Why Is Wave Function Collapse Unnecessary in Bohmian Interpretation?

In summary, the Bohmian interpretation does not require a true collapse because it suggests that reality is like a child observing ripples in a puddle, with our consciousness acting as the child and the planar field as the puddle. Our interpretation of these interactions creates our perception of reality, much like a movie becoming too real. Therefore, there is no need for a collapse in this interpretation as the particle is guided by a pilot wave and never acts like a wave itself.
  • #1
why is not need for introducing a true collapse in bohmian interpretation?
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  • #2
I think that reality is much like a child looking in wonder at the ripples in a puddle. Noticing how they have consistent patterns that seem to interact with each other. Only consciousness is the child and the puddle is a planar 2-Dimensional field much like the one between two different liquid phases. The energy distribution between these phases would generate rhythmic vibrations, or waves, that interacted with each other. The interpretation of these interactions is what we have turned into reality. Much like a movie becoming too real, we are acting out and placing ourselves as if in the mix of things. Our basic equation of what reality is takes the form of some strange waves mixing with each other in a unique way (probability curves). I feel as if we are peering into a window, like in one of those full body suits they had on the andromeda strain that doctors use to enter an isolated room. And we are creating ripples from our clumsy observations and then interpreting these ripples to be a new iphone. Who is with me?
  • #3
unica said:
why is not need for introducing a true collapse in bohmian interpretation?

In this interpretation, a particle is being moved around by a pilot wave, so the particle itself never acts like a wave, so the wavefunction never needs to collapse.

FAQ: Why Is Wave Function Collapse Unnecessary in Bohmian Interpretation?

1. What is wave function collapse?

Wave function collapse is a concept in quantum mechanics that refers to the sudden reduction or collapse of the wave function of a particle into a single, definite state when it is observed or measured.

2. Why does wave function collapse occur?

Wave function collapse occurs due to the act of measurement or observation. It is believed that the interaction between the observer and the particle causes the wave function to collapse into a specific state.

3. What is the significance of wave function collapse?

The concept of wave function collapse plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It helps explain why particles behave differently when observed and how the measurement process affects their state.

4. Can wave function collapse be reversed?

No, wave function collapse cannot be reversed. Once the wave function has collapsed into a specific state, it remains that way. This is known as the "irreversibility" of the collapse process.

5. How does wave function collapse relate to the uncertainty principle?

Wave function collapse is closely related to the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The measurement process involved in wave function collapse is one of the reasons for this uncertainty.
