Calculate Delta H for Four Reactions in AP Chemistry - Need Help ASAP!

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about calculating the (delta)H for four different reactions in an AP Chemistry homework assignment. The individual asking for help is unsure how to obtain or calculate the enthalpy values for the reactants and products. Suggestions are given to use formulas and look up values in a databook or appendix in a chemistry book. Different methods for calculating enthalpy, such as using Haber or Born-Haber cycles, are also mentioned. The importance of enthalpy in determining the direction of a reaction is explained and the idea of using the difference in enthalpies for products and reactants is suggested. The conversation concludes with a link to a chemistry homework help group.
  • #1
Hello! My first time on here but having massive troubles with my AP Chemistry homework and need help. I have a question that gives four different reactions and I am asked to calculate the (delta)H for each of them. I am given no more information. I am not sure how to go about the problem...

I have the idea that for each reaction to add together the enthalpy values for the products and subtract from that the sum enthalpys for the reactants...but I do not know where to obtain or calculate these values.

I am online now and will be until this is finished - my MSN is if you'd rather do that than post on here - but I could REALLY use some help on this and I'd appreciate a response asap if anyone has ANY idea or ANY advice.

Thanks again!
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  • #2
Hi Corabella, I am afraid I cannot be of too much value on Enthalphy. Did you try looking up formulas and try to apply them? For instance this one:

dH = dE + w = dE + PdV = dE + dnRT

Basically: the difference in heat equals the diffence in energy plus the pressure of the system times the volume.

But your idea sounded as if it might work, did you find the correct answer yet? Maybe you can teach me a few things :P
  • #3
If you've been set this question, then don't you have a databook to get the values from?

The chances are that you are expected to use Haber cycles to calculate the answers, or if you are at a slightly higher level of Chemistry, then Born-Haber cycles. Either way, you'll need some values. If you don't have some then I'd go and bother my teacher about it.
  • #4
your book should have an appendix with selected thermodynamic data in it. if i understand the question right, i think you may need the enthalpy of formation of the chemicals.
  • #5
The short method of doing enthalpy of reactions is energy of formation for the products minus the energy of formation for the reactants.
dH = [product1 + product2] - [reactant1 + reactant2]

Of course you can always have more than 2 products and reactants. You can have as many as you want.

Another way is to have several reactions where you know the energy change in each reaction then you sort of combine the terms. It's a lot like solving for simultaneous equations in math. It's hard to give examples for this method. Post a problem and I could show you how it works.
  • #6
Almost every standard chemistry book has a list of selected reactions with the corresponding change in enthalpy (a list of standard change in enthalpy...look up the chapter on calorimetry).

The topic of enthalpy can be found in the chapter on calorimetry. Although the concept has a broader relevance to chemistry than just calorimetry. Enthalpy has to do with heat. If heat is added to a closed system than the change in heat is directly related to the change in energy of the closed system-constant volume system- (the temperature change). If heat is added to a constant pressure system than the heat energy added to the system is equal to the change in enthalpy of the system which equals the energy change in molecules plus the any work that the molecules performed in expanding against the atmosphere, PV. Thus we have the special term enthalpy rather than just the change in energy of the system. Since most reactions are performed in a constant pressure system, enthalpy applies broadly. The enthalpy of a reaction is related to whether a reaction will proceed; along with entropy. Every reaction has a series of steps; bond breaking, ion formation, hydration, forming ionic bonds, forming covalent bonds etc...Some processes are associated with energy released through bond forming others are associated with energy cost. Enthalpy indicates whether the reaction is favorable in a certain direction in terms of energetics. It can be found whether a reaction is favorable if one were to add and subtract the enthalpies of each step in the process of the reaction. You are currently working with standard change in enthalpy. The standard change in enthalpy has already been found for you. So try applying the latter idea to the equation delta H product (moles of product) - delta H reactant (moles reactant). You should not even need any equations.

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FAQ: Calculate Delta H for Four Reactions in AP Chemistry - Need Help ASAP!

1. How do I calculate delta H for a reaction?

To calculate delta H for a reaction, you will need to know the enthalpy of formation for each of the reactants and products involved in the reaction. Then, you can use the formula delta H = sum of products - sum of reactants to find the change in enthalpy for the reaction.

2. What is the significance of calculating delta H in AP Chemistry?

Calculating delta H allows us to determine whether a reaction is endothermic or exothermic, as well as the amount of heat energy that is released or absorbed during the reaction. This information is important in understanding the thermodynamics of a reaction and predicting its feasibility.

3. Can you provide an example of calculating delta H for a reaction?

Sure, for example, let's calculate the delta H for the reaction N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g). The enthalpy of formation for N2(g) is 0 kJ/mol, for H2(g) is 0 kJ/mol, and for NH3(g) is -46 kJ/mol. Using the formula, we get delta H = (-46 kJ/mol) - [(0 kJ/mol) + (3 x 0 kJ/mol)] = -46 kJ/mol. This means that the reaction is exothermic, and 46 kJ/mol of heat energy is released.

4. How does temperature affect delta H for a reaction?

Temperature can affect delta H for a reaction because enthalpy is a state function, meaning it depends on the initial and final states of the reactants and products, not the pathway taken. Therefore, if the temperature of the reaction changes, the enthalpies of formation for the reactants and products may also change, resulting in a different delta H value.

5. Are there any limitations to calculating delta H for a reaction?

Yes, there are some limitations to calculating delta H for a reaction. For example, the enthalpies of formation for some compounds may not be readily available, making it difficult to calculate delta H accurately. Additionally, delta H only gives us information about the thermodynamics of a reaction, not the kinetics or rate of the reaction.
