Gender Segregation in Engineering Colleges - YouTube

  • Thread starter siddharth
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In summary: They're not qualified to operate a university, because they can't even follow the most basic rules of discipline.
  • #1
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A couple of my former high school classmates currently in those "engineering colleges" confirm that the content of the video is sadly accurate.
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  • #2
Too right as well girls are a distraction and their icky too as well I'm told. :smile:
  • #3
That video is an example of panic journalism. Use emotionally charged words and dramatic music, and they'll have you thinking that a million orphans are being slaughtered. Instead, they're simply reporting on archaic gender separation rules, not even trying to hide their journalistic bias.

"A double standard refers to the treatment of one classification of people differently than other groups of people." They did not report on a double standard. The rules apply to males as much as to females.

I hate to say it, but there are places around the world with a true double standard, where sexism is the norm of the culture. Think it's unfair that males can't talk to females and must use their own staircase, and vice versa? Try living somewhere where woman aren't allowed to go to college period, cannot be seen in public without a male relative as an escort, aren't allowed to drive, can't show any skin or hair, and have truly segregated public buildings, and are murdered for the slightest infraction (or perceived infraction). That's something to be outraged out.
  • #4
Laura1013 said:
That video is an example of panic journalism. Use emotionally charged words and dramatic music, and they'll have you thinking that a million orphans are being slaughtered. Instead, they're simply reporting on archaic gender separation rules, not even trying to hide their journalistic bias.

"A double standard refers to the treatment of one classification of people differently than other groups of people." They did not report on a double standard. The rules apply to males as much as to females.

I agree that the phrase "double standard" was used out of context, and the report indulged in sensationalism, but panic journalism is better than no journalism.

I hate to say it, but there are places around the world with a true double standard, where sexism is the norm of the culture. Think it's unfair that males can't talk to females and must use their own staircase, and vice versa?

I think it is definitely unfair that students are segregated, fined, punished in public and suspended just for talking to members of the opposite sex.

Try living somewhere where woman aren't allowed to go to college period, cannot be seen in public without a male relative as an escort, aren't allowed to drive, can't show any skin or hair, and have truly segregated public buildings, and are murdered for the slightest infraction (or perceived infraction). That's something to be outraged out.

Of course. The insane laws in such places are based on extreme (usually religious) ideologies.

But that wasn't meant to be the topic of this thread. I live in the city where these universities are, and some of my friends study there. I find it sad that the educational institutions are able to get away with such crazy laws.
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  • #5
siddharth said:
I think it is definitely unfair that students are segregated, fined, punished in public and suspended just for talking to members of the opposite sex.

Oh, I agree, it's unfair, and personally, I wouldn't stand for it. But to be fair to the institutions, those students knew the rules before the enrolled, and are free to leave if they don't like them (parental pressures aside). I was pointing out that "unfair" is subjective, and there are far worse rules out there.
  • #6
Laura1013 said:
Oh, I agree, it's unfair, and personally, I wouldn't stand for it. But to be fair to the institutions, those students knew the rules before the enrolled, and are free to leave if they don't like them (parental pressures aside).

Unfortunately, the major problem lies there. The admission procedure to all universities in the state is through a common entrance test for all students in the state. Since these universities are located in a major city, there's intense competition for limited seats, and students usually don't have freedom in choosing better universities. Besides, there's also quite a bit of parental pressure.

See here for a deeper discussion of this issue.

I was pointing out that "unfair" is subjective, and there are far worse rules out there.

Sure, but that doesn't make this "right".

My major objection is that these educational institutions shouldn't get government accreditation in the first place.

FAQ: Gender Segregation in Engineering Colleges - YouTube

1. What is gender segregation in engineering colleges?

Gender segregation in engineering colleges refers to the separation of male and female students in different classes, activities, or facilities within the same educational institution. This practice is commonly seen in STEM fields, particularly in engineering programs.

2. Why is gender segregation practiced in engineering colleges?

The reasons for gender segregation in engineering colleges can vary. Some institutions may argue that it helps create a more comfortable learning environment for students, while others may cite cultural or religious beliefs. Gender stereotypes and biases may also play a role in this practice.

3. What are the potential impacts of gender segregation in engineering colleges?

Studies have shown that gender segregation in engineering colleges can reinforce gender stereotypes and limit opportunities for collaboration and diverse perspectives. It can also perpetuate a lack of diversity in the STEM field and contribute to a gender pay gap in engineering careers.

4. Is gender segregation mandatory in all engineering colleges?

No, gender segregation is not mandatory in all engineering colleges. Some institutions have moved towards co-educational programs and have seen positive results in terms of increased diversity and collaboration among students.

5. How can we promote diversity and inclusion in engineering colleges?

We can promote diversity and inclusion in engineering colleges by actively challenging gender stereotypes and biases, implementing inclusive policies and practices, and encouraging a diverse representation of students and faculty. This can help create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.

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