Please explain Dopler effect of light

In summary: Earth are compressed (the top image). However, due to the fact that the speed of light is constant, the wavelength of the waves remains the same, even though the frequency is decreased, and the light is still able to travel from the star to the Earth in one second.
  • #1
How can there be any shifting of light frequency due to dopler effect? Frequency is just a fancy way of stating 'wave' or, as depicted on all explanitory diagrams, a sinusoidal wave. Each cycle of the wave represents one part of the total waves measured in a given amount of time which is the frequency of the light. To have a dopler effect the waves must either arrive farther apart or closer together than they were when they were originated. If the speed of light is universal how can there be a difference?

If the star were to blink on then off for one second you would have one second's worth of light coming from the point of origin. This would be a measurable, distinct and determinable length based on the speed of light. Within this length would be a fixed number of waves. The front of the main group of waves arrives at Earth at the speed of light as does the back of the main group. Doesnt each wave within the group also arrive at that same speed? If this is true then the only other factor would be that the entire length of the main group of 1 second's worth of light is longer at arrival than when it left.

But if light speed is universal how can there be any lengthening?

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  • #2
See: Special Relativity

thetexan said:
Frequency is just a fancy way of stating 'wave' or, as depicted on all explanitory diagrams, a sinusoidal wave.
While frequency is universally a proper of a wave, it is certainly not synonymous with 'wave'---and applies to any type of wave (sinusoidal or otherwise).
Frequency is the rate at which a wave oscillates, which is not the same thing as the wave's velocity. The simplest way to measure or describe frequency, is to count the number of wave-crests (or any repeating element) which pass by a given point, in a given amount of time. The frequency is related to the velocity by the equation [tex]v = \nu \lambda[/tex].

thetexan said:
To have a dopler effect the waves must either arrive farther apart or closer together than they were when they were originated. If the speed of light is universal how can there be a difference?
Good point, and good question. While the speed of light is constant, the other 2 elements of the above equation are not: the frequency (the inverse of the 'period' or duration for a single oscillation), and the wavelength (length of the wave) are both not constant, because of special relativity (for example).
As the special relativity article (linked above) explains, an observer at rest will measure a different length and different time duration than another observer at a constant velocity with respect to the first. There are also other (similar) causes of doppler effects.

thetexan said:
If the star were to blink on then off for one second you would have one second's worth of light coming from the point of origin. This would be a measurable, distinct and determinable length based on the speed of light. Within this length would be a fixed number of waves.
If the star 'measures' one second during which it is 'on', a moving observer would measure a longer duration of time. Similarly, if the star 'measures' the wave traveling 1 light year before it is measured; a moving observer would measure a shorter distance. These two effects conspire together to make the product of the frequency and the wavelength constant---the speed of light.
  • #3
Consider the following animations. The first shows waves of light emitted by a source stationary to the two dots. The waves expand out as circles from the source.


The second shows what happens if the source moves. The waves still expand out as circles from the point of emission, but now, between the emission of the front of the wave to the back of the wave, the source has moved closer to the blue dot and further from the Red dot. Since the ends of the waves travel at c and the back of the wave has a shorter distance to travel, it takes a shorter time to reach the blue dot (and conversely, a longer time to reach the Red). Thus, to the blue observer, the wave is compressed and the for the red observer, it is stretched out. All without the speed of light changing at all.

  • #4
Well, this is what I understand. Please tell me if I am correct.

A star, very far away, blinks on then off sending out a 7 cycle burst of light(the center image) the speed of light.

It arrives, after billions of years of travel, at the Earth which, due to expansion, is receding from the star at a very great rate of speed. Due to the observer's speed the original burst is elongated, or appears so, which causes the entire 7 cycle burst to arrive at a lower frequency thus causing the redish color. If there were a situation where we were getting closer to a star the bottom image would be the case and the star would seem blueish. This stretching of the waves is what is referred to as Dopler. Is that right?

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  • #5
Wonderfully clear animations of the Doppler Effect! Thanks, Janus.
  • #6
thetexan said:
A star, very far away, blinks on then off sending out a 7 cycle burst of light(the center image) the speed of light.

It arrives, after billions of years of travel, at the Earth which, due to expansion, is receding from the star at a very great rate of speed. Due to the observer's speed the original burst is elongated, or appears so, which causes the entire 7 cycle burst to arrive at a lower frequency thus causing the redish color. If there were a situation where we were getting closer to a star the bottom image would be the case and the star would seem blueish. This stretching of the waves is what is referred to as Dopler. Is that right?


Without going in depth, yes.

However, there is a critical piece or two that you are missing here. The standard picture of a light wave being 1 or 2 squiggly lines is NOT what light is. The up and downs of that picture represent a shift from positive to negative and back to positive of the lights electric and magnetic fields. Your statement, "A star emits a 7 cycle burst..." is not what happens. Light is only emitted or absorbed in discrete quanta called Photons. In spite of this, it still behaves extremely similar to any other wave, such as a water or sound wave, and does in fact exhibit doppler shift.

Another problem is that frequency shift due to the expansion of space is similar to, but not exactly like the Doppler Effect. (At least to my knowledge) As far as I know the expansion of space actually "stretches" out the light wave as it travels, resulting in a frequency shift. Whether there is any technical difference between the two is beyond me.

FAQ: Please explain Dopler effect of light

1. What is the Doppler effect of light?

The Doppler effect of light is a phenomenon in which the frequency and wavelength of light waves appear to change when there is relative motion between the source of the light and the observer. This effect is similar to the Doppler effect observed in sound waves.

2. How does the Doppler effect of light work?

The Doppler effect of light is based on the principle that the frequency of light waves is directly proportional to the speed of the source of light. When the source of light is moving towards the observer, the wavelength appears to be shorter and the frequency appears to be higher. Conversely, when the source of light is moving away from the observer, the wavelength appears to be longer and the frequency appears to be lower.

3. What causes the Doppler effect of light?

The Doppler effect of light is caused by the relative motion between the source of light and the observer. This motion can be either towards or away from the observer, and it affects the frequency and wavelength of the light waves that are observed.

4. What are some real-life examples of the Doppler effect of light?

The Doppler effect of light can be observed in various phenomena in everyday life. For example, the redshift and blueshift of light from distant galaxies is a result of the Doppler effect. Similarly, the change in color of a siren on a moving emergency vehicle is also due to the Doppler effect of light.

5. How is the Doppler effect of light used in scientific research?

The Doppler effect of light is a valuable tool in scientific research, particularly in the fields of astronomy and cosmology. By studying the redshift and blueshift of light from distant sources, scientists can gather information about the speed, direction, and distance of celestial objects. The Doppler effect of light is also used in the study of the expansion of the universe and the movement of stars and galaxies.
