Who are the Greatest Physicists in this century?

  • Thread starter Twukwuw
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In summary: They are all important. And I do not find this game of "who is the best" conducive to a healthy environment.Zz.In summary, there have been many great physicists in the last century, such as Max Planck, Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, Schrodinger, and Fermi. However, it is too early to determine who the greatest physicists of this century are. Some notable names mentioned were Stephen Hawking, Hans Bethe, Kathy Sykes, and Zefram Cochrane. It should be noted that experimental physicists do not always receive the same recognition as theoretical physicists, despite their important contributions. Ultimately, the idea of ranking physicists
  • #36
shmoe said:
Or maybe a boxing ring, who was the toughest physicist?

Hubble was a good heavyweight boxer.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Nikola Tesla is the greatest and will be so for the next 100 years at least.

Albert Einstein gave the world hot air and everybody knows him ?
  • #38
999 said:
Nikola Tesla is the greatest and will be so for the next 100 years at least.

Albert Einstein gave the world hot air and everybody knows him ?

Tesla was a good engineer, and a great showman, but nothing as a physicist. Einsteins's discoveries are in use every day, for example in the GPS gadgets we use now to track our locations, and his relativity theories continue to be the foundation of all kinds of physics. 999, attitude does not make up for lack of information.
  • #39
Einsteins's discoveries are in use every day, for example in the GPS gadgets we use now to track our locations, and his relativity theories continue to be the foundation of all kinds of physics.
I'd say that at this point in time, the transistor is used more than relativity. :) Seriously though, John Bardeen was awesome. His two Nobel prizes cover both experimental work (the transistor) and theoretical work (BCS theory). It just goes to show how varied his talents were.
  • #40
selfAdjoint said:
Tesla was a good engineer, and a great showman, but nothing as a physicist. Einsteins's discoveries are in use every day, for example in the GPS gadgets we use now to track our locations, and his relativity theories continue to be the foundation of all kinds of physics. ...
...to say nothing about his contributions to condensed matter physics - from an estimate of the Avogadro/Loschmidt Number to the laser equations, the phonon spectrum and heat capacity of insulators, the diffusion relations and mobilities of charge carriers in semiconductors, the statistics and condensation of bosons, and the photoelectric effect in metals, to name but a few.
  • #41
I am sure Zapper will go down in history as the anti mickey mouse. :biggrin:
  • #42
Ettore Majorana:!)

What happened to him?:frown:
  • #43
Lisa! said:
Ettore Majorana:!)

What happened to him?:frown:
It is said that he passed clean through the earth, and was lost from the other side, undetected!

PS: Serious though, I have no idea. All I know is that he disappeared shortly before the war, and if anything is known about his later whereabouts, I'm unaware of that.
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  • #44
999 said:
Nikola Tesla is the greatest and will be so for the next 100 years at least.

Albert Einstein gave the world hot air and everybody knows him ?

Trolling trolling trolling...
  • #45
I don't think we could chose the greatest based on the last 6 years but I'd like to contribute the guy that I admire most and look up to as it were and that is Roger Penrose. He is the dude :biggrin:
  • #46
Lisa! said:
Ettore Majorana:!)

What happened to him?:frown:

Check out this paper on the arxiv.


Cool or crazy? We report; you decide.
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  • #47
999 said:
My definition of physics for me is about controlling the ability to do work

for the benefit of mankind. If you think Einstein was so great ask yourself

what he gave to you that is more important than AC electricity, radio,

remote control, loosely based Telsa car soon to be released (Nikola's

car was better) http://www.teslamotors.com

Einstein is DEAD ... Tesla could not believe in his time how gullible

people were to follw this idiot and he was right.

He HELPED work out the problems of AC supply, he was not the originator of the idea. He DID NOT give us radio, and his work on remote control was not the source of our modern remote control. As for the magic Tesla car, I'll believe it when I see it.
  • #48
I heard that Tesla also invented cheese.
  • #49
selfAdjoint said:
Check out this paper on the arxiv.


It can't be serious, right ? :rolleyes:
Well, it gave me a good laugh in any case
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  • #50
ZapperZ <- Great Person.
  • #51
ZapperZ said:
No, because that criteria on what is "best" is vague. Just like the thread on General Physics on the question "Is energy and matter the SAME thing", what criteria does one use in such a thing? Impact? Number of Nobel Prizes? Number of citations? What?

I don't play this "best" game, because it is (i)subjective (ii)meaningless, and (iii) demeaning to others in the field who are making important contributions but the work does not have the "sexyness" to garner front-page news in popular media. Next time your loved ones require an MRI to diagnose an important disease, would you then consider those who have pioneered and made advances in MRI and NMR as the important and "best" physicists?

I have no interest in trumpeting those household names. I will, however, point out the many men and women who have made terrific and significant contributions to the field of physics that have been glaringly overlooked.


Don't worrry Zapper, you will get your prize one day. We haven't overlooked you.
  • #52
anyone mention any computational (astro)phys people?

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