How can I estimate the fatigue life of a component subjected to a rotating cam?

In summary, the conversation discusses working on a physics problem to estimate the fatigue life of a component. The component, a cantilever, is being hit by a cam rotating with an offset and at a certain rpm. The speaker wants to simulate this using basic mechanics and has calculated the peak acceleration and static stresses at the fixed end of the cantilever. They ask for advice on how to check the fatigue life and are suggested to compare the alternating stress to the material's S-n diagrams.
  • #1
I am working on a physics problem in a project to estimate fatigue life of a component.

There is a cam rotating with an offset of 10mm rotating at an rpm of 230. The component is a cantilever fixed at one end is getting hit by this cam while it is rotating. The cam is at the other end of cantilever.

I want to simulate this using basic mechanics to estimate the fatigue life of the component. So far i have done the following

1.peak acceleration due to the component is a(sqr w) where a is the cam offset and w is the frequency of rotation of cam. Call this peak acceleration as A

2.I have calculated the static stresses(principal stress(sigma) and maximum shear stress(tau)) at the cantilever point(fixed end) due to a load of P as sigma

After that how should i proceed to check the fatigue life?
Engineering news on
  • #2
First thing you can do is to take your alternating stress and compare that to what can be found in S-n diagrams for the material your beam is made out of. That I would think would be the quickest and easiest. If your material has a fatigue limit, you will find it there.
  • #3

To estimate the fatigue life of a component, you will need to consider several factors such as the material properties, loading conditions, and stress levels. The first step would be to determine the stress cycles that the component will experience due to the rotating cam. This can be done by calculating the stress amplitude, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum stress levels experienced by the component.

Next, you will need to determine the material's fatigue properties, such as the fatigue strength and fatigue limit. These values can be obtained from material data sheets or through experimental testing.

Once you have the stress amplitude and fatigue properties, you can use a fatigue life prediction method, such as the S-N curve or the Goodman diagram, to estimate the fatigue life of the component. These methods use the stress amplitude and fatigue properties to predict the number of cycles the component can withstand before failure.

It is also important to consider any potential stress concentrations or notches in the component, as these can significantly affect the fatigue life. If there are any stress concentrations, you may need to apply a stress concentration factor to your calculations.

In summary, to estimate the fatigue life of a component, you will need to determine the stress cycles, material fatigue properties, and use a fatigue life prediction method to calculate the expected life of the component. It is always recommended to validate your calculations through experimental testing or by comparing them to similar components with known fatigue life.

FAQ: How can I estimate the fatigue life of a component subjected to a rotating cam?

1. What is fatigue life estimation?

Fatigue life estimation is a process used to predict the expected lifespan of a material or structure under repeated loading and unloading cycles. It is commonly used in engineering and materials science to assess the durability and reliability of components.

2. How is fatigue life estimated?

Fatigue life is typically estimated using various mathematical models and experimental data. This involves analyzing the material's stress-strain relationship, the loading conditions, and the number of cycles until failure. The results are then used to calculate the expected fatigue life using fatigue curves or equations.

3. What factors affect fatigue life estimation?

There are several factors that can affect fatigue life estimation, including the material properties, loading conditions, and environmental factors. The type of loading, stress magnitude, and frequency of loading can also have a significant impact on the fatigue life of a material.

4. Why is fatigue life estimation important?

Fatigue life estimation is important because it helps to ensure the safety and reliability of materials and structures. It allows engineers to predict when and how a component may fail, so that necessary precautions can be taken to prevent catastrophic failures. This is particularly crucial in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and construction where components are subjected to repetitive loading.

5. What are some common methods for fatigue life estimation?

Some common methods for fatigue life estimation include the stress-life (S-N) method, the strain-life (ε-N) method, and the crack growth method. Other techniques such as finite element analysis and fracture mechanics can also be used for more accurate estimates. The choice of method depends on the type of material, loading conditions, and the level of accuracy required.
