Speed of Sound - General Formula

In summary, the speed of sound can be calculated using the general formula v = √(γRT), where v is the speed of sound, γ is the adiabatic constant, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature. This formula applies to all gases, and the speed of sound increases with higher temperatures and decreases with higher altitudes. Additionally, the speed of sound in air at sea level is approximately 343 meters per second.
  • #1
Can anyone show that the speed of sound, or rather, speed of low-energy mechanical waves follows the relationship:

a2 = ( bulk modulus / density )
This holds for sound waves, and is also similar to the waves on strings formula.

Can anyone show how this is derived? I read a book and they said "by apply Newton's laws". But how?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Curl! :smile:

When sound travels, nothing in the material actually moves anywhere, it only oscillates on the spot …

the equation for this oscillation depends on the stiffness (springy-ness) of the material …

there's some details at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_sound#Basic_concept" :wink:
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  • #3
You can derive the equation for mechanical waves in the medium by using Newton's second law. You look at a small piece of the medium and calculate the net force due to the perturbation (the wave).
The net force will depend on the distribution of elastic forces, so you will have the elastic constant(s) in the equation. The mass of the small piece of medium depends on density.
The actual derivation can be found in many textbooks. The actual form depends on the medium (fluid or solid, isotropic or anisotropic, etc) but the idea is along these lines.
  • #4
Yeah no joke, what I am asking is to see the actual derivation.

Landau and Lifgarbagez use a very different method to derive the speed of sound in an ideal gas. I don't have any books that do it for solid materials, otherwise I wouldn't be asking this.
  • #5
Curl said:
Yeah no joke, what I am asking is to see the actual derivation.

Landau and Lifgarbagez use a very different method to derive the speed of sound in an ideal gas. I don't have any books that do it for solid materials, otherwise I wouldn't be asking this.
The derivation for a cubic crystal can be found for example in Kittel - Introduction to solid state Physics (Chapter 3).
I have a couple of slides that show the main steps. I ca send them if you would like. For a crystal you need to be a little familiar the stress and strain tensors to understand the derivation.

For isotropic solid you can find some sketches of the derivation (in the 1 D case) for example here: http://mysite.du.edu/~jcalvert/waves/mechwave.htm

FAQ: Speed of Sound - General Formula

What is the general formula for calculating the speed of sound?

The general formula for calculating the speed of sound is v = √(γRT), where v is the speed of sound, γ is the ratio of specific heats, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

What is the value of the ratio of specific heats (γ) for air?

The ratio of specific heats (γ) for air is approximately 1.4.

How does the speed of sound change with temperature?

The speed of sound increases with temperature. As the temperature increases, the air molecules vibrate at a higher frequency, resulting in a faster speed of sound.

What is the speed of sound at room temperature?

At room temperature (around 20°C or 68°F), the speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second in dry air.

How does the speed of sound change with altitude?

The speed of sound decreases with altitude. This is because the air becomes less dense at higher altitudes, resulting in slower vibrations and a slower speed of sound.
