Angular Momentum conserved with friction?

In summary, angular momentum is always conserved, even if the disks make a thunderous grinding sound and shot off sparks for an hour before spinning together.
  • #1
This was a conceptual question on my physics exam:

True or false: You drop a non-rotating disk onto a rotating disk. When they hit they slide against each other with friction for a few seconds before they both start rotating at the same rate together. Because of losses due to that friction, angular momentum will NOT be conserved. (No other information was given)

I put True, the "correct" answer was False.

Am I wrong? Won't energy be lost as heat and sound through friction?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi theRIAA! Welcome to PF! :smile:
theRIAA said:
Am I wrong? Won't energy be lost as heat and sound through friction?

D'oh! :rolleyes:

Yes, you're absolutely right … but you haven't answered the question!

The question asks about angular momentum, and you've answered (correctly) about energy.

Energy behaves completely separately from both ordinary and angular momentum.

Angular momentum (about a point) is always conserved (provided there is no external torque about the point, and in this case they asked you only to consider the effects of the friction between the discs, which is internal :wink:).
  • #3

tiny-tim said:
Hi theRIAA! Welcome to PF! :smile:
Angular momentum (about a point) is always conserved (provided there is no external torque about the point, and in this case they asked you only to consider the effects of the friction between the discs, which is internal :wink:).

so.. even if the disks make a thunderous grinding sound and shot off sparks for an hour before spinning together... they will still end up with the same angular velocity as ones that made hardly any sound at all? I understand force and momentum act differently.. but isn't some momentum lost?
  • #4
Momentum is for ever. o:)

Without an external force in that direction, it can't be lost.

Angular momentum is for ever.. o:)

Without an external torque about that point, it can't be lost.

Of course, sparks shooting off will carry away angular momentum. :wink:
  • #5
I'm assuming friction is non-conservative. Some of this friction force from is transferred to the disks, while the rest is converted into heat and sound. This non-conservative friction is the external force in the direction opposite to momentum.

I refuse to believe friction plays no role unless someone logically explains how an unlimited amount of sound and heat can be produced without effecting the final angular velocity in this problem.
  • #6
theRIAA said:
This non-conservative friction is the external force in the direction opposite to momentum.

Yes, it is non-conservative.

But it's not external. :smile:
  • #7
the sound waves created heat up the environment, the environment is external...
  • #8
theRIAA said:
the sound waves created heat up the environment, the environment is external...

Sound is omni-directional, so how can it carry away (net) angular momentum? :smile:
  • #9
Sound waves are converted from angular momentum, into energy by friction. Friction is caused by vibrations of the disks.The disks vibrate to create sound by pushing against air molecules. air has weight, vibrations use momentum.
  • #10
(just got up :zzz: …)
theRIAA said:
… air has weight, vibrations use momentum.

Still omni-directional. :wink:

FAQ: Angular Momentum conserved with friction?

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a physical quantity that represents the rotational motion of an object. It is a vector quantity and is dependent on the mass, velocity, and distribution of mass of the object.

2. What is the law of conservation of angular momentum?

The law of conservation of angular momentum states that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant, unless acted upon by an external torque. This means that angular momentum is conserved in a closed system, where there is no external torque acting on it.

3. How is angular momentum conserved with friction?

Friction is a force that acts against the motion of an object. When there is friction present, the total angular momentum of a system may change. However, the law of conservation of angular momentum still applies, as the total angular momentum of the system before and after the frictional force is applied remains the same.

4. What is the role of torque in angular momentum conservation with friction?

Torque is the measure of the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. When there is an external torque acting on a system with friction, it can change the total angular momentum of the system. However, the total angular momentum is still conserved, as the change in one direction is balanced by the change in the opposite direction.

5. How does friction affect the direction of angular momentum?

Friction can cause a change in the direction of angular momentum in a system. This is because friction acts in the opposite direction of the motion, and therefore, it can cause a change in the direction of rotation of an object. However, the law of conservation of angular momentum still holds true, as the total angular momentum of the system remains constant.
