Could S Meson Explain Dark Matter?

In summary, a study by Hung Cheng of MIT proposes a "Weyl" theory of dark matter, which suggests the existence of a vector particle called S that interacts with a scalar particle like the Higgs or a tensor particle like the graviton, but not with spinor particles like electrons and photons. This particle, also referred to as an "S meson," is a spin 1 boson with mass and could potentially be detected at the LHC through bremsstrahlung from the decay of a Higgs. However, it is unclear how this non-interactive particle could form the observed distributions around galaxies.
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A "Weyl" theory of dark matter by Hung Cheng of MIT, showing that if physics is locally conformal (independent of scale choice) then there is a vector particle he calls S which couples to a scalar particle like the hypothetical Higgs, or to a tensor particle like the hypothetical graviton, but not to any spinor particle such as electrons, quarks, neutrinos, etc, or to photons. So it is a candidate for dark matter. He says it might be detected at LHC through bremsstrahlung from the decay of a Higgs.
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The proposed "S meson" is a spin 1 boson (this is what "vector" means in this context as I understand it), like the photon, W, Z and gluons.

Saying that it interacts with the Higgs field is simply another way of saying that it has mass, unlike the photon, but like any other sub-atomic particle. Of course, anything with mass or energy (including the photon) would interact with the graviton.

All other massive spin 1 bosons are "force carriers" which operate at short ranges in atomic nuclei. But, this would have no electro-magnetic charge, like the Z and gluons, but unlike the W, and unlike gluons, it would not be affected by the strong force either. (Would it mediate some, as yet undiscovered very weak, short range force?)

Calling it an "S meson" as the paper does is confusing, as that term is usually reserved for bosons composed of a quark and an anti-quark, which seems contrary to the notion that these particles don't interact with the strong force. (Although a candidate to fill in the empty green-anti-green meson spot would be interesting).

At least one difficulty of an "S meson" as a dark matter candidate, is explaining how it would take the characteristic distributions about galaxies that are observed, if it is so non-interactive. Why would it form halos instead of something else?
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FAQ: Could S Meson Explain Dark Matter?

1. What is a Weyl theory of dark matter?

A Weyl theory of dark matter is a theoretical framework that proposes a modification of Einstein's theory of general relativity in order to explain the observed effects of dark matter in the universe. It suggests that the gravitational laws in the universe are governed by a scalar field, known as the Weyl field, which interacts with matter and can explain the observed gravitational effects attributed to dark matter.

2. How does a Weyl theory of dark matter differ from other theories?

Unlike other theories, such as the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, the Weyl theory does not require the presence of exotic, undetectable particles to explain the observed gravitational effects of dark matter. Instead, it proposes a modification of the laws of gravity to account for these effects.

3. What evidence supports the existence of a Weyl field?

The main evidence for the existence of a Weyl field comes from observations of the rotation curves of galaxies, which describe how the rotational velocities of stars in a galaxy change as a function of their distance from the galactic center. These curves cannot be fully explained by the gravitational effects of visible matter, which suggests the presence of an additional gravitational force, possibly attributed to the Weyl field.

4. Does a Weyl theory of dark matter have any implications for the Big Bang theory?

Yes, the Weyl theory has implications for the Big Bang theory as it suggests that the Weyl field may have played a role in the early stages of the universe's expansion. It has been proposed that the Weyl field could have caused a rapid inflation of the universe, leading to the observed large-scale structure of the universe.

5. Is a Weyl theory of dark matter widely accepted in the scientific community?

The Weyl theory of dark matter is still a relatively new and untested concept, so it is not yet widely accepted in the scientific community. However, it has gained some attention and interest among researchers as a potential alternative to the CDM model. Further observations and experiments will be needed to fully test and validate this theory.

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