Have You Considered This Trick for Finding the Derivative of a Cubic Function?

  • Thread starter Robokapp
  • Start date
In summary: The derivative of the inverse of a function can be expressed as 1/f'(y).In summary, the conversation discusses a method for finding the derivative of the inverse of a function, specifically for a cubic function. The method involves writing the inverse function in its original form and then taking the derivative, using implicit differentiation. This method can also be applied to more generalized functions, as shown in the conversation. The relevance of this method is that it can provide a shortcut for finding the derivative of the inverse function, rather than using traditional methods such as finding the inverse and then taking the derivative.
  • #1
I'm guessing not a lot will care about this becasue it's not very relevant, but my calc teacher couldn't do this and I did it in a few seconds, so i'll expose it.

The problem stated that f(x)=x^3+x

and inverse of f(x)=g(x) and g(2)=1

question: Find g'(2)


My teacher tried to create a formula to connect inverse derivative answers and inverse functions for cubics. He couldn't. So while staring at it I realize how the derivative is dy/dx which is appearing everywhere you derivate a y.

so I write y=x^3+x
take inverse x=Y^3+y
and I don't care about what the function looks like. I don't worry about putting it in standard form like he tried. I keep it like this and take derivative. Out of nowhere I might say I had written down 1=3y^2 dy/dx + dy/dx

and isolating the dy/dx => dy/dx = 1/(1+2y^2)

since point (2,1) was given, the fact that I have no x is not important. i can plug in y instead. And I get the final answer. g'(2)=1/4

The relevance of this is that finding the derivative of a function can be expressed in many forms, related to various letters in that expression. many times the y' has both x and y.

But...Standard form was not important here, and pretty much everyone, myslef included for a few minutes were hooked up on putting it in standard form...

I thought i'd share this with you.

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  • #2
Very impressive, I wish I had that sort of intuitive math skill. See If you can extend that particular problem to a more genralized formula or set of steps. If you can find some overarching shortcut, you could save yourself a whole lot of time. Try additional polynomial terms and there inverses. Tell us what happens
-see...we care-
  • #3
but i don't think i understand. how is dy/dx [ y^3 ] = 3y^2? isn't it zero?
  • #4
Robokapp said:
so I write y=x^3+x
take inverse x=Y^3+y

Substituting x into the first equation gives:

[tex](y^3+y)^3 + y^3+y\ne y[/itex]

So how is that the inverse?
  • #5
Given the relation y=x³+x, which defines the graph of y=f(x), its inverse relation is x=y³+y, which defines the graph of y=g(x).

Or, to write it more clearly: (IMHO)

We have that f(x)=x³+x (for all x in the domain of f), so we also have that x=g(x)³+g(x). (for all x in the domain of g)

You've discovered and applied one of the powerful methods of differential calculus. Congratulations!

Now, the next question is to generalize. :smile:

For any function f, whose inverse is g, can you write down a formula for g'(a)?
  • #6
Is that what I would perhaps call implicit differentiation?
  • #7
Yep! (Well, one of the major steps in this calculation is called implicit differentiation)
  • #8
philosophking said:
but i don't think i understand. how is dy/dx [ y^3 ] = 3y^2? isn't it zero?

well, y is a variable, not a constant.

let's pick y=2x => dy/dx=2 agreed?

but it is that because dy/dx is the derivative of y. basically you derivate both sides. Everywhere you see a y you add a dy/dx at the end of it because it doesn't contain an x. y' or dy/dx is same thing...
  • #9
Hurkyl said:
Yep! (Well, one of the major steps in this calculation is called implicit differentiation)

Silly teacher didn't know implicit differentiation! What level is the original poster at? Congratulations to him/her for working this out for him/herself, though.
  • #10
hah. I got it!

I'm Calculus AB Highschool senior by the way.

the question: What is the derivative of the inverse of any function f(x)

the answer:



I will post my work. I will quote exactly what I wrote in a wordpad document to generalize this:

f(x)=x^3+x g(x)=f-1(x)

g(2)=1 g'(2)= ?


y=x^3+x => x=y^3+y

y^3+y=x is the g(x) in a bad form but correct.

3y^2 dy/dx + dy/dx = 1

dy/dx = 1/(3y^2+1)


f(x)=ax^1+bx^2+cx^3+dx^4+...+zx^n g(x)=f-1(x)



inverse: x = a f(x)^1 + b f(x)^2 + c f(x)^3 + d f(x)^4 +...+z f(x)^n (1)

g(x)= a f(x)^1 + b f(x)^2 + c f(x)^3 + d f(x)^4 +...+z f(x)^n (2)

g = ay^1 + by^2 + cy^3 + dy^4 +...+zy^n (3)

Range of f(x) is domain of g(x) and domain of g(x) is range of f(x) becasue an inverse function is defined as f(y)=x

1=ay^0 dy/dx + 2by^1 dy/dx + 3cy^2 dy/dx + 4dy^3 dy/dx + nzy^(n-1) dy/dx (1)'

dy/dx = 1/[ay^0+2by^1 + 3cy^2 + 4dy^3 + nzy^(n-1)]


For a function f defined by f(x)=ax^m+bx^n+cx^p+dx^p...
The dy/dx of the f' is equal to 1/[amy^(m-1)+nby^(n-1)+pcy^(p-1)+pdy^(p-1)]

Where y = the range of f(x) at a point x.


dy/dx of f-1(x) = 1/[f'(y)]

applying it for a simple equation for verrification: f(x)=x^3+x the one given above.

dy/dx of f-1(x)=1/[3y^2+1] from above and from my formula.
  • #11
Yep, that's the right formula! :smile:

Judging from your post, though, you've only proven it for polynomials. Can you figure out how to prove it for an arbitrary differentiable, invertible function? (Hint: it's the same basic idea, but the details are simpler than what you've done with polynomials)
  • #12
let's try a simple f(x)=e^x

my formula says that the derivative of inverse should be 1/f'(y)

so 1 /[ d/dx of e^(y)]
1/[e^(y)*(y')] is what I seem to get.

1/(y'f(y)) maybe!


I can't prove it...I get stuck in a big pile of information andit's too late for that...I'll take a look tomorrow.

What I'll try to see is is 1/[y'f(y)] same as 1/f'(y)

tops cancel. y'f(y)=f'(y)

by Chain Rule the derivative of f(y) is f'(y)*y'

Oh shoot. I chose a bad example, didn't I? e^x and its derivative are the same so I can't tell if my formula is 1/[y'f(y)] or 1/[y'f'(y)]

Well, it's friday night and I'm already dizzy so I'll trust my previews work and the Chain Rule and state that the formula 1/[y'f'(y)] works.

However...it still won't work meaning I'm terribly wrong. I give up...I'll look at it tomorrow!
  • #13
Think about the chain rule.

FAQ: Have You Considered This Trick for Finding the Derivative of a Cubic Function?

1. What is the handy trick you found?

The handy trick I found is a method for removing stubborn stains from clothing using a combination of vinegar and baking soda.

2. How did you discover this handy trick?

I discovered this handy trick through a series of trial and error experiments while trying to remove a particularly difficult stain from my own clothing.

3. Does this handy trick work for all types of stains?

While I have had success with various types of stains, I cannot guarantee that this handy trick will work for all types. It is best to test it on a small inconspicuous area first before using it on a larger stain.

4. Are there any potential risks or side effects to using this handy trick?

No, both vinegar and baking soda are natural and non-toxic ingredients. However, it is always advisable to wear gloves and protect your skin and clothing while using any cleaning solution.

5. Can I use this handy trick on delicate fabrics?

It is not recommended to use this handy trick on delicate fabrics such as silk or wool. Stick to using it on more durable materials like cotton or polyester.

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