Relating 2nd order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation.

In summary, the conversation is discussing a calculation involving two functions and a potential, using new variables to find second partial derivatives of the potential in terms of old variables. The method used is to solve for d\phi and d\chi in terms of the new variables, and then use the chain rule to find the partial derivatives of the potential in terms of the new variables. However, the introduction of e^{b(\phi)} terms causes concern as it may lead to non-symmetric mixed derivatives.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Could some mathematically minded person please check my calculation as I am a bit suspicious of it (I'm a physicist myself). This isn't homework so feel free to reveal anything you have in mind.

Suppose I have two functions [tex]\phi(t)[/tex] and [tex]\chi(t)[/tex] and the potential V which is a function of these two. Suppose I introduce new variables [tex]\sigma[/tex] and [tex]s[/tex] such that

[tex]d\sigma = \cos\theta d\phi + \sin\theta e^{b(\phi)} d\chi[/tex] (1)
[tex]ds = \cos\theta e^{b(\phi)} d\chi - \sin\theta d\phi[/tex] (2)


[tex]\cos\theta = \frac{\dot{\phi}}{\sqrt{\dot{\phi}^2 + e^{2b(\phi)}\dot{\chi}^2}}[/tex] (3)
[tex]\sin\theta = \frac{e^{b(\phi)}\dot{\chi}}{\sqrt{\dot{\phi}^2 + e^{2b(\phi)}\dot{\chi}^2}}[/tex] (4)

where the overdot represents the derivative wrt t.

Denote partial derivatives as follows: [tex]A_x \equiv \frac{\partial A}{\partial x}[/tex].

I need to find second partial derivatives of V wrt to new variables in terms of second partial derivatives wrt old variables (i.e. [tex]V_{\sigma\sigma}, V_{\sigma s}, V_{ss}[/tex] in terms of [tex]V_{\phi\phi},V_{\phi\chi}[/tex] and [tex]V_{\chi\chi}[/tex]).

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The way I went about this is as follows (using as an example [tex]V_{\sigma\sigma}[/tex]):

[tex]V = V_{\phi}d\phi + V_{\chi}d\chi[/tex] solving [tex]d\phi[/tex] and [tex]d\chi[/tex] from (1) and (2)
[tex]\Rightarrow V = V_{\phi}(\cos\theta d\sigma - \sin\theta ds) + V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}(\sin\theta d\sigma + \cos\theta ds)[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow V = (V_{\phi}\cos\theta + V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta) d\sigma + (-V_{\phi}\sin\theta + V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\cos\theta) ds[/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow V_{\sigma} = V_{\phi}\cos\theta + V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta[/tex] (5)

This seems right so far. Now taking [tex]V_{\sigma}[/tex] as the new function and repeating the exact same steps I get (just replacing [tex]V[/tex] with [tex]V_{\sigma}[/tex] in the above result):

[tex]V_{\sigma\sigma} = V_{\sigma\phi}\cos\theta + V_{\sigma\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta[/tex] and taking the apropriate derivatives of (5)
[tex]\Rightarrow V_{\sigma\sigma} = V_{\phi\phi}\cos^2\theta + 2 V_{\phi\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta\cos\theta + V_{\chi\chi}e^{-2b(\phi)}\sin^2\theta - b_{\phi}V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta\cos\theta[/tex]

What makes me suspicious is the last term which arises because of the [tex]\phi[/tex] dependence of b. For example it makes mixed derivatives non-symmetric i.e. [tex]V_{\sigma s} \neq V_{s \sigma}[/tex]. Could that be right? I'm not 100 % sure of my method of arriving at the result so it would be great if someone with a firmer understanding of the mathematics involved could check this. Thanks.
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  • #2
Use the chain rule.

If [itex]dV= V_{\phi}d\phi+ V_\chi d\chi[/itex] and you are replacing [itex]d\phi[/itex] by [itex]d\phi= cos(\theta)d\sigma- sin(\theta)ds[/itex] and [itex]d\chi= sin(\theta)d\sigma+ cos(\theta)ds[/itex] (essentially, just a rotation), then
[tex]V_\phi= \frac{\partial V}{\partial \phi}= \frac{\partial V}{\partial \sigma}\frac{\partial \sigma}{\partial \phi}+ \frac{\partial V}{\partial s}\frac{\partial s}{\partial \phi}[/tex]

Since [itex]d\sigma= cos(\theta)d\phi- sin(\theta)d\chi[/itex]
[tex]\frac{\partial \sigma}{\partial \phi}= cos(\theta)[/tex]
and since [itex]ds= sin(\theta)d\phi+ cos(\theta)d\chi[/itex]
[tex]\frac{\partial s}{\partial \phi}= sin(\theta)[/itex]

That is,
[tex]V_\phi= \frac{\partial V}{\partial \phi}= cos(\theta)V_\sigma+ sin(\theta)V_s[/itex]

To find [itex]V_{\phi\phi}[/itex], for example, do that again:
[tex]V_{\phi\phi}= \frac{\partial}{\partial \phi}\left(cos(\theta)V_\sigma+ sin(\theta)V_s\right)[/tex]
[tex]= cos(\theta)\left(cos(\theta)V_\sigma+ sin(\theta)V_s\right)_\sigma+ sin(\theta)\left(cos(\theta)V_\sigma+ sin(\theta)V_s\right)_s[/tex]
  • #3
That's pretty much what I did as I explained in the previous post. Except in the other direction since I need to find [itex]V_{\sigma\sigma},V_{\sigma s}[/itex] and [itex]V_{\sigma s}[/itex] and not [itex]V_{\phi\phi}, V_{\phi\chi}[/itex] and [itex]V_{\chi\chi}[/itex]. However, you left out of your post the [itex]e^{b(\phi)}[/itex] terms which is where my difficulty lies because they introduce additional terms (like the term [itex]- b_{\phi}V_{\chi}e^{-b(\phi)}\sin\theta\cos\theta[/itex] in [itex]V_{\sigma\sigma}[/itex]) which according to my calculations make mixed derivatives non-symmetric.

FAQ: Relating 2nd order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation.

1. What are second order partial derivatives?

Second order partial derivatives are the rates of change of a function with respect to two different variables. They measure how much a function changes as one variable changes while holding the other variable constant.

2. How are second order partial derivatives related in a coordinate transformation?

In a coordinate transformation, the second order partial derivatives can be related through the chain rule. This means that the second order partial derivatives in the new coordinate system can be expressed in terms of the second order partial derivatives in the original coordinate system.

3. Why is it important to understand the relationship between second order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation?

Understanding the relationship between second order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation is important because it allows us to analyze the behavior of a function in different coordinate systems. This can be useful in solving problems in physics, engineering, and other fields where coordinate systems are frequently used.

4. How do you calculate second order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation?

To calculate the second order partial derivatives in a coordinate transformation, you first need to express the original function in terms of the new coordinates. Then, you can use the chain rule to calculate the second order partial derivatives in the new coordinate system.

5. Can the relationship between second order partial derivatives hold for any type of coordinate transformation?

Yes, the relationship between second order partial derivatives holds for any type of coordinate transformation, as long as the transformation is smooth and invertible. This means that the transformation can be continuously and uniquely reversed, allowing for the use of the chain rule in relating the second order partial derivatives.

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