cyrusabdollahi said:
Curious, wouldn't you say cats are purrfect?

LOL, yup. And why are you suddenly making pre-school puns ? :smile:
  • #8
Evo said:
You're a GOOD person Curious3141. :approve:

Thanks. Cat lovers will inherit the earth, along with their cats.
  • #9
Curious3141 said:
LOL, yup. And why are you suddenly making pre-school puns ? :smile:

Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?
  • #10
Curious3141 said:
Thanks. Cat lovers will inherit the earth, along with their cats.
Cats are the only known object in the Universe to exceed the speed of light. When I go to sit down, a cat will instantaneously teleport itself into my lap. There is no other explanation to how it got there so quickly and without notice. :bugeye:
  • #11
cyrusabdollahi said:
Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?
Again !:smile: Your mental regression is a cat-astrophe.
  • #12
Hey, don't try to claw your way out this one like the last thread!
  • #13
That's right run away once again! You thought you were a tiger, but your just a kitty,...cat, that is. Perhaps your too tired, might I suggest a catnap. :smile:
  • #14
That's great! Look at those beautiful blue eyes on Nolo, in the Kitten Wars.

I gave up. They're all a draw.
  • #15
awww how cute they are! A friend of mine just imported a short haired russian cat, I'll have photos soon.
  • #16
Evo said:
You're a GOOD person Curious3141. :approve:

I love my cat. Apparently she says I'm not allowed to love any other cats. She might kill me if she suspects anything :rolleyes:. Or if I don't share the tuna.
  • #17
aaawwwwrrr! widdle kitty witties!:!)
  • #18
Where's the :groan: smiley when you need it :rolleyes:
  • #19
unbearable cuteness. My cat is getting jealous now.
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  • #20
The first cat posted looks a bit alien. Its too young to be cute, you can see through its belly skin a bit and into the veins.
  • #21
Cats are the perrrfect friend, they are so loveable when they make there
bed on you laAHp, and pull out all those pesky loose threads on your furnature, the best thing is when they reward you for feeding them, by
bringing you dinner
  • #22

Ivan, we need more kittens. And a puppy.:shy: :redface:
  • #23
Math Is Hard said:
unbearable cuteness.
Oh my god, it looks like it just got hit by a 7-year-old kid on a tricycle and died.

Seriously, it nearingly looks disgusting. How can it be cute? If you knew if it was dead would it still look cute? Look at this picture. Pretend that the two subjects were in a frozen state and/or dead.


They are still cute, either way. That is cute.
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  • #24
Mk said:
Oh my god, it looks like it just got hit by a 7-year-old kid on a tricycle and died.

Seriously, it nearingly looks disgusting. How can it be cute? If you knew if it was dead would it still look cute? Look at this picture. Pretend that the two subjects were in a frozen state and/or dead.


They are still cute, either way. That is cute.

Its yawning, you great plonker, ok it may look dead in that pose, but camaras are 2d :smile:
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  • #25
Kittenwars is OK I guess but I'm partial to stuffonmycat and mycathatesyou and when I feel like my sugar is too low I go to cuteoverload. Go to their April archives and scroll down for the cutest little kitty-kitty-boo-boo EVER!
  • #26
Mk said:
Oh my god, it looks like it just got hit by a 7-year-old kid on a tricycle and died.

Seriously, it nearingly looks disgusting. How can it be cute? If you knew if it was dead would it still look cute? Look at this picture. Pretend that the two subjects were in a frozen state and/or dead.
You are seriously disturbed.

Echo 6 said:
I'm partial to stuffonmycat and mycathatesyou
Me too! Mycathatesyou cracks me up everytime!
  • #27
Awwwww.TOO CUTE! I can't stop clicking to see more!
I just entered a photo of my kitten.
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  • #28
larkspur said:
Awwwww.TOO CUTE! I can't stop clicking to see more!
I just entered a photo of my kitten.
Oh how pretty! What kind is it?
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  • #29
She is a Ragdoll.
  • #30
sorry...I didn't mean to kill this thread...:cry:
  • #31
Cute kitty, Larkspur! They really are entertaining aren't they? The only bad part is I always had scratches on my hands when mine were babies because they wanted to play ALL the time.
  • #32
Thanks MIH.
Yes, kittens are so much fun.
I particularly love it when they arch their backs, stick their little tail in the air and run sideways on their tippy toes towards the toy in their path.
  • #33


Gotta love southpark.
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  • #34
The nokitty clip is from my all time favorite South Park episode!
  • #35
Larkspur, is that a fishing lure she's playing with? Gave her something that scratches back to teach her a lesson? :biggrin:

Thanks, Evo. I absolutely love cats.

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