Calculating the Area of a Parallelogram with Two Sets of Parallel Lines

In summary, the problem involves finding the area of a parallelogram defined by two pairs of parallel lines in R^2. The area can be represented by the determinant of the vectors formed by the intersection points of the lines, with the sides of the parallelogram being represented by the difference between these points. The simplest formula for the area of the parallelogram can be expressed as ((r1b2-b1s2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (r1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2))((a1r2-s1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (a1r2-r1a2)/(a1
  • #1

Homework Statement

This isn't really homework, but a not assigned problem out of my mathbook which is kinda confusing me..

#74. We have two pairs of parallel lines in R^2 defined by the linear equations below:

a1x + b1y = r1
a1x + b1y = s1
a2x + b2y = r2
a2x + b2y = s2

We assume that these lines enclose a parallelogram P. Find the very simplest formula for the area of P in terms of a1, b1, a2, b2, r1, r2, s1, s2.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Not sure how to attempt this problem because there are 4 equations for two lines?
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  • #2

There are FOUR lines. There are two pairs of parallel lines. The first two don't intersect and the last two don't intersect.
  • #3

Then the area P would be:

P = ||r1 x s1||
P = ||r2 x s2||

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  • #4

freeballa said:
Then the area P would be:

P = ||r1 x s1||
P = ||r2 x s2||


r1 and s1 are numbers, not vectors. You can't take their cross product. You need to find some points on the intersection of the lines and take their difference to get vectors.
  • #5

I think I understand how to do it...

Find the intersection of the points:
a1x + b1y = r1 and a2x + b2y = r2
a1x + b1y = r1 and a2x + b2y = s2
a1x + b1y = s1 and a2x + b2y = r2
a1x + b1y = s1 and a2x + b2y = s2

Get the (x, y) for each of those points

Then subtract two sets by your selected new origin getting a and b.
Then put those into ||a x b||

But the question is asking me to put it into a formula; any help?
  • #7

Couldn't I just take the determinant of a1, b1, a2, b2?

Area = |a1b2 - a2b1|
  • #8

Sure you can take the determinant, but what makes you think that has anything to do with AREA? It's obviously wrong. The a's and b's alone only tell you about the angles of the sides. The r's and s's determine how far apart they are.
  • #9

It is true that if two intersecting sides of a parallelogram can be represented by [itex]\vec{v}[/itex] and [itex]\vec{u}[/itex] then the area of the rectangle is given by the length of [itex]\vec{u}\times\vec{v}[/itex].

It is also true that the area of a rectangular solid with sides intersecting at one corner given by vectors [itex]\vec{u}[/itex], [itex]\vec{v}[/itex], [itex]\vec{w}[/itex] is given by the "triple product", [itex]|\vec{u}\cdot(\vec{v}\times \vec{w})|[/itex] which is equal to the determinant formed with the vectors as columns or rows.
  • #10

a1x + b1y = r1 and
a2x + b2y = r2

X1 = (r1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2)
Y1 = (a1r2-r1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2)

a1x + b1y = r1 and
a2x + b2y = s2

X2 = (r1b2-b1s2)/(a1b2-b1a2)
Y2 = (a1s2-r1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2)

a1x + b1y = s1 and
a2x + b2y = r2

X3 = (s1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2)
Y3 = (a1r2-s1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2)

a1x + b1y = s1 and
a2x + b2y = s2

X4 = (s1b2-b1s2)/(a1b2-b1a2)
Y4 = (a1s2-s1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2)

Using a1x + b1y = r1 and a2x + b2y = r2 as midpoint:

AX = X2 - X1
AY = Y2 - Y1

BX = X3 - X1
BY = Y3 - Y1

Area = AXBY - BXAY

So, the simplest formula for P would be:

P = ((r1b2-b1s2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (r1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2))((a1r2-s1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (a1r2-r1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2)) - ((s1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (r1b2-b1r2)/(a1b2-b1a2))((a1s2-r1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2) - (a1r2-r1a2)/(a1b2-b1a2))
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  • #11

If that is correct, then it's one answer. Have you checked it. I really doubt that it's the simplest. Since this isn't homework, I hope you aren't neglecting your real homework to pour time into this. Gotta confess, I actually don't know the answer.
  • #12

It hasn't been simplified, so it isn't in the simplest form. I am just checking if I did the correct steps as I have nothing to compare against to see if the answer is correct.

I am not neglecting my homework to do this.
  • #13

Ok, it looks like you are doing the right sort of stuff. If you really want to check if it's correct, why don't you make some sample parallelograms with real numbers and check it out? I'm sorry to seem lazy here and not checking it myself. But, in fact, I am lazy. Sorry. The lord helps those who help themselves.
  • #14

Can anyone else confirm if I did this problem correctly?

FAQ: Calculating the Area of a Parallelogram with Two Sets of Parallel Lines

1. What is a parallelogram and how is it different from other quadrilaterals?

A parallelogram is a type of quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. This means that the opposite sides are parallel and equal in length. It is different from other quadrilaterals such as squares, rectangles, and rhombuses because it does not have any right angles or equal sides.

2. How do you calculate the area of a parallelogram?

The formula for calculating the area of a parallelogram is base x height, where the base is the length of one of the parallel sides and the height is the distance between the parallel sides. Alternatively, you can also use the formula area = base x altitude, where the altitude is the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides.

3. How do you find the perimeter of a parallelogram?

The perimeter of a parallelogram is the sum of all its sides. Since a parallelogram has two pairs of equal sides, you can simply multiply the length of one side by 4 to find the perimeter.

4. Can you find the missing angle in a parallelogram if all other angles are known?

Yes, you can find the missing angle in a parallelogram if all other angles are known. This is because the opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal, so if you know the measurement of one angle, you can find the measurement of the missing angle by subtracting the known angle from 180 degrees.

5. How do you prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?

To prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, you need to show that it has two pairs of parallel sides. This can be done by using the properties of parallelograms, such as opposite sides being equal in length and opposite angles being equal in measurement. Alternatively, you can also show that the opposite sides are parallel by using the slope formula to calculate the slopes of the sides and showing that they have the same value.

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