Tennis Ball Launcher Calcuations

In summary, the author is trying to determine the k value for a tennis ball launcher, but is stuck because he doesn't have all the variables. He is also trying to determine how high the ball is when it is launched, but is having trouble because he doesn't know how far back he stretches the string.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm building a tennis ball launcher (as most people did) and I barely have some calculations done. I already have a measurement for my project (i.e. an angle and such), a k value for my string and a distance that it should travel horizontally. Theoretically, I'm supposed to calculate the velocity it takes the ball to travel the distance horizontally and a stretch distance (x) for my string; I'm not given a maximum height (but it should be above 1m), or time but I do have an initial height where the ball is launched (which is the height of my launcher) - there's quite a bit of missing variables without actually simulating it (since it's required that I calculate before I simulate)

Homework Equations

V=vcosθ or sinθ depending on direction
(I might be missing some but I suppose you'd get the idea)

The Attempt at a Solution

Determined the k value by determining the force (mg) and relating to the F=kx equation
I've tried to do Et=Et
But I end up getting stuck with
E(at launch) = E (when pulled back)
mgh + 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + mgh
since the heights are different, and since I don't know how far back I stretch it (x), then I won't be able to determine how high it is (for the mgh on the second half); maybe I did it wrong or used the wrong method, but that's how I seem to think I should do it
I'm still thinking it through how I'm supposed to attempt this, and seems sort of difficult without being given more variables
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  • #2
Theoretically, I'm supposed to calculate the velocity it takes the ball to travel the distance horizontally

You don't need energy equations for that. I would use equations of motion. Start by working out the flight time using the vertical velocity and the equations of motion.
  • #3
Redfire66 said:

Homework Statement

I'm building a tennis ball launcher (as most people did) and I barely have some calculations done. I already have a measurement for my project (i.e. an angle and such), a k value for my string and a distance that it should travel horizontally. Theoretically, I'm supposed to calculate the velocity it takes the ball to travel the distance horizontally and a stretch distance (x) for my string; I'm not given a maximum height (but it should be above 1m), or time but I do have an initial height where the ball is launched (which is the height of my launcher) - there's quite a bit of missing variables without actually simulating it (since it's required that I calculate before I simulate)

Homework Equations

V=vcosθ or sinθ depending on direction
(I might be missing some but I suppose you'd get the idea)

The Attempt at a Solution

Determined the k value by determining the force (mg) and relating to the F=kx equation
I've tried to do Et=Et
But I end up getting stuck with
E(at launch) = E (when pulled back)
mgh + 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + mgh
since the heights are different, and since I don't know how far back I stretch it (x), then I won't be able to determine how high it is (for the mgh on the second half); maybe I did it wrong or used the wrong method, but that's how I seem to think I should do it
I'm still thinking it through how I'm supposed to attempt this, and seems sort of difficult without being given more variables

Welcome to the PF.

If you check out the bottom of this page, you will see some other "tennis ball launcher" threads that may also help you out.

BTW, air resistance is not negligible for a tennis ball. Have you been told to ignore it anyway for this project? If not, there are some reasonable info pages on factoring air resistance into projectile calcs at :smile:
  • #4
CWatters said:
You don't need energy equations for that. I would use equations of motion. Start by working out the flight time using the vertical velocity and the equations of motion.
Well other than the fact that I need to calculate velocity, I'm not sure of any other method to calculate the stretch distance for string (x). Maybe I forgot an equation?
berkeman said:
Welcome to the PF.

If you check out the bottom of this page, you will see some other "tennis ball launcher" threads that may also help you out.

BTW, air resistance is not negligible for a tennis ball. Have you been told to ignore it anyway for this project? If not, there are some reasonable info pages on factoring air resistance into projectile calcs at :smile:

Yes, I am neglecting air resistance. Sorry for not mentioning; am most of the other projects that I am aware of don't have some of the information I'm looking for.
  • #5
Redfire66 said:
Well other than the fact that I need to calculate velocity, I'm not sure of any other method to calculate the stretch distance for string (x). Maybe I forgot an equation?

One step at a time. Have you already calculated the launch velocity required?

Then regarding...

E(at launch) = E (when pulled back)
mgh + 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + mgh

I would redefine the origin as the height when pulled back so it becomes..

E(at launch) = E (when pulled back)
mgh + 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + 0

Then presumably the elastic is pulled back at the launch angle so

h = xsinθ
  • #6
CWatters said:
One step at a time. Have you already calculated the launch velocity required?

Then regarding...

I would redefine the origin as the height when pulled back so it becomes..

E(at launch) = E (when pulled back)
mgh + 1/2mv^2 = 1/2kx^2 + 0

Then presumably the elastic is pulled back at the launch angle so

h = xsinθ

Actually no, I have no calculated the initial velocity, which is why I sort of went to check how I would approach the others. I guess it just adds to my confusion if I couldn't get velocity or time
Also, when pulled back, wouldn't there still be a height since I don't know if I'm pulling back the elastic all the way to the ground (to make height zero)
  • #7
Ok so you know that (ignoring air resistance) you get max distance when the launch angle is 45 degrees. If you use that as the launch angle and you know the distance required you can work out the launch velocity required.
  • #8
Concentrate on the launch velocity first but..

Redfire66 said:
Also, when pulled back, wouldn't there still be a height since I don't know if I'm pulling back the elastic all the way to the ground (to make height zero)

Yes there would but what really matters in your equation is the difference between h at launch and h when armed (pulled back). Perhaps it would have been better had I rearranged your equation like this...

mg(hlaunch - hpulled back) + 1/2mv2 = 1/2kx2


mgΔh + 1/2mv2 = 1/2kx2


Δh = xsinθ
  • #9
CWatters said:
Concentrate on the launch velocity first but..
Yes there would but what really matters in your equation is the difference between h at launch and h when armed (pulled back). Perhaps it would have been better had I rearranged your equation like this...

mg(hlaunch - hpulled back) + 1/2mv2 = 1/2kx2


mgΔh + 1/2mv2 = 1/2kx2


Δh = xsinθ

Oh I see... sort of. Also, for determine the velocity first (sorry for jumping around), how should I approach this? Would it be possible to relate the mass of the projectile and vertical plane into the horizontal? It doesn't really seem like I should do it since they are perpendicular, but I don't have any other idea since they are related in time and velocity
I already attempted with splitting up the horizontal and vertical planes, and I have a feeling that I should begin with the vertical for to solve for time, but I get stumped which formula to use or how to approach this since I don't want to neglect the ball's mass and initial height.
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  • #10
Oh I see... sort of. Also, for determine the velocity first (sorry for jumping around), how should I approach this? Would it be possible to relate the mass of the projectile and vertical plane into the horizontal? It doesn't really seem like I should do it since they are perpendicular, but I don't have any other idea since they are related in time and velocity..

That's exactly the right approach..

I would assume a 45 degree launch angle initially then..

Using standard equations of motion write an equation for the vertical motion in terms of:

Initial vertical velocity
flight time

Write an equation for the horizontal motion in terms of:

Horizontal velocity
flight time

How many unknows are there? How many equations do you have?
  • #11
CWatters said:
That's exactly the right approach..

I would assume a 45 degree launch angle initially then..

Using standard equations of motion write an equation for the vertical motion in terms of:

Initial vertical velocity
flight time

Write an equation for the horizontal motion in terms of:

Horizontal velocity
flight time

How many unknowns are there? How many equations do you have?

I have a few equations and not a lot of unknowns; I think that if I were to write a horizontal equation and vertical equation, I would be able to relate the two together to determine time to start it off, by eliminating velocity in the equation
basically dx = vt
but since I'm in the horizontal plane I could re-write it as
dx/vcosθ = t
And if I applied it to the vertical equation
-dy = vtsinθ - 1/2gt^2
Where dy is the height of my launcher
But how would I determine the height that it reaches over the net?
That is, there is a specific distance that it must travel... so should I use the velocity to determine how long it would take to reach a specific distance to determine if it goes above the net? (even though I'm pretty sure it would either way)

FAQ: Tennis Ball Launcher Calcuations

What is a tennis ball launcher?

A tennis ball launcher is a device used to launch tennis balls at high speeds, typically for the purpose of training or playing tennis.

How does a tennis ball launcher work?

A tennis ball launcher typically works by using a spring or compressed air to propel a tennis ball out of a tube or barrel at a high speed. Some launchers may also use motors or other mechanisms to generate the necessary force.

What factors affect the speed of a tennis ball launcher?

The speed of a tennis ball launcher is affected by factors such as the type and strength of the spring or compressed air used, the weight and size of the tennis ball, and the angle at which the ball is launched.

How can I calculate the speed of a tennis ball launcher?

The speed of a tennis ball launcher can be calculated using the formula: speed = √(2 x acceleration x distance), where acceleration is the force generated by the launcher and distance is the length of the launcher's barrel. However, the exact speed may also be affected by other factors and may vary in practice.

Are there any safety concerns with using a tennis ball launcher?

Yes, there are some safety concerns with using a tennis ball launcher. It is important to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the launcher in a safe and appropriate manner. It is also recommended to wear protective gear, such as eye protection, when using a tennis ball launcher.

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