The book Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics

In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help with finding Appendix D or solutions to exercises in the book "Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics". They mention struggling with the exercises and having difficulties due to their English language skills. Another person responds with a link to the author's website stating that Appendix D is not included in the free version of the book and that distribution of it would be a copyright violation. They offer to help with the specific exercise if the person shares the question and their progress on it. The person then asks for help with a specific question from the book.
  • #1
the book "Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics"

please help me !
i've try to find appendix d of this or solution that excersise
anyone can help me ?
any link or full version of this book thart have "appendix d"
my english languge not good
thanks a lot
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi masood_mahdi! Welcome to PF! :smile:
masood_mahdi said:
please help me !
i've try to find appendix d of this or solution that excersise
anyone can help me ?
any link or full version of this book thart have "appendix d"
my english languge not good
thanks a lot

Sorry, but John H. Heinbockel's web-page at" clearly states that "Appendix D which contains solutions to 70% of the exercise problems" is not in the free version. :redface:

(and if you did find a copy somewhere, it would be a breach of copyright! :rolleyes:)​

Tell us what the problem is, show us the work you've done on it, and we'll see if we can help. :smile:
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  • #3

thank you so much.
my questions is in chapter 2 . it's 4 question that i need to your help .
give you my question's number to slove that for me ?

thanks again
  • #4
Hi masood_mahdi!

Type out one of the questions (it's best not to put two questions in the same thread, unless they're very similar), show us what you've tried, and where you're stuck, and then we'll know how to help! :smile:
  • #5

hi dear tiny-tim
my question mumber of this part d,e,f of question (26) page 31 "excersise 1.1"becasuse my question has script , i can't type that correctly 1.
i'm so sorry
do you have book?
if don't i give you address web page that download it .
thanks again
  • #6
It's easiest if you type the question here for everyone to see immediately.

And you'll need to type what you've done, anyway! :smile:

FAQ: The book Introduction to tensor calculus and continuum mechanics

1. What is tensor calculus?

Tensor calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of tensors, which are mathematical objects that describe the relationships between different coordinate systems. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to model and analyze the behavior of objects in a continuous space.

2. What is continuum mechanics?

Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that studies the behavior of materials and objects that are considered to be continuous, meaning that they are not made up of individual particles. It uses mathematical models to describe the properties and motion of these materials, taking into account factors such as stress, strain, and deformation.

3. How are tensor calculus and continuum mechanics related?

Tensor calculus is an essential tool in continuum mechanics, as it allows for the description and analysis of the relationships between physical quantities in a continuous space. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of materials and objects, and is often used to solve problems in continuum mechanics.

4. Is knowledge of calculus necessary to understand this book?

Yes, a strong foundation in calculus is necessary to understand the concepts presented in this book. Tensor calculus and continuum mechanics involve the use of mathematical equations and formulas, which require a good understanding of calculus and its principles.

5. Are there any real-world applications of tensor calculus and continuum mechanics?

Yes, tensor calculus and continuum mechanics have a wide range of real-world applications, particularly in the fields of physics, engineering, and materials science. They are used to study and predict the behavior of various materials and objects, such as fluids, solids, and structures, and are crucial in the design and development of many modern technologies.

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