Left hand and right hand circular polarization

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of handedness in circular polarisation and the potential reasons for why left hand circular polarized readers are selling better than right hand ones. The direction of rotation of the E field vector as it propagates was also mentioned, along with the importance of researching which type of reader is best for the specific RFID tags being used.
  • #1
Hello everyone. I want to purchase an RFID reader and they asked me if I wanted a left hand or right hand circular polarized reader. I have no clue what this means. Could anyone please help me understand this? I saw some website and all I understood was that the signal travels either clockwise or counter-clockwise. He told me left hand circular polarized was selling and the right hand wasn't selling at all. Any theories as to why this is?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
The "handedness" of circular polarisation describes the direction of rotation of the E field vector as it propagates.

There is a degree of ambiguity here; what you call RHCP depends on whether you are looking behind or toward the incoming wave. The convention is not consistent in my experience, some fields describe the handedness looking into the oncoming wave and some do the opposite.

As for why LHCP sells better than RHCP, I have no clue. Fundamentally, they ought to be quite symmetric.

  • #3
Theoretically, left-handed circularly polarized light and right-handed circularly polarized light are symmetrical and there is nothing different between them beyond a flip in helicity. I think your case is more dependent on sociology than on physics. RFID tags with left-handed antennas will couple better with the left-handed reader, and tags with right-handed antennas will couple with the right-handed readers better. So if left-handed readers are selling better, I would presume it is because left-handed tags are used more often by manufacturers.

What you need to do is decide what kind of tags you intend to use the reader on and do some research on those tags to see what type of reader they interact best with.

FAQ: Left hand and right hand circular polarization

1. What is circular polarization?

Circular polarization is a type of electromagnetic wave where the electric and magnetic fields rotate in a circular motion as the wave propagates. It is perpendicular to the direction of propagation and has a constant magnitude.

2. How is circular polarization different from linear polarization?

In linear polarization, the electric and magnetic fields oscillate in a single plane. However, in circular polarization, the electric and magnetic fields rotate in a circular motion, resulting in a helical waveform. This is the main difference between the two types of polarization.

3. What is the difference between left hand and right hand circular polarization?

The only difference between left hand and right hand circular polarization is the direction of rotation of the electric and magnetic fields. In left hand circular polarization, the fields rotate counterclockwise, while in right hand circular polarization, they rotate clockwise.

4. What is the application of circular polarization?

Circular polarization has various applications, including in satellite communications, radar systems, and optical imaging. It is also used in 3D glasses and virtual reality technology.

5. How is circular polarization produced?

Circular polarization can be produced by using a device called a polarizer, which consists of a series of parallel wires or slits that only allow a specific orientation of the electric field to pass through. By passing linearly polarized light through two polarizers at a specific angle, circularly polarized light can be produced.
