Gaussian 09 .out file format specification (and freqchk)

In summary, Jim is looking for documentation on the output format of Gaussian 09 runs, specifically the .out file. He has found that the log files are in atomic units, but there is no official specification for them. He plans to ask his IT department for a copy of the programmer's reference book or consult the extensive list of references in the manual. He also mentions that there is a one page synopsis of freqchk in the user's manuals, but it does not answer his immediate question about the normal modes in the .out file and freqchk. He plans to run a simple calculation with H2O to find out, but was hoping for a reference manual to avoid having to figure out each line of output. Alxm provides helpful
  • #1
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the documentation exists for the output of Gaussian 09 runs. The .out file is plain text and human readable, but I can only decipher parts and units are not always clear. I would have thought the Gaussian website would have an explicit format FAQ or spec, but I cannot find it.

Any help would be appreciated,
--Jim Parker
Physics and Astronomy
University of Texas at San Antonio
Chemistry news on
  • #2
I've written programs that read Gaussian log files, (which is a major pain, as there are slight changes between every version) and as far as I know, there's no official specification at all. But everything is normally in atomic units. Hartrees/Angstroms, or Hartrees/Bohrs. Formchk files are documented in the programmer's reference book, at least for G03.

Frankly though, the log files are pretty straightforward - if you know what the program is doing. So if it's unclear, you might need to read up on the method(s) you're using. There's an extensive list of references in the manual.
  • #3
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll have to ask our IT department if they have the copy of the programmer's reference book, since they handled the purchase of the software. Unless you know of another source. The Gaussian website only freely releases the user's guide and IOps manuals as far as I can tell.

There is a one page synopsis of freqchk in the G09 & G03 user's manuals, which gives some detail, but doesn't help the immediate question I have, which is simply -- are the normal modes that are listed in the .out file and freqchk using mass-weighted coordinates or simply cartesian.

I'm going to just run a simple calculation with H2O to find out, which will work. But I was hoping that there was a simple reference manual that would be definitive on what is printed so that I wouldn't have to "rediscover" what each line of output means.

  • #4
surfer96313 said:
There is a one page synopsis of freqchk in the G09 & G03 user's manuals, which gives some detail, but doesn't help the immediate question I have, which is simply -- are the normal modes that are listed in the .out file and freqchk using mass-weighted coordinates or simply cartesian.

Cartesian. Although if you've got symmetry it outputs two geometries ('input orientation' and the symmetrizied 'standard orientation') and I can't remember offhand which of those two coordinate systems they're in, although it should be fairly obvious once you visualize the vectors. In formchk files, all coordinates are usually in Bohrs IIRC, although there might be a number that specifies the unit. (again recalling from memory)
  • #5
[Solved] Re: Gaussian 09 .out file format specification (and freqchk)

Excellent! Thank you.


FAQ: Gaussian 09 .out file format specification (and freqchk)

1. What is the purpose of a Gaussian 09 .out file?

The .out file in Gaussian 09 is the output file that contains all the results and information from a computational chemistry calculation. It is used to analyze the structure, properties, and behavior of molecules and other chemical systems.

2. How is the information in a Gaussian 09 .out file organized?

The information in a Gaussian 09 .out file is organized into sections, with each section containing specific types of data. The first section includes general information about the calculation, such as the job title, basis set, and molecular geometry. The subsequent sections contain the results of the calculation, including the energy, geometry optimization, and frequency analysis.

3. What is the format of the frequency analysis section in a Gaussian 09 .out file?

The frequency analysis section in a Gaussian 09 .out file follows a specific format, with each line containing the frequency, the corresponding reduced mass, and the force constant. The frequencies are listed in wavenumbers, the reduced mass is in atomic units, and the force constant is in mdyne/Å. This section also includes information on the symmetry of each vibration and the infrared and Raman intensities.

4. How can I check the accuracy of the results in a Gaussian 09 .out file?

Gaussian 09 includes a utility called "freqchk" that can be used to check the accuracy of the results in the frequency analysis section of a .out file. This utility compares the calculated frequencies to experimental values and provides a percentage error for each mode. It can also be used to identify potential errors in the calculation, such as imaginary frequencies or missing modes.

5. Can I visualize the results from a Gaussian 09 .out file in other software?

Yes, the results from a Gaussian 09 .out file can be visualized in other software programs, such as GaussView or ChemDraw. These programs can read and interpret the molecular geometry, vibrational frequencies, and other properties from the .out file and generate visual representations, such as molecular structures, vibrational spectra, and contour maps of molecular orbitals.

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