Comparing Forces in Different Reference Frames: Impact on Time and Magnitude

In summary: I think it would be interesting to explore this further.In summary, relativistic dynamics are difficult to understand without understanding the concept of force.
  • #1
One reference frame A uses a force F on another reference frame B.
Both A and B counts the time it takes before A stops using the force F on B. They end up with different results.

Will B feel a different value of the force coming from A?
Will F*t be different in the two reference frames? (Where t is the time it takes before A stops using the force.)
Will B use the same force on A as the force A uses on B?
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  • #2
Hi Yayness! :smile:

Tell us what you think, and then we'll comment. :wink:
  • #3
Yayness said:
One reference frame A uses a force F on another reference frame B.
Reference frames are coordinate systems. They are mathematical constructs, not physical objects. How do you apply a force to a mathematical object like a coordinate system?
  • #4
I am quite new to relativity, but I have read about it and tried to derive different formulas. (So far, I have derived formulas for length contradiction, time dilation and velocity addition for instance.)

I read about relativity on the internet and I saw this formula:
Where a is the acceleration of an object, observed by an inertial frame. F is the force used on the object (by the inertial frame, I believe), m is the rest mass of the object, and v is the velocity relative to the inertial frame.

I tried to derive this formula, and so far, I have managed to derive that
[tex]a=(1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}) a_0[/tex]
where a0 is the acceleration felt by the accelerating object, and a is the acceleration observed by the inertial frame.

Relative to itself, the object is at rest, so the force it feels does only depend on its rest mass and the acceleration it feels. If we let F0 be the force it feels, then

If I put that in the formula I derived, I get that:
So if the formula I am trying to derive is correct, it means that
[tex]F_0=\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} F[/tex]
where F is the force the inertial frame uses on the object, and F0 is the force the object feels.
Is this correct, and if so, why?
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  • #5
DaleSpam said:
Reference frames are coordinate systems. They are mathematical constructs, not physical objects. How do you apply a force to a mathematical object like a coordinate system?
I mean two objects where one of them is at rest in one reference frame, and the other one is at rest in another reference frame.
If one object uses a force on the other one, will the value of this force be different in the two reference frames?
  • #6
Yayness said:
One reference frame A uses a force F on another reference frame B.
Both A and B counts the time it takes before A stops using the force F on B. They end up with different results.

Will B feel a different value of the force coming from A?
Will F*t be different in the two reference frames? (Where t is the time it takes before A stops using the force.)
Will B use the same force on A as the force A uses on B?

These are all good questions that highlight the problem of what exactly is "force" in relativistic dynamics.

Have a think about what proper force is.

FAQ: Comparing Forces in Different Reference Frames: Impact on Time and Magnitude

What is relative force?

Relative force refers to the measurement of the strength and direction of a force in relation to another force. It takes into account both magnitude and direction, and is often used in physics to analyze the motion of objects.

How is relative force different from absolute force?

Absolute force is the measurement of the strength of a force without considering any other forces present. Relative force takes into account all forces acting on an object and combines them to determine the overall effect on the object's motion.

What is an example of relative force?

An example of relative force is when a person is pushing a shopping cart. The force they exert on the cart is relative to the force of friction between the cart and the ground, as well as any other forces acting on the cart (such as air resistance).

How is relative force calculated?

Relative force is calculated using vector addition, which involves finding the sum of all forces acting on an object. The direction and magnitude of the resulting force is the relative force acting on the object.

Why is understanding relative force important in science?

Understanding relative force is crucial in science because it allows us to accurately predict and analyze the motion of objects. It helps us understand how forces interact with each other and how they affect an object's velocity and acceleration. This knowledge is essential in fields such as engineering, physics, and mechanics.
