Analysislimsup(inf) |sinn|^1/n = ? it`s not easy

  • Thread starter omyojj
  • Start date
In summary: Otherwise it's just a comparison.In summary, it appears that the limit of a sequence a_n = |sin n|^1/n does not exist. However, it may be possible to show that 1. limsup a_n = 1 and 2. liminf a_n = 0 if n is an integer.
  • #1
My goal here is to show that the limit of a sequence a_n = |sin n|^1/n
i.e. lim _ |sin n |^1/n does not exist..(it does?)

is it possible to show that 1. limsup a_n = 1
2. liminf a_n = 0 (right??I`m not sure..)

Help me doing this job..
I think that it is more difficult to prove the latter..

one thing that obvious is that limsup |sinn|=1, liminf|sinn|=0..; )

it may be helpful using the equidistribution theorem..
(the sequence {1,2,3,...} is equidistributed mod 2π, quoted from the Wikipedia limsup)
then we can argue that for any 0<=a<b<=1 there are infinitely many n
such that a<|sin n|<b, and then we can proceed by using the def. of the limsup..

anyway..give me some hint..or solution..T.T
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  • #2
Graph the function f(x) = |sin(x)|1/x. It's got a pretty neat graph, and also you'll see that as x goes to infinity, f(x) does indeed appear to converge to a limit. So to solve your problem, consider the sequence log(an), make a simplifying comparison, and keep l'Hôpital's Rule in mind.
  • #3
that seems to be right on the graph..thx..
f=|sinx|^1/x is close to 1 on the left for sufficiently large x..(but it does have inf. many zeros at integral multiples of Pi)...
but if there exists n that is in the δ neigborhood of m*Pi(m integer)...
such that |sinn|^1/n may not exceed 1-ε..
and the set of numbers satisfying this condition could be infinite...I don`t know..

If you are right..that it converges to 1..

hence limsup a_=1 then possible to show that liminf a_n = 1?

and if the lim exists..lim log(a_n) also exists..

To evaluate lim_log a_n = lim_1/x * log[|sinx|]

(x)` = 1 as x->inf.
but (log[|sinx|])` = |sinx|`/|sinx| -> ? x-> inf ??
clearly the limit does not exist...
  • #4
Either way the limsup is 1. Who cares if there are a lot of 0s? There are also a lot of times when it will be very close to 1. A more interesting question is whether the liminf is 0 if n is an integer...

the hint would be to use a Diophantine approximation result to see how close |sin(n)| gets to 0 and how often. try Hurwitz' irrational number theorem (you can google this).
  • #5
surely..I wonder whether the liminf a_n =? 0 or 1? or something..
(If the terms in the sequence are real numbers, the limit superior and limit inferior always exist in the affinely extended real number system..this seq. is bounded since 0<a_n<1 for all 0<=limsup, liminf<=1 )
to be sure, a_n is a inf. seq. of real numbers..n is integer..

To prove liminf a_n = 0..How about this way..
Fix ε, suppose that there are finite set of integers such that |sin n_k| < ε^n_k
{n_k} = {n_1, n_2, ..., n_N}
is there any contradiction which leads to the equipartition thm..or sth..?
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  • #6
Again, be careful as a_n = |sin n|^(1/n) is never 0 for any positive integer value of n. For positive integers n, |sin n| is strictly between 0 and 1. This seems silly to point out, but better to be safe than sorry: in your graph, your domain should be restricted to the integers, and not reals. Otherwise you'll see infinitely many zeros.
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  • #7
No, the liminf isn't 0. I essentially told you how to compute the limit, did you try that?
  • #8
omyojj said:
To evaluate lim_log a_n = lim_1/x * log[|sinx|]

(x)` = 1 as x->inf.
but (log[|sinx|])` = |sinx|`/|sinx| -> ? x-> inf ??
clearly the limit does not exist...

You can only apply L'Hopital's rule if you have in indeterminate form.

FAQ: Analysislimsup(inf) |sinn|^1/n = ? it`s not easy

What is the meaning of the equation "limsup(inf) |sinn|^1/n = ?"

The equation represents the limit superior of the infimum of the absolute value of the sine function raised to the power of 1/n. In simpler terms, it is a mathematical expression used to find the largest possible value that a sequence of numbers can approach as the number of terms in the sequence increases.

Why is it difficult to analyze this equation?

This equation is difficult to analyze because it involves multiple mathematical concepts such as limits, supremums, infimums, and powers. Additionally, the sine function is a complex and non-linear function, making it challenging to determine a precise solution.

Can this equation be simplified?

No, this equation cannot be simplified any further. It is already in its most simplified form.

What is the practical application of this equation?

This equation is often used in mathematical analysis and research to study the behavior of sequences and series. It can also be applied in areas such as physics and engineering to model oscillations and waves.

How can one solve this equation?

This equation can be solved using various mathematical techniques such as L'Hopital's rule, Taylor series expansion, and Cauchy's limit theorem. However, the solution may not always be exact and may require numerical methods or approximations.
