How Is the Volume Element in Phase Space Determined for N Harmonic Oscillators?

Your Name]In summary, the conversation is about solving a classical mechanics problem involving N harmonic oscillators. The Hamiltonian provided represents the total energy of the system, and the hint given suggests that the volume in phase space can be written as an integral over the Hamiltonian. The volume element in phase space is determined by taking the product of infinitesimal changes in momentum and position for each particle, and the integral over all states with energy less than E gives the volume in phase space for that energy level.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am solving a problem for N classic harmonic oscillators. I have the Hamiltonian

H = sum(i=1,3N)(p_i^2/(2m) + m*o^2/2 *q_i^2

where p is momentum and q I presume is scaled coordinates. I am given the following hint that the volume in phase space can be written as

V(E,N) = int(H < E) product(i=1,3N) dp_i dq_i

I can solve the exercise and get the right result but I don't understand how one has determined the volume element as written above. Could anyone give me any hints or advise - I have tried looking but no results. Thanks in advance


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  • #2

Hello Jenny,

Thank you for reaching out for help with this problem. It seems like you are working on a classical mechanics problem involving N harmonic oscillators. The Hamiltonian you have provided is the total energy of the system, which is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of all N oscillators.

To understand how the volume element in phase space is determined, let's first define what phase space is. Phase space is a mathematical space that represents all possible states of a physical system. In classical mechanics, it is a 6N-dimensional space, where N is the number of particles in the system. Each point in this space represents a unique state of the system, characterized by the positions and momenta of all N particles.

Now, in your Hamiltonian, you have already identified that p and q represent momentum and scaled coordinates, respectively. The volume element in phase space is given by the product of the infinitesimal changes in momentum and position for each particle. In mathematical terms, it can be written as dp_i dq_i for each particle i, and the product of these for all N particles gives the volume element in phase space.

The hint you have been given is suggesting that the volume in phase space can also be written as an integral over the Hamiltonian. This is because the Hamiltonian represents the total energy of the system, and the integral over all states with energy less than some value E will give you the volume in phase space for that energy level.

I hope this helps you understand how the volume element in phase space is determined. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your problem!


FAQ: How Is the Volume Element in Phase Space Determined for N Harmonic Oscillators?

What is a volume element in phase space?

A volume element in phase space is a small region in the multi-dimensional space that represents the state of a physical system. It is used to describe the motion of particles in classical mechanics and is also used in statistical mechanics to describe the distribution of particles in a system.

How is the volume element in phase space related to the uncertainty principle?

The volume element in phase space is related to the uncertainty principle as it represents the smallest unit of phase space that can be resolved. According to the uncertainty principle, the product of the uncertainty in position and momentum must be greater than or equal to the reduced Planck's constant. This means that the smaller the volume element in phase space, the higher the uncertainty in position and momentum.

Why is the volume element in phase space important?

The volume element in phase space is important because it allows us to describe the behavior of particles in a system and understand how they move and interact with each other. It is also used in statistical mechanics to calculate the probability of a particle being in a certain state.

How is the volume element in phase space calculated?

The volume element in phase space is calculated by taking the product of the infinitesimal changes in position and momentum along each dimension. This can be represented mathematically as dV = dx1dx2...dxn dp1dp2...dpn, where dx and dp represent the infinitesimal changes in position and momentum, respectively.

What is the significance of the volume element in phase space being conserved in Hamiltonian systems?

In Hamiltonian systems, the volume element in phase space is conserved, meaning that it remains constant throughout the motion of the system. This is significant because it reflects the conservation of energy in these systems, where the total energy of the system remains constant over time.
