Are there people who have no sense of temperature?

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In summary, people who have no sense of temperate have a condition where they can't feel the difference between hot and cold. They may also have a problem with acclimation, which is the process of adapting to a new or different environment.
  • #1
Are there people who have no sense of temperature? People who, for instance, can't distinguish between hot and cold water, can't feel whether or not it's 20 or 100 degrees F outside?
Biology news on
  • #4
Search for "Congenital Insensitivity for Pain". Some of the people suffering from that also can't feel temperature changes.

This pdf file also contains some information; It doesn't deal with insentivity for temperate, but it mentions that patients may suffer from it.
  • #5
I have to watch out for frostbite in my right leg due to a stroke. "Thankfully" my left leg tells me what's going on. It was a brain-stem stroke and so was not bi-lateral.
  • #6
I remember watching a short film called 'The Wild Child' (or something to that effect) which was about a French boy who was discovered in the woods at the age of 12. He's apparently lived away from society from early childhood, alone. His psychologist/caretaker noted when he went to take a bath he would only use cold water, and wouldn't register it as cold (possible cultural influence on heat/cold sensitivity).

My own theory is he just had a severe case of acclimation. Probably had a higher percentage of brown adipose tissue than a person who live in a temperature regulated environment, due to his constant exposure to shifting and cold temperature. Just a guess, though.
  • #7
Yes there some people who can not distinguish between cold and hot.These are the people who are leapers
  • #8
Amiri Daudi said:
Yes there some people who can not distinguish between cold and hot.These are the people who are leapers
If you mean people with leprosy whilst this is potentially true it misses the point. Leprosy causes nerve damage and could conceivably result in a patient with difficulty in feeling temperature in certain portions of their body however the OP is tending towards people who have dysfunctional thermoception rather than nerve damage.
  • #9
To be honest, nobody actually has a very good sense of temperature.

All we really have a sense of is how quickly we're losing heat. That is why touching -20 F metal feels "colder" than touching -20 F blanket. The metal leeches heat from you faster.

This is also why there is a windchill factor. If ambient temperatures are -20, but with windchill it's -80, it's not actually that you will reach -80. It's that heat will be leached from you as fast as if it were -80 out. You will stop stop losing heat at -20 F in this condition (not that you'd live long enough to measure, of course, but you could have your friends do it for you and publish it in the name of science with a dedication to you!)

FAQ: Are there people who have no sense of temperature?

1. What is the medical condition that causes a lack of sense of temperature?

The medical condition that causes a lack of sense of temperature is called congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA). It is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system, specifically the nerves that transmit pain, temperature, and touch sensations.

2. How common is CIPA?

CIPA is an extremely rare condition, with only around 100 cases reported worldwide. It is estimated that 1 in every 125 million people may have CIPA.

3. Can a person with CIPA still feel hot or cold objects?

No, individuals with CIPA lack the ability to feel any temperature sensation, whether it is hot or cold. This means they cannot distinguish between hot and cold objects and may be at risk for burns or frostbite.

4. Are there any treatments for CIPA?

Currently, there is no cure for CIPA. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing injuries. This may include physical therapy, pain management, and avoiding extreme temperatures.

5. Can a person with CIPA live a normal life?

Individuals with CIPA may face many challenges and may need to make adjustments in their daily life to manage their condition. However, with proper management and support, they can lead a fulfilling life. It is important for individuals with CIPA to be aware of their limitations and take necessary precautions to prevent injuries.
