Beat frequency of Two in-phase loudspeakers

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of beat frequency as it applies to two in-phase loudspeakers emitting sound with a frequency of 536 Hz. The microphone, moving at a constant speed of 1.60 m/s between the speakers, will pick up frequencies that are doppler shifted due to the relative motion. To calculate the beat frequency, one can find the wavelength and divide by 2, then calculate the time period and take the inverse to find the beat frequency. However, if the two speakers are not in phase, this method may not be applicable.
  • #1
4. Two in-phase loudspeakers are some distance apart. They emit sound with a frequency of 536 Hz. A microphone is moved between the speakers along the line joining the two speakers with a constant speed of 1.60 m/s. What beat frequency is observed? The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s.

Could anyone help me? I have no idea at all to solve this question since I am quite blur with the concept of beat and beat frequency also. So, could anyone explain about beat and beat frequency to me as well? Thanks.:smile:
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  • #2
The beat frequency will be the sum of the individual frequencies picked up by the microphone but the frequencies will be doppler shifted by an amount dependent on the relative motion of the source and receiver.
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  • #3
Thanks. Somebody teach me by using another method.

First, find out the wavelength and divide by 2. The value is equal to the distance between 2 successive crests. So. The time period to repeat this cycle(from crest to crest) is equal to half of the wavelength divide by 1.6
And the beat frequency is equal to 1 / time period.

How if the 2 speakers is not in phase? If so, can this method be applied again?
  • #4
According to the problem stated, you need to take into account the fact that the microphone is moving. See my previous post - which I changed to make more accurate.

FAQ: Beat frequency of Two in-phase loudspeakers

What is the concept of beat frequency in relation to two in-phase loudspeakers?

The beat frequency of two in-phase loudspeakers refers to the fluctuation in amplitude of the sound produced when two identical signals are played simultaneously through the loudspeakers. This phenomenon occurs due to the interference of sound waves produced by the two speakers.

How is the beat frequency calculated?

The beat frequency can be calculated by taking the difference between the frequencies of the two signals being played through the loudspeakers. For example, if one speaker is playing a sound at 500 Hz and the other at 505 Hz, the beat frequency would be 5 Hz.

What factors affect the beat frequency in two in-phase loudspeakers?

The beat frequency is affected by the difference in frequencies between the two signals, as well as the amplitude and phase of the signals. The distance between the two speakers and the listener can also influence the beat frequency.

How can the beat frequency of two in-phase loudspeakers be used in practical applications?

The beat frequency of two in-phase loudspeakers can be used in tuning musical instruments, as the fluctuation in amplitude can indicate whether the instrument is in tune or not. It can also be used in audio systems to create special sound effects or to cancel out unwanted frequencies.

Is there a limit to the beat frequency that can be produced by two in-phase loudspeakers?

There is no limit to the beat frequency that can be produced by two in-phase loudspeakers, as long as the difference between the frequencies of the two signals is within the audible range for humans. However, at very high beat frequencies, the sound may become distorted and unpleasant to listen to.

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