Geolocation of emitters using an interferometer array

In summary: I am sorry. Maybe I shall read this paper again. I think I didn't get your point in the previous post. Thank you.Senmeissenmeis,You have not yet explained in detail what your area of interest is and what you are trying to accomplish. The patent you referenced is not very detailed and could cover many different systems. If you can provide more information and context, it will be easier for members to provide helpful responses. Otherwise, we are just guessing at what you are asking. Please provide as much detail as possible and ask specific questions. Thank you.
  • #1

in a paper about geolocation of emitters using an interferometer array I read such a description about a kind of array:

Such arrays support locating emitters using some form of triangulation or bearings-only geolocation over several dwells as the satellite moves in its orbit.

I wonder what triangulation and bearings-only geolocaion mean here. What’s the main principles of these two in geolocation?

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  • #2
“emitters†of what ?
  • #3
senmeis, Welcome to Physics Forums!

In order to facilitate members here offering useful responses it is important to first provide a reference or link to explain in as much detail as possible exactly what your area of interest is. Otherwise, members will either guess and speculate about your meaning or not respond at all.

Here's my guess: you are asking about electronic warfare wherein one force tries to locate radio frequency emitters of the opposing force passively, thereby not announcing their presence. See this:

"Passive Geolocation for Multiple Receivers with No Initial State Estimate"

If you can find your answer in this paper, let us know. If you have any further questions, pleas post them here, making sure you supply enough detailed information.

Cheers, Bobbywhy
  • #5
senmeis, Have you actually read and studied that patent? In claim number 5, the use of interferometer arrays is described in exact detail.

The method of triangulation and bearings-only geolocation is described in exquisite detail in the article linked in my post number 3.

If you have some specific questions, please post them here. Physics Forums members are always ready and willing to assist a true “searcherâ€.
  • #6
Baluncore said:
“emitters†of what ?
It really wouldn't matter what it emitted, say sound waves. If so the sensors would just be able to respond to sound of X bandwidth and of course subject to the limitations of that medium. Or emitters of radiation, same thing, the basic triangulation method would work on both of those types, again subject to the limitations of the medium, like radiation getting attenuated in the atmosphere and such. Even RF has those kinds of limitations such as low frequencies not penetrating the ionosphere thus the whole system would be bandwidth limited, only frequencies higher than say 30 mhz would get through the ionosphere if the sensors were in some kind of Earth orbit. That frequency limit would go up and down in frequency depending on what part of the solar cycle we were in att.
  • #7
After years of ionospheric prediction, OHR and radio astronomy, I quite understand the subject of ionospheric transparency.

litup said:
It really wouldn't matter what it emitted,
But it makes a big difference to the time it takes to compile a meaningful answer. I did not have that time. To be helpful we needed more information as is evidenced by Bobbywhy's post.

The OP asked a question without giving any information about their field of interest or their level of understanding, which makes it more difficult to provide a concise or helpful answer. We now know the question arose from a patent specification. Interestingly, a patent is not a peer reviewed document, so all sorts of vague and wide open claims are made in patents. Maybe this partly explains why there was so little information in the OP.

litup said:
only frequencies higher than say 30 mhz would get through the ionosphere if the sensors were in some kind of Earth orbit.
Is that millihertz, (mHz), or megahertz, (MHz)?
Radio astronomy observations using interferometers looking through the ionosphere have been made well below 1 MHz, indeed Grote Reber observed in the 500 kHz to 3 MHz MW band.
  • #8
Thank you for all of your advices. I just want to do a simulation with the concept of this patent for my semester paper. Somehow I find this antenna constellation very interesting, different from the conventional one with X and Y crossing.

I think this configuration is related to number theory. Maybe I shall read such articles before I can invent a new constellation.

  • #9
As far as I understand, the six areas on the Earth surface in Figure 8C represent ambiguities. Within each area is the so called measurement error area which is determined by the accuracy of the antenna array. Is it correct?

  • #10
Bobbywhy said:
senmeis, Welcome to Physics Forums!

In order to facilitate members here offering useful responses it is important to first provide a reference or link to explain in as much detail as possible exactly what your area of interest is. Otherwise, members will either guess and speculate about your meaning or not respond at all.

Here's my guess: you are asking about electronic warfare wherein one force tries to locate radio frequency emitters of the opposing force passively, thereby not announcing their presence. See this:

"Passive Geolocation for Multiple Receivers with No Initial State Estimate"

If you can find your answer in this paper, let us know. If you have any further questions, pleas post them here, making sure you supply enough detailed information.

Cheers, Bobbywhy

I have read this document. It seems bearings are just angles between connections from emitter to receivers and the x axis.

This document describes the measurements where at least two separate devices are needed. It is different from the above patent. Do I understand it correctly?


FAQ: Geolocation of emitters using an interferometer array

1. How does an interferometer array work for geolocation of emitters?

An interferometer array works by using multiple antennas to detect the signals emitted by a target. The phase difference between the signals received by each antenna is used to calculate the direction of the emitter.

2. What is the advantage of using an interferometer array for geolocation?

Compared to a single antenna system, an interferometer array provides higher accuracy and resolution in geolocation. It also has the ability to detect and track multiple emitters simultaneously.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of geolocation using an interferometer array?

The accuracy of geolocation using an interferometer array can be affected by the number and placement of the antennas, atmospheric conditions, and signal interference.

4. Can an interferometer array be used for geolocation in both land and sea environments?

Yes, an interferometer array can be used for geolocation in both land and sea environments. However, the performance may vary depending on the specific conditions and terrain.

5. Are there any limitations to geolocation using an interferometer array?

One limitation of geolocation using an interferometer array is that it requires a clear line of sight between the target and the antennas. Additionally, the accuracy may decrease when the target is in close proximity to the antennas or when there are reflective surfaces in the environment.

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