Developing Website with Free Software - XP Compatible

  • Thread starter ehrenfest
  • Start date
In summary: It's a bit more complicated than just using basic html, but if you are serious about web design it's worth getting into.SeaMonkey is a program that can be used to design a website.
  • #1
I am trying to develop a website and I am getting sick of writing everything in HTML. Is there some free software package that I can use instead? MS word works with html files but there has got to be something better.

I have Windows XP.
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  • #2
Code by hand. It's not hard, and the websites will look much better than coming out of MS Word.

Otherwise there are a great many programs out there, many of which are free. As I don't use anything but a text editor I'm in a bad position to help here.
  • #3
Is SeaMonkey an example of a program that I can use to design a website? Has anyone used that?

What about the Mozilla Application Suite?
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  • #4
Code by hand as CRGreathouse said... but if you are a beginner then use Microsoft Frontpage if you really have to (I don't really like Frontpage). Use Adobe Dreamweaver for advanced server side implementations.
  • #5
Yeah, seamonkey is one (I've had the impression seamonkey pretty much is what mozilla appl suite has in this respect ... someone correct/verify please). aceHTML is also freeware for win which at least personally have found to be a solid editor and prefer over frontpage and like. Coding by hand is sure "preferable" in learning the ropes and all that, but once it gets "big and complex enough" doing it in an IDE for the sole management of the whole project is in my book a good idea.
  • #6
I'd recommend coding by hand using notepad or something similar. Try a few firefox extensions like to help learn how html works.
  • #7
But there's no way you could make a website as nice, say as PF, coding by hand, right? Look how many different tables and buttons and fields there are on this page? Do you really think someone wrote this by hand?
  • #8
Well yeah the images would require some design software, but the code is largely based on vBulletin, with tweaks that could be made by hand. Yeah sure I'd also recommend something like Dreamweaver but it's expensive, and you can become lazy and too dependpent on just dragging and dropping. If something goes wrong, its much better to actually know the code and how it works, rather than just generate it. Just my $0.02.
  • #9
Something that is a little beyond straight HTML is extjs which is a javascript framework for creating rich client interfaces (you can use it to create a site like PF).

FAQ: Developing Website with Free Software - XP Compatible

1. What are the benefits of developing a website with free software?

Developing a website with free software has several benefits. Firstly, it is cost-effective as you do not have to pay for expensive software licenses. Secondly, free software often has a large community of developers who provide support and updates, making it more reliable. Additionally, free software is often open-source, meaning you have access to the source code and can customize it to fit your specific needs.

2. Is free software compatible with Windows XP?

Yes, many free software options are compatible with Windows XP. However, it is important to check the system requirements of the specific software before downloading to ensure compatibility.

3. Can I develop a professional-looking website with free software?

Yes, there are many free software options that are capable of creating professional-looking websites. Some popular examples include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

4. Are there any limitations to using free software for website development?

While free software can be a great option for website development, it may have limitations in terms of features and support compared to paid software. It is important to carefully research and compare different options to determine which one best fits your needs.

5. Are there any security risks associated with using free software for website development?

Like any software, free software may have security vulnerabilities. However, because it is open-source, these vulnerabilities are often quickly identified and fixed by the community. It is important to regularly update your free software to ensure you have the latest security patches.
