Graduate physics program rankings

In summary, there is a discussion about finding rankings for graduate physics programs. Someone suggests using US News as a source. Another person mentions an old thread that provides rankings and suggests considering the strength of departments in the intended field of study. Someone else agrees but also mentions wanting to know the rankings of the programs they have been accepted into, although it will not be the deciding factor in their decision.
  • #1
Anyone know of an online source that provides rankings for graduate physics programs?
Physics news on
  • #2
US News (a magazine in the US) does I think.
  • #3
Take a look at the second post in this thread. The data is a couple of years old, but it should tell you where to look for the rankings. :)
  • #4
In my opinion, one needs to look beyond these rankings [over all fields in physics] and consider something more relevant: the strength of various departments in your intended field of study.
  • #5
robphy said:
In my opinion, one needs to look beyond these rankings [over all fields in physics] and consider something more relevant: the strength of various departments in your intended field of study.

Yes, I certainly agree. But I've gotten into a couple different graduate programs, both of which offer some excellent research opportunities, and I'm just interested in how they both rank. It won't be a major factor in which school I decide to attend.

FAQ: Graduate physics program rankings

1. What is the best graduate physics program in the country?

The answer to this question can vary depending on the source and methodology used for ranking. Some popular rankings include those from US News, QS World University Rankings, and Times Higher Education. It is important to do thorough research and consider factors such as faculty, research opportunities, and funding when determining the best program for your specific interests and goals.

2. How are graduate physics programs ranked?

Graduate physics programs are typically ranked based on factors such as research reputation, faculty publications and citations, student selectivity, and funding. Each ranking system may weigh these factors differently, so it is important to look at multiple sources and understand the methodology used for each ranking.

3. What is the difference between overall university rankings and graduate physics program rankings?

Overall university rankings consider a wide range of factors, such as undergraduate programs, student life, and diversity, while graduate program rankings specifically focus on the strength of a university's graduate programs in a particular field, such as physics. It is important to use both types of rankings to get a comprehensive understanding of a university's strengths and weaknesses.

4. How important are rankings when choosing a graduate physics program?

While rankings can provide helpful information and a general idea of the quality of a program, they should not be the sole factor in making a decision. It is important to consider your own interests and goals, the specific faculty and research opportunities at each program, and the overall fit for you as a student. Rankings should be used as a starting point for further research and exploration.

5. Can a graduate physics program's ranking change from year to year?

Yes, rankings can change from year to year as factors such as faculty publications and research funding can fluctuate. It is important to look at trends over several years to get a better understanding of a program's performance and reputation. Additionally, rankings can vary between different sources, so it is important to consider multiple rankings when evaluating a program.

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