Solve Lagrangian Question: Help Appreciated

  • Thread starter Nemesis567
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In summary, the task is to find the Lagrangian of a system with a box that can move side-to-side and a pendulum that can swing about a fixed point, using the kinetic and potential energies of the system.
  • #1
I was given this question in preparation for my final exam in my classical mechanics class. The question is to find the of this system, which has me kind of stumped.


Any and all help will be appreciated.
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  • #2
First, notice that there are only two degrees of freedom: 1. The box can move side-to-side ([itex]x[/itex]), and 2. the pendulum can swing about ([itex]\theta[/itex]).

So let us first consider the kinetic energy of the system. The kinetic energy of the box can trivially be written as


The kinetic energy of the pendulum is not quite so trivial. We must first write its general position in terms of the cartesian coordinates and then differentiate them with respect to time to yield its velocity.

After a little inspection you should be able to convince yourself that the x and y-coordinates of the pendulum at some general time is given by


A time differentiation yields


We can square each component to find the velocity-square of the pendulum:



Therefore, we can write the kinetic energy of the pendulum as


Now, let's consider the potential energy of the system. Turn your attention to the springs. If we assume that the spings are streched far beyond their natural lengths, we can ignore it. So we can use Hooke's law to write the potential energies of the two springs:


Finally, we can write the gravitational potential energy of the system. If we define our reference height to be level with the springs, the gravitational potential energy of the box is 0. However, the gravitational potential energy of the pendulum is


After combining the appropriate energies derived above, we arrive at the Lagrangian of the system:

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FAQ: Solve Lagrangian Question: Help Appreciated

1. What is the Lagrangian method used for?

The Lagrangian method is a mathematical tool used to solve problems in classical mechanics by finding the equations of motion for a system. It is based on the principle of least action, which states that a system will move in such a way as to minimize its action, or the integral of its Lagrangian function. This method is commonly used in physics and engineering to analyze the behavior of physical systems.

2. How do you solve a Lagrangian question?

To solve a Lagrangian question, you must first set up the Lagrangian function for the system, which is the difference between the kinetic and potential energies. Then, you use the Euler-Lagrange equations to find the equations of motion for the system. This involves taking partial derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to each variable and setting them equal to zero. Finally, you solve these equations to find the solutions for the system's motion.

3. What are the advantages of using the Lagrangian method?

The Lagrangian method has several advantages over other methods of solving problems in classical mechanics. It is a more elegant and concise approach, as it reduces the number of equations needed to solve a problem. It also allows for the use of generalized coordinates, which can simplify the equations of motion for complex systems. Additionally, the Lagrangian method is based on a fundamental principle (the principle of least action), making it more intuitive and easier to apply to a variety of problems.

4. Can the Lagrangian method be applied to any system?

The Lagrangian method can be applied to any system that can be described using generalized coordinates and has a well-defined kinetic and potential energy. This includes a wide range of physical systems, such as particles, rigid bodies, and complex systems with multiple degrees of freedom. However, there may be cases where other methods are more suitable for solving a specific problem.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Lagrangian method?

While the Lagrangian method is a powerful tool for solving problems in classical mechanics, it does have some limitations. It can be more difficult to apply to systems with constraints, and it may not be suitable for analyzing non-conservative systems. Additionally, the Lagrangian method may not be as useful for systems with rapidly changing forces or for problems involving quantum mechanics. In these cases, other methods may be more appropriate.
